A part of what makes Hades such a memorable experience is the strong theme its story holds. There is an endless list of games set in Greek mythology, but few manage to make the setting as fun as Hades does. As well as the beautiful artwork, the Olympian Gods that can be encountered in runs all have very distinct personalities, with the writing and voice acting making them come alive in a new way.

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Unfortunately, there's only so much screen time in the game, and it meant that some Gods had to be left out of the experience. Additionally, there are more than just the Olympian Gods in Greek Mythology, leaving the door open for some incredible DLC opportunities and challenges for Hades.

10 Hemera - Goddess of Day


Image by: Alanya

One of the first characters players meet in Hades is Nyx, who herself is the Primordial Goddess of Night. These Primordial Deities are said to be the first generation of deities in Greek Mythology. They weren't as actively worshipped as the Olympians, but they played a crucial role.

Hemera is important because she is Nyx's daughter. The Goddess of Night giving birth to the Goddess of Day is an interesting look into how the Greeks viewed the creation of the world. They correctly assumed that the darkness of space - which Earth sees at night - is the default setting of the universe, so to speak, and the concept of daytime was something the came later.

9 Achlys - The Goddess of Poisons


Image by: Katherine Riv

Achlys is one of the Primordial Deities that historians know the least about. They are referenced quite scarcely throughout history, and there isn't even a known statue or drawing designed to represent them from the period.

However, this kind of fact leaves things completely open to write a fictional tale about them. This is the kind of God where the writers wouldn't be so constricted by existing mythology that they have to work around. They're an interesting God too, in Homer, Achlys is described as the mist that shrouds a person's eyes in death. That's creepy enough of a starting point.

8 Nemesis - The Goddess of Retribution


Image by: Pierre-Paul Prud'hon

Nemesis' origins are quite murky, some claim them to be a daughter of Zeus, while others say they're yet another offspring of Nyx. Either way, their role is the same, to bring divine retribution upon mortals. Greek mythology is filled with mortals doing things that upset the Gods, and Nemesis was often unleashed to put them in their place.

Using her in the game has fairly obvious implications, as they'd make a brilliant boss and addition among the existing gods in Hades. Additionally, story aspects could focus around them, as some sources say that Nemesis is the mother to the famous Helen of Troy.

7 Rhea - Goddess of Fertility & Motherhood


Image by: Gerard Mirabelli

Rhea Gods known as Titans. These are more commonly referenced and explored in Greek Mythology, as they are the parents and progenitors of the Olympian Gods. Rhea, specifically, is one of the most important, as she is the mother to Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

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Including them in the game for DLC would be brilliant from a thematic standpoint. Zagreus' quest focuses on finding his mother against Hades' wishes and eventually reuniting his family. So a similar quest involving Hades' mother would be an interesting route to take.

6 Atlas - God of Endurance & Astronomy


Image by: Lalupa

Endurance and astronomy are not two concepts that seem to pair well together. On the surface, there is very little linking these elements, but Atlas' story reveals all. Atlas was a Titan, and when the Olympians rose up to overthrow the Titans, Atlas sided with his peers.

The Olympians eventually won this war, and Zeus handed down punishments to all those who had fought against him. Atlas' punishment was that he must carry the heavens on his shoulders, which is where both endurance and astronomy come from. If Zagreus ever finds a way to travel up to Olympus, it would be interesting to see Altas involved in that process.

5 Cronus - God of Harvests


Image By: Pierre Mignard

God of Harvests is a relatively humble title (as humble as a title involving the word "God" can be), so it may surprise people to learn that Cronus was, in fact, the leader of the Titans. He was the youngest Titan but grew jealous of the power his father, Uranus, held as God of the Sky, so he overthrew him.

His role in Olympian mythology is crucial, as not only would be the father to many Gods, including Zeus and Hades but would be overthrown by Zeus to begin the rule of the Olympians. These myths take note that Cronus was not killed by Zeus, but instead, imprisoned in Tartarus, a location players go through in their attempts to escape the underworld.

4 Hestia - Goddess of Home, Domesticity & Chastity


Image By: Greekartshop1

Hestia is one of the Olympians who was left out of the game, and when looking into their mythology it's clear as to see why. Not only is it their role a very clear example of how women are viewed and treated throughout history, the "Goddess of staying at home" wouldn't be able to offer much help in Zagreus' quest to escape his own home.

As far as mythology is concerned, she plays a very minor role. Some accounts say she even gave up her seat at Olympus in favor of Dionysis, who players do meet in the game. Greeks would honor her in several ways, primarily by offering her the first and last of the wine at feasts.

3 Hera - Goddess of Marriage & Childbirth


Images By: Marie-Lan Nguyen

Yet another fine example of how women were viewed in Greek society, Hera is both the sister and wife of Zeus. This may sound like a big deal, but when looking back through the history of Greek Gods, this sort of thing was par for the course.

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It further looks bad for Hera, as she is presented as a rather vengeful and jealous figure in the majority of her stories. This wouldn't be too bad, but the root of this bitterness comes from Zeus' multiple infidelities as a husband. Once again, the fact that she's presented as "bitter" and "jealous" for getting upset about this says an uncomfortable amount about the worldview of the Greeks, and it's no surprise the developers of Hades decided to side-step the matter entirely.

2 Hephaestus - God of Metalworking & Craft


Image By: Guilliaume Coustou

Son of Zeus and Hera (or just Hera, depending on the source), Hephaestus is an odd exclusion from the game. While he's not the most prominent of Olympians, his role as the blacksmith for the Gods seems like he'd be a perfect fit mechanically for the game.

There are a bunch of different weapons available in Hades, and their explanation for being around and available for Zagreus' use makes little sense. This is where Hephaestus could've been used. He could've found a way to smuggle these weapons to Zagreus, which would still explain why they cost resources to unlock.

1 Apollo - God of Arts, Knowledge & Healing


Image By: Vatican Museums

Apollo is the strangest omission from Hades. Partly because they're one of the more prominent Olympians, but also because they have so many roles. Apollo is listed as not just the God of Arts, Knowledge, and Healing, but also: Music, Plague, Poetry, Manly Beauty, and Archery. An add combination to be sure, but surely one that could've been used somehow?

Apollo's abilities could've centered around healing Zagreus in minor ways with attacks and abilities. Alternatively, they could've gone the plague root and allow players to inflict poison damage. As the twin brother of Artemis, who is in the game, there is even story potential in having the two of them together.

NEXT: The Strongest Duo Boons In Hades And How To Get Them