Among its many well-received elements, the fast and frenetic fighting of Hades helped it stand out from other action-based rogue-likes. As Zagreus passes the torch to his sister, Melinoe, for Hades 2, the combat is primed to continue in its satisfying tradition. One element that kept the battles feeling fresh in the original game were the additional aspects that could be unlocked for each weapon. If Hades 2 continues the tradition of unlocking hidden aspects for each weapon, it should dig deep into mythology just like the first game did.

In the original Hades, Zagreus could unlock a total of six weapons, each of which had a hidden aspect linked to a mythological figure outside the realm of Greek Mythology. Those figures included King Arthur, Guan Yu, Beowulf, Rama, Gilgamesh, and Lucifer. Like so many aspects of Hades, these additions not only enriched the gameplay, but the story as well. Hades 2 can improve upon the original by embracing the opportunity to expand its world using the Hidden Aspects system again, allowing the characters the aspects reference to at least briefly interact with Melinoe.

RELATED: All Features Confirmed for Hades 2 So Far

Hades 2 Should Feature More Powerful Women


Like Arthur in the original game, Hades 2 should start with a well-known figure in the Western world: Joan of Arc. While Joan of Arc is a real historical figure, there was a common belief that she was acting under divine guidance which would be more than enough to justify her inclusion. As a female warrior and early feminist figure, it makes complete sense that she would lend her hidden aspect to Melinoe. If Supergiant Games allows Melinoe to speak with Joan, she would certainly have some prescient advice to offer to another young woman engaging in combat to the benefit of powerful men.

Another historical figure who has enough mythology built up around her to warrant her inclusion in Hades 2 is Cleopatra. The original femme fatale, Cleopatra helped Egypt to flourish and withstand the Roman Empire for a significant amount of time during its height of power. The fact that the Romans conquered both Greece and eventually Egypt would make this tie-in more fun since both Cleopatra and Melinoe would share that common enemy. A final historical figure, mostly known from folklore, is the Pirate Queen of Ireland Grace O’Malley. Hailing from the 16th century, she’d be the closest figure to the modern age, but the exciting story of a female pirate captain fighting against the mighty English Empire is certainly noteworthy enough for inclusion. While Melinoe is different than Zagreus in plenty of ways, improving her combat skills seems like an aspect that will carry over from the first game.

The Goddess of Death in Hades 2


Hades 2 is full of Olympic and Chthonic gods, and the hidden aspects open the doors to gods and goddesses from other cultures as well. Itzpapalotl, the Aztec Goddess of Death, is a perfect candidate to fill that role. Her name roughly translates to clawed butterfly and she can appear as a seductress or a terrifying, nightmare figure with a skeleton head with butterfly wings - in other words, a perfect fit for the world of Hades. Two final inclusions could be Mu Guiying, a martial arts master and legendary heroine from the Song Dynasty, and the Trung sisters, two military leaders who helped repel a Chinese invasion of Vietnam.

Whether it's with these heroines and goddesses or others, Supergiant Games would be dropping the ball if it doesn’t include opportunities for Hades 2 to go beyond the Greek underworld. By allowing Melinoe to interact with these powerful and intriguing women, the hidden aspect system could be greatly improved. Either way, Hades 2 is sure to offer up more exciting combat and enticing new characters.

Hades 2 is in development.

MORE: What Hades 2 Can Learn From Its Predecessor's Postgame