Hades 2 features a group of five weapons for Melnoë to use to complete her task. While the basic version of these five weapons offer a wide range of possibilities when paired with the various boons offered by the gods, there is actually much more for players to explore once they reach an important point in the game. Like its predecessor, Hades 2 includes an entire system of weapon upgrades known as Aspects.

Hades 2: Best Boons, Ranked

New and returning Gods in Hades 2 will offer Melinoë boons to help her accomplish her task – these are the best for any build.

Weapon Aspects in Hades 2 are altered versions of the Nocturnal Arms that were once wielded by a variety of characters other than Melinoë. These Aspects offer totally different effects that can drastically alter the way they perform during runs. This guide will explain the process of unlocking each weapon, and how to reveal and unlock all Aspects of the Nocturnal Arms.

Hades 2 is in Early Access . This means that major sections of the game could change before the official 1.0 release. If any major changes or additions are made to the process of unlocking and revealing the Nocturnal Arms and their Aspects, this guide will be updated accordingly.

How to Unlock All Weapons in Hades 2


There are five basic weapons that make up Hades 2's Nocturnal Arms. Use the following recipes at the Silver Pool to unlock them:

Nocturnal Armament

Unlock Recipe

Witch's Staff

  • Available by default at the start of Hades 2

Sister Blades

  • SIlver x1

Moonstone Axe

  • Silver x15

Umbral Flames

  • Silver x3
  • Cinder x3

Argent Skull

  • Glassrock x2
  • Bronze x1
  • Argent Skull is not available immediately. Progress through the main story, use each of the other weapons. Eventually, it will be revealed in the Silver Pool.

How to Reveal Weapon Aspects in Hades 2


Once the player has unlocked each of the Nocturnal Arms, they are ready to begin the process of revealing all Weapon Aspects in Hades 2. The steps to completing this task are as follows:

  • Step 1: Attempt a run with each weapon. You do not need to complete a run, simply use each weapon in a run. While it has not been confirmed, it may be wise to attempt to beat Hecate with each weapon, but it does not appear to be necessary, as she was not defeated with the Umbral Flames for this guide, and the process worked.
  • Step 2: With all weapons unlocked and used for a run, the next time you face and defeat Hecate, she will unlock an Incantation. This Incantation, known as 'Aspect of Night and Darkness,' will now be available at the Cauldron.
  • Head to the Cauldron once you return to the Crossroads. Complete the Incantation, then head to the Silver Pool at the Training Grounds to see the complete list of Weapon Aspects.

Incantation Name


Aspect of Night and Darkness

  • Bronze x5
  • Nightshade x1

All Weapon Aspects in Hades 2


Once Aspect of Night and Darkness is complete, Melinoë can visit the Silver Pool to see the full list of every Aspect currently available. Each Aspect must be unlocked using the same types of crafting materials used to unlock everything in Hades 2.

All Witch's Staff Aspects:


Unlock Recipe


Aspect of Melinoë

  • Standard version of the Witch's Staff
  • Can now be upgraded at the Silver Pool
  • You channel your Ω moves faster
  • Each rank improves channel speed.

Aspect of Circe

  • Silver x5
  • Lotus x5
  • After landing 21 attacks or specials, gain Serenity
  • Serenity: Your Ω moves are 15% faster, and you rapidly restore Magick.
  • Each rank increases Serenity duration

Aspect of Momos

  • While you have no more than 50% life, absorb your Ω Special to restore 5 life.
  • Each rank improves special and Omega Special power.

All Sister Blades' Aspects:

Aspect Name

Unlock Recipe


Aspect of Melinoë

  • Standard version of the Sister Blades
  • Can now be upgraded
  • Attacks and Specials deal more damage by striking foes from behind.
  • Each rank increases backstab damage.

Aspect of Artemis

  • While you channel your Ω Attack, you occasionally Parry, then Riposte right after.
  • Each rank increases Omega Attack speed.

Aspect of Pan

  • Your Specials seek foes in your Casts, and fire more blades after you Channel.
  • Each rank increases Omega Bonus Blades.

All Moonstone Axe Aspects:


Unlock Recipe


Aspect of Melinoë

  • Standard version of the Moonstone Axe
  • Can now be upgraded
  • You recover faster after using your Attacks and Specials.
  • Each rank increases recovery speed.

Aspect of Charon

  • Your Cast lasts +3 seconds, and erupts like your Ω Cast if struck by your Ω Special.
  • Each rank increases Cleave-Cast size and damage.

Aspect of Thanatos

  • Whenever you hit with Ω Moves, gain +1% Critical chance until you take damage.
  • Each rank increases Max Critical chance.

All Umbral Flame Aspects:

Aspect Name

Unlock Recipe


Aspect of Melinoë

  • Standard version of the Umbral Flames
  • Can now be upgraded
  • Flames from your Ω Special burn longer before expiring.
  • Each rank increases Omega Special Duration

Aspect of Moros

  • Your attacks linger for 6 seconds, and explode in a blast if struck by your Specials.
  • Each rank increases Blast damage.

Aspect of Eos

  • Driftwood x2
  • Golden Apple x2
  • Your Attacks grow bigger and stronger over 4 seconds, and return whenever you Sprint.
  • Each rank increases Full-Grown damage.

All Argent Skull Aspects:

Aspect Name

Unlock Recipe


Aspect of Melinoë

  • Standard version of the Argent Skull
  • Can now be upgraded
  • Your Attacks have more Power for each Shell fired and not yet retrieved.
  • Each rank increases Power per Spent Shell.

Aspect of Medea

  • Iron x4
  • Nightshade x1
  • Your Attack stays within reach, and explodes in a large area on impact or after 3 seconds.
  • Each rank increases Attack & Special damage.

Aspect of Persephone

  • Any damage you deal generates Glory, which enhances your Ω Special.
  • Each rank enhances Omega damage.

These are currently all the Weapon Aspects currently available in Hades 2 . The original game featured a separate group of Aspects known as 'Hidden Aspects,' which revealed an extremely powerful secret form of each weapon. These all had intricate unlocking requirements, and were not available when the game first entered Early Access. If any new Aspects are brought into Hades 2 at any point, they will be added to this guide as soon as possible.

How to Upgrade Weapons in Hades 2


Remember that each weapon, including all Aspects, can be upgraded in Hades 2. To do this, head to the Silver Pool in the Training Grounds once Aspects have been revealed. When interacting with the pool, players should notice a new tab in the menu that is marked by a heart. Visiting this tab will reveal the upgrade system. Each Aspect will be listed here, along with the requirements for upgrading.

  • Aspects of Melinoë will require basic materials, like Silver and Psyche, for upgrading. This is true regardless of which weapon you pick.
  • The Aspects that belonged to other characters throughout history will require more rare and unusual materials. Players will notice that these Aspects require Nightmare, and extremely rare material that can only be acquired at the Altar behind the Silver Pool.

Each weapon has five ranks of upgrades, each of which improves a specific portion of a weapon's skill. These upgrades can help immensely, especially when amplified by the boons offered by the gods.