Like the first game, Hades 2 launched into Early Access first before heading into an official release. It took two years for Hades to reach its 1.0 status, so maybe it will take just as long for Hades 2 to get into a finalized state in 2026. So far, the reception is wildly high on Steam as fans of the original are digging.

Hades 2: Beginners Tips and Guide

Hades 2 can be a tough challenge for newcomers. With these beginner tips, players can learn the basics of the game.

Part of the fun in getting into an Early Access game is discovering new things beyond what anyone else is talking about. Because everything is so fresh, some players may be missing out on these facts and tips. Here's a quick look at some things players may be missing out on.

8 There Is One Assist Option Hidden In The Settings

Become A God Through Death

The settings in Hades 2

Before starting a game, a lot of players aren’t in the habit of checking the settings. Hades 2 doesn’t have difficulty modes but it does have one assist option hidden in the settings called God Mode. This will give players an extra boost to their defenses by 20%.

Every time players die, this defensive boost will increase by 2% permanently or until God Mode is turned off. For those struggling with this game, or for those that struggle with roguelikes in general, it’s not a bad idea to always check settings just in case there is a God Mode like in Hades 2.

7 You Can Quit Mid-Run

Hades 2 Saves Between Rooms

Fighting enemies with Witch’s Staff weapon in Hades 2

Sometimes a run in a roguelike will last hours and sometimes it will last minutes. Every roguelike is different in that some save progress while in a session while others demand players to finish before quitting. Hades 2 will save progress every time players go through a door.

This means players can quit anytime they want and they don’t have to worry about losing progress. Just hit Quit in the options and players will be brought back to the title screen. It’s a nice thing to know in case life gets in the way of gaming for whatever reason.

6 Improving Melinoe’s Grasp

It Goes Beyond 10

Upgrading grasp in Hades 2

Melinoe has a different permanent upgrade system compared to Zagreus. Players can unlock Arcana cards in Hades 2 that will do everything from boosting Melinoe’s attack to granting her bonuses by entering doors. Each card has an assigned number to it and Melinoe’s limit is ten to start and this limit is called a Grasp.

Hades 2: Every Weapon In Early Access, Ranked

With Hades 2 now in early access, players have been experimenting with the game's starting weapons, and have found that some are better than others.

Grasp can be upgraded right away using a material called Psyche. Players just need to click over to Melinoe’s portrait in the Arcana menu, which isn’t explicitly explained, and then the upgrade option will appear. The more Grasp players have, the more Arcana cards they can carry.

5 There Are Secret Bosses

From Rats To Sea Monsters

Fighting Charybdis in Hades 2

There are six main bosses that players will encounter in the game. For example, Hecate is Hades 2’s first boss who is also Melinoe’s headmistress. There are two secret bosses players can uncover through the skull-shaped doors and their encounter rate is rare.

There is a rat named Uh-Oh who has a small chance of appearing in Oceanus. There is also a giant sea monster named Charybdis in the Rifts of Thessaly area.

4 Bathing With Your Pals

Somehow The Game Got Thirstier

The Spa in Hades 2

In the first game, players could give Nectar to NPCs to befriend them. This would lead to rewards and romance options which was one of the big things fans appreciated about Hades. That system returns in Hades 2, but Melinoe can also give NPCs Bath Salts.

This can happen after players build a spa in The Crossroads which they can do in Hades 2 through the Rite of Vapor-Cleansing Incantation. It’s a way to forge deeper bonds but it also gives players more fan service.

3 Hecate’s Sheep Curse Isn’t That Limiting

It’s Not That Baaad

Fighting Hecate in Hades 2

In that aforementioned boss fight with Hecate, there is a point where she will turn Melinoe into a sheep. There is no way to avoid this attack, so players just have to transform and dodge enemies and blasts. That’s how the game wants to make players feel, helpless.

Hades 2: Best Boons, Ranked

New and returning Gods in Hades 2 will offer Melinoë boons to help her accomplish her task – these are the best for any build.

However, players can do more than just run away in this sheep form. They can headbutt into trees, causing them to explode which will kill the enemy spawns. Players would be wise to save cutting them down until the third round.

2 Following The Fates

Give Yourself Mini-Challenges

Melinoe’s room in Hades 2

Players who are growing fond of Hades 2 on Steam will no doubt be chasing after achievements even in Early Access. There is an in-game achievement-like system too dictated by The Fates on a board back at HQ. Glancing over what they want players to do could influence what they do in the next run from what weapons they use to what doors they follow.

There is a small icon that players may miss which can further help this process. For example, certain Boons in Hades 2 will be marked with a scroll icon. This means The Fates want players to use that Boon. Keep an eye out for hidden icons like these.

1 Arcana Cards Can Be Upgraded

Create Moon Dust

The centaur arcana card in Hades 2

There is one more thing about Arcana that players may not realize. There is an Incantation called Consecration of Ashes which will allow players to upgrade unlocked Arcana cards through Moon Dust. This material can then be forged in the Incantation pot too.

For example, there is an Arcana card called Eternity which will help players defy death. Upgrading this card through Moon Dust will allow players to defy death twice. If they want to defy death even more, players should look into befriending Schelemeus who will give Melinoe the Luckier Tooth Keepsake in Hades 2.

Hades 2

Supergiant Games