
  • Hades 2's narrative may surpass expectations, with Supergiant Games building upon the original Hades' plot.
  • The game's early access period leaves room for speculation on the plot's future, with potential involvement of Chaos, Nyx, and new gods.
  • Melinoe's relationships with characters like Hades, Moros, and Nemesis may unlock more content, similar to the first game.

Those who have played Hades 2 and finished the game's story-related content will know that Melinoe's journey has more things that need to be unpacked. With everything players can currently access, it is clear that Supergiant Games is building a narrative that could go beyond everyone's expectations. While the sequel is set to present its plot better than the original Hades, how it will do it after its early access period is still up for speculation.

The current content in both the Underworld and the surface in Hades 2 is just the right amount to ensure that players are satisfied while giving them many things to look forward to. Though it's clear that Melinoe's story doesn't end after taking down either Chronos or Eris, there is still no official way to know what happens next. It is likely that only when the game is out of early access will it reveal who or what will be involved that concludes the sequel's plot. For now, players can only speculate about what could happen, but several pieces are already set up to give them an idea.

Hades 2: How To Speedrun

Want to learn how to get into speedrunning Hades 2? Here's a guide to teach you how to beat the game in record time.

What the Future Can Hold for the Plot of Hades 2

Many interesting plot points in Hades 2 will eventually fully intertwine to tell an exciting and cohesive plot. As for what could happen once players reach that point, a few possibilities include:

  • The Entropy item required for the "dissolution of time" incantation could hint at Chaos's involvement, as the definition of entropy is "the measure of the disorder of a system."
  • Entering Zagreus' room after beating the Titan of Time Chronos indicates the possibility of reuniting or going up against the previous game's protagonist.
  • Zagreus is possibly being controlled by Chronos to prevent Melinoe from stopping the Titan's invasion of Olympus.
  • The Fated List of Minor Prophecies tells Melinoe to locate the Three Fates, showing that Nyx and her other children could get heavily involved.
  • New Gods such as Typhon, Hyperion, and Erebus could be introduced as they play important roles for those involved in Olympus and the Underworld.

Although many other characters or items could take part, these have the highest likelihood of happening. While Hades 2 is still in early access, there is still a lot of time for the developers to consider what they want to happen and who they want to have involved in creating a compelling story.

How Melinoe’s Relationship With Other Characters Could Be Important to the Storyline

The deeper mythology dive of Hades 2 sets up Melinoe having to ally herself with several important figures to save her family and stop Chronos from taking over the realm of the Gods. Though she will have help from those who have aided her family in the past, there are also many new faces that she'll need to form a proper connection with. Doing so in a way similar to the first game will help make the story more meaningful, and it sets up potential content such as new items, characters, and developments.

Upon the game's full release, it could also follow in the footsteps of its predecessor by locking certain plot points behind character relationships. While somewhat intrusive, it can help ensure players are immersed in the tale the developers want to tell. It also incentivizes players to learn how to get Ambrosia and other giftable items, giving them more to do and these items more meaning. With the story currently being presented, deepening the bonds with characters such as Hades, Moros, Nemesis, Hecate, and possibly even Cerberus could be the keys that unlock more of the game's potential content.

The developers of Hades 2 have a lot to work with using the mythology of Melinoe and her relationship with the Gods. Although there is still no clear indicator of what could happen, what players are currently presented with is a good sign of things to come. Once the game is out of its early access state, there is a chance that it will have a story that matches or surpasses its predecessor in quantity and quality.