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As players explore the Regions of Hades 2, they will encounter holes (Chaos Gates) into which they can descend. Performing that action is not without its cost, though, as fans must sacrifice some amount of Life if they want to pass through those holes. This guide is here to help players decide if that cost is worth paying and if they should descend into Chaos in Hades 2.

Hades 2: Should You Descend?

It is first important to establish that players who descend into a hole will have the opportunity to obtain a Chaos Boon for the ongoing run. For the uninitiated, Chaos Boons in Hades 2 provide a variety of powerful effects, which become active after the player has worked through a temporary debuff. For example, a Chaos Boon might increase Melinoë's Max Life after the player has completed several Encounters with a Max Life reduction.

Hades 2: How to Get All Keepsakes (Nectar Gift Guide)

This guide details every Keepsake in Hades 2, and it will help players decide which characters should be the recepients of their Nectar.

The debuffs associated with Chaos Boons are typically removed after completing between two and five Encounters.

With the benefits of descending clarified, the first thing that players should consider when deciding whether to enter a Chaos Gate in Hades 2 is their current Life. Indeed, while it can be tempting to always pursue Chaos Boons, fans are advised to skip them if they are very low on health and the loss of Life that is associated with descending could put them in jeopardy of expending a Death Defiance or failing a run.

Likewise, players may want to skip a Chaos Boon if they are getting very close to a Region's Guardian, as it can be difficult to battle a boss before a Chaos debuff has been removed. That said, it is certainly possible to beat Guardians while afflicted with a debuff, and fans who have defeated a Region's boss several times should not let their proximity to the foe deter them from descending.

hades 2 should you descend

The final thing that players should consider is what they will be missing out on if they do opt to descend through a Chaos Gate. Indeed, if a room's standard exit leads to a god with a Boon that would fit perfectly into the player's build, they may want to skip the trip to Chaos. By contrast, if the standard exit leads to a room that awards a meta-progression reagent in Hades 2, like Ashes, Bones, or Psyche, then it is definitely advisable to descend.

In summary, Hades 2 players should not descend if the Life-loss that is inflicted upon passing through a Chaos Gate, or the debuffs associated with Chaos Boons, could lead to the run's failure. Additionally, fans should not descend if they will lose a chance at earning a highly-desirable Boon by doing so. Outside those specific situations, players should feel free to descend and enjoy the powerful effects that Chaos grants.

Hades 2

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