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Getting past Hecate is already pretty tough for a lot of new and returning Hades players in Hades 2. The Witch of the Crossroads is not exactly easy to get past and even when you do make it past her, you've still got a long way to go until Chronos. The next area after Erebus, for example, is Oceanus, a side path that eventually leads all the way down to Tartarus. However, at the end of Oceanus there's another roadblock waiting for Melinoë, Scylla.

6 God Design Changes In Hades 2

Just about every returning God or Goddess character seen in Hades 2 has had their design updated in some way, so let's look in-depth.

Scylla is a monster of legendary proportions in Greek Mythology and as such is a pretty fearsome foe. Once you manage to focus on her fight instead of the incredible music in the background, you'll notice she and her band of Sirens are pretty tough. So, let's break down this fight in-depth and go over exactly how you're meant to get past her in Hades 2.

Scylla & The Sirens Overview

How This Inititially Chaotic Fight Actually Works

Hades 2 - Scylla Defeated Screen

When the fight against Scylla and the Sirens first starts, it can be pretty overwhelming. An absolutely stellar song kicks in that makes it hard to focus on the task at hand, there are three separate characters attacking Melinoë, and the circular explosive attacks on the ground move across the stage in such a way that you typically end up dodging into the next one instead of away from it. However, once you go through this fight even a couple of times, it becomes a lot easier to parse. In general, just know that the Siren on the Drums (Roxy, to be precise) will never move and the one playing the keytar (Jetty) typically only has two attacks that are easy to see coming. Meanwhile, Scylla herself does have a bit of a wide range of possible attacks, but most of them are relatively short range allowing you to escape to the other side of the arena to catch your breath if needed.

The overall game plan for this boss battle is to keep track of incoming projectiles (in particular the ground AoE attacks) while focusing one of the two Sirens backing Scylla up and taking them out first before fully focusing on Scylla herself. Of course, if you can kite them all into the same general area, you can do a lot of damage to all three at once, but this also runs the risk of having three overlapping attacks hit you as well.

Typically it's better to fight them as separately as possible for maximum safety, though it's pretty tough to keep Scylla away while taking out Roxy since she's stationary and all. There are two general 'phases' to this fight as well, with the game picking a 'Featured Artist' for the second half of the fight at random. As a whole Phase 2 is very similar to the first phase, they're just a bit more aggressive and the Featured Artist will unleash some new attacks that can be a bit tougher to deal with.

The Siren's Catalogue Of Moves

Just Keep an Eye Out For Anything Pink

As a general rule of thumb, most if not all of the attacks these three Sirens use are primarily pink in color. This means, that as long as you try to avoid anything pink as much as possible, you'll usually stay pretty healthy.

Disclaimer: There are no 'official' names for any of her attacks, so these are ones we've come up with, don't make fun of our naming sense too much.

Still, that doesn't help you understand what attacks to look out for, the best way to handle each one, or which ones are the most dangerous, so let's break down their entire move list, at least as it currently stands in the Early Access version of the game, now:

Move Name

Used By



Microphone Stand 'Stab'


Scylla's most basic attack and the one she typically uses the most during the final stretch before defeating her. Basically, Scylla 'winds up' reeling her body and the microphone stand back before briefly flashing white and then stabbing forward with said microphone.

A very basic attack that's very easy to avoid, just don't stand directly in the path of the microphone stand and you won't get hit.

Close Range 'Soundwave'


This is typically the attack Scylla starts the fight with the most and also the one she uses when you tend to stay pretty close to her overall. It's very easy to see, as Scylla essentially just unleashes a constant 'wave' of sound energy in a three-pronged triangular shape that deals constant damage if you're inside it.

This is a very close-range attack and it's incredibly easy to avoid as long as you keep your distance from Scylla (or even just attack her from the side) while she's using it.

Sound Explosions


This is the circular AoE we've mentioned a couple of times already, and both Scylla and Roxy can use this attack in different ways, with Scylla using it the most primarily. Essentially, Scylla will wave her wand/microphone out in front of her, and lines of pink circles will start appearing on the floor. After a second of 'pulsing' these circles explode inward, dealing damage to anything inside before a new line of circles appears next to where the first appeared, and this continues until the attack covers the whole arena.

More often than not, the direction these lines of circles are moving in the same direction you're trying to get out of the way in, so a lot of players often dodge one line of circles only to land in the next one and get hit. Try to keep track of the direction the lines are moving in and Dash the opposite direction. You can also Dash at the very instant before the explosion triggers and dodge the attack that way.

Musical Special


Scylla puts her arm up (the one not holding the microphone) and starts to almost 'headbang' while that same arm becomes surrounded by pink energy. Shortly after, she'll fire out a spherical projectile with a musical note in the center that very much resembles the default Ω Special Melinoë has with her Wand weapon. Depending on the phase of the fight Scylla can fire anywhere from 1 to 3+ of these Specials at once, and they'll track Melinoë for a short time before losing their tracking and exploding on their own shortly after.

These are a bit annoying to constantly avoid while fighting, but they're not very 'difficult' to avoid if that makes sense. They track your location, but they move slowly so you can always stay ahead of them or, at worst, just Dash through them and head in the other direction.

Sea Urchin Blast


We're not entirely sure if these are actually meant to be shaped like Sea Urchins, but Scylla's clamshell basically 'charges up' before firing out a line of about 12+ of these spiny projectiles in a shotgun spread.

Difficult to dodge if you're close to Scylla when she fires them, but if you have any sort of space between you and Scylla, the projectiles will likely spread out enough for you to just walk through the space between them. Otherwise, you can also Dash through them.

Crimson Spiral


For this next attack, Scylla first expels four lines of what appears to be blood in four cardinal directions. Then, after holding her free arm forward a sort of 'star' of pink energy appears below her hand and the four lines of blood burst into pink flame. Then, these now 'activated' lines start rotating around Scylla in a counter-clockwise direction for a short duration. If Scylla is the Featured Artist for the battle, she'll use a variation of this attack that can also sporadically fire Sea Urchin Blasts in between the lines of blood as well.

Probably the most annoying attack to have Scylla use while you're dealing with one of the other Sirens, but thankfully it's not very difficult to deal with. Just follow the rotation of the lines and you can avoid all damage, or, at worst, just Dash through a line if it gets too close.

Pinhead School Summon


Scylla only uses her summoning ability during the last 10-15 percent of her HP Bar, and she basically has the same animation as when she uses her Musical Special, but she headbangs for longer and during this animation, a bunch of the Pinheads spawn from the waters around here and start to surround Melinoë infinitely until she finishes off Scylla.

Honestly, it's typically worth just ignoring these fish entirely and focusing only on taking out Scylla during this attack. She's in the last part of her HP bar at this point and the fish will spawn infinitely until she's dead anyway. That said, they can stack up a lot of damage if you ignore them entirely, so try and use big AoE attacks that can hit Scylla and take out any nearby fish at the same time.

Shellback Keytar Bullets


Between the two Sirens backing up Scylla, Jetty on the keytar has more attacks. Granted, it's really only three attacks total, but that's three more to keep track of mid-fight. Her first one just has her launching a couple of those bouncing projectiles similar to the ones the Shellback uses.

These projectiles bounce forward in a straight line so they're relatively easy to avoid, just keep in mind that they bounce off walls too.

Soundwave Stun


Jetty's second attack option is a barrage of relatively narrow soundwaves (one of the only attacks that isn't pink) fired directly at Melinoë. If any of these connect they'll briefly stun Melinoë and typically keep her stunned until the barrage is over. However, this attack doesn't deal any damage, it only stuns.

Not necessary to really even avoid, but getting stunned or pushed back into one of Scylla's attacks with this is pretty frustrating, so it's best to Dash through Jetty when she starts this and she typically won't be able to turn fast enough to catch you before the attack ends.

Charging Attack


Jetty's third and final attack option has her rear back a bit on her tail before charging forward with her keytar. If she makes contact with a wall (or with you), she'll release a shockwave of pink energy on the ground extending outward.

Can be difficult to avoid if she charges towards you from off-screen, but if you know it's coming a simple Dash is easily enough to avoid this attack entirely.

Featured Artist: Sound Explosions


When Roxy is the Featured Artist in the fight, she has an attack where she utilizes Scylla's Sound Explosions, but in a different pattern. First, it starts out with a floral pattern surrounding Roxy, then individual lines of these circular explosions appear around Roxy, traveling in about a half circle around her. Oddly enough, this truly does seem to be Roxy's only real attack she can use.

Similar to the default Sound Explosions, just Dash through them at the right time & Dash in the opposite direction they're appearing in.

And that's all of the attacks these Sirens can use (that we've seen, at least). It may look like a long list, but keep in mind that 4 of these attacks are ones that only her backup Sirens can use, and she very rarely makes use of every attack option in a fight unless you let the fight drag on for too long. Just keep track of what phase your own, try and keep an eye out for the different opening telegraphs for the attacks, and keep your distance when necessary and you'll find that getting past this deep-sea carnivore and her cronies (and knabbing that Pearl reward) is a lot easier than it first appeared.

Hades 2

Supergiant Games