
  • Hades 2 evolves the successful formula of its predecessor with new gameplay mechanics and a fresh story featuring Melinoe as the protagonist.
  • Melinoe shares similarities with Zagreus but brings her own unique qualities, including a sincerity and seriousness that sets her apart.
  • With Melinoe's confident, sincere, and serious approach, Hades 2 steps out of Zagreus' shadow while retaining the elements that made the original game successful.

Hades 2, the sequel to Supergiant Games' hit Roguelike action RPG Hades, has officially entered early access and is already garnering a positive reception. Hades 2 takes the formula that led its predecessor to success and evolves it with changes to gameplay mechanics, as well as a new story with a combination of new and returning characters. Whereas players controlled Zagreus, son of Hades, in the first game, Melinoe, the daughter of Hades and sister of Zagreus, is the primary protagonist in Hades 2. Players familiar with Hades should feel somewhat at home in Hades 2, but they may quickly learn things are quite a bit different this time around as Melinoe is similar to her brother in some ways but can be starkly unique in others.

Zagreus and his evolving character stole the show in Hades, and now Melinoe takes the stage with a similar approach in Hades 2. However, in an effort to keep things fresh, Supergiant Games has ensured that Melinoe is not the same character her brother was, although the similarities she shares with Zagreus do have a tendency to shine through. Despite the similarities she shares with her older brother, Melinoe is her own person and portrays some contrasting characteristics that make her both a pleasure to watch and to play.

Hades 2: Why Hestia is One of the Game's Most Important New Characters

Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, makes her debut in Hades 2 and offers her scorching blessings to Melinoe as they battle the Titan Chronos.

How Hades 2's Melinoe Compares to Hades' Zagreus

Melinoe Shares Zagreus' Confident Yet Self-Critical Nature

As children of Hades and siblings, Melinoe and Zagreus share some of their most basic traits. Particularly, both Melinoe and Zagreus are confident in their ability and yet are very hard on themselves when they fall short in any way. In fact, it may very well be their extreme confidence that contributes to their self-deprecating nature. Melinoe is somewhat of a perfectionist, so she is very critical of herself when she fails. However, Zagreus could be considered even more self-critical, as his sarcastic and cynical tone often reveals his ever-depreciating self-esteem.

Neither Melinoe nor Zagreus could be rightfully considered proud, by any means, as each of them is more than willing to lend a hand where there is a need for one. They are both gentle and kindhearted, coupled with a willingness to exude confidence when necessary. This confidence is put on full display even more so during Hades' boss fights, as the over-confidence the bosses show often pulls the same out in both Melinoe and Zagreus.

Melinoe Is Much More Sincere and Serious Than Zagreus

Perhaps where Melinoe and Zagreus differ the most is in their view of the world around them. Hades' Zagreus was known for his sarcastic and devil-may-care attitude, despite still managing to be serious when the moment called for it. His dialogue often revealed that he sometimes didn't take matters too seriously simply because he didn't feel as though others cared all that much — namely, his father. Melinoe, on the other hand, is very sincere and serious in her approach, both to her companions and her enemies.

Melinoe has a very proper way about her and seems to carry herself in a way that Zagreus didn't. It's not necessarily true that one protagonist is better or stronger than the other, but Melinoe does seem to be a bit more level-headed than her brother. She takes her assignments very seriously, and although she's not necessarily a people pleaser, it is difficult for her when she somehow ends up on another's bad side. This is a large part of what drives her to be as deliberate as possible in her endeavors.

Aside from Melinoe playing differently than Zagreus, her character is a healthy contrast from her brother. This ultimately lends to Hades 2's freshness, even though it retains the formula that made its predecessor so successful. With her confident, sincere, and serious approach to the matter at hand, Melinoe effectively steps out of her brother's shadow, which will likely contribute to Hades 2's success in the long run.