
  • Melinoe brings a fresh perspective, playing differently than Zagreus in combat style and approach to upgrades in Hades 2.
  • Prioritize Magick over main weapons with Melinoe, enhancing spells with Omega Cast Boons and Soul Tonics for success.
  • Melinoe's agility sets her apart, with a sprint ability to avoid enemies and enhancements through Boons for a faster and more effective playstyle.

Supergiant Games' Hades 2 is officially in early access, and although it retains the fundamental mechanics of its predecessor, it is still unique in many ways. One of the most significant ways Hades 2 sets itself apart from the first game is in its playable protagonist. Whereas Hades saw players controlling Zagreus, son of Hades, Hades 2 puts players in control of Melinoe, the daughter of Hades and younger sister to Zagreus. Melinoe is both like her brother and unlike her brother, and this not only serves to differentiate Hades 2 from Hades in terms of character development but also in terms of gameplay.

Melinoe and Zagreus are similar in their calm and cool demeanor, as well as in their tendency toward perfectionism and self-deprecation. However, they also differ in some rather notable ways. For example, while Zagreus is much more playful and sarcastic, Melinoe takes things very seriously and is generally a bit more sincere than Zagreus. Aside from their personalities, Melinoe and Zagreus also differ in their approach to combat — so much so that Hades veterans might mistakenly attempt to play Hades 2 as if it were the first game, only to find their success in the sequel far beyond their reach.

Hades 2 Rightfully Goes Out of Its Way to Outdo the Original's Cerberus

Hades 2 has two animal familiars with qualities that make them a natural progression over Hades' three-headed hellhound, Cerberus.

How Hades 2's Melinoe Plays Differently Than Hades' Zagreus

Melinoe Plays Like a Witch, While Zagreus Relies More on His Weapon

The tendency of players in Hades 2 might be to play it as though they are still in Hades, but Melinoe’s combat style is so much different than her brother’s that players would be remiss not to consider approaching the sequel differently. Specifically, Melinoe is a witch and therefore plays like a witch, so she works best when she is taking advantage of the Magick she is canonically an expert in. This means Melinoe is typically at her best when she uses spells, as opposed to when she relies more heavily on her main weapon to deal damage.

As players navigate the Underworld and Surface in Hades 2, they may feel compelled to grab Boons and upgrades similar to those they might have prioritized in Hades, but since Melinoe's combat style focuses more on her use of Magick, players should prioritize those Boons instead. This isn't to say that upgrading her main weapon during a run isn't worth it, only that upgrading her spells will pay off more in the end.

Boons that improve Melinoe's Omega Cast or Special are some of the best the game has to offer her, as well as any Soul Tonics players might come across that will increase her Magick capacity.

Melinoe Is Much Lighter on Her Feet Than Zagreus

Another way Melinoe differs drastically from her brother Zagreus is that she is much lighter on her feet. Unlike Zagreus, who can only dash, Melinoe can sprint. This is largely on account of her needing to cast spells and stay away from her enemies as much as possible. Unfortunately, at least at the moment, Melinoe's sprint mechanic has a rather frustrating cooldown, especially in comparison to her dash ability. Even so, there are many Boons players can get for Melinoe that will enhance her sprint ability by giving it special effects or making it faster.

Overall, Melinoe and Zagreus differ in both their personality and their playstyle. Hades veterans now making their way through Hades 2's Underworld and Surface should approach combat with Melinoe in an almost entirely different way than they did Zagreus in the first game. However, if they desire to be successful in each of their runs in Hades 2, they should play Melinoe like the witch that she is and prioritize the use of Magick over her main weapon.