Fans of Supergiant Games' "godlike roguelike" Hades were thrilled when a sequel, Hades 2, was announced during the 2022 Game Awards. Hades 2 will see a return to the underworld setting established in Hades as the gods, demi-gods, spirits, and shades fight off a new threat: Chronos, the Titan of Time, who has escaped from his imprisonment and threatens both Hades and Olympus. Alongside new protagonist Melinoe, one new character appearing in Hades 2 is the goddess Hecate. From the first trailer, it seems that Hecate will be serving as a mentor and teacher figure for Melinoe, possibly passing on her prodigous magical talents to the younger witch.

The first Hades was praised for its inclusion of many Greek mythological figures both major and minor. Rather than sticking to the standard Olympian gods, Hades' cast of characters included the ferocious Furies, surprisingly suave god of death Thanatos, and many spirits of ancient heroes residing in the Underworld, including Orpheus, Eurydice, Achilles, Theseus, and Asterius - better known as the Minotaur. Even protagonist Zagreus, who is currently nowhere to be seen in Hades 2's first trailer, was a minor mythological figure who gained much more exposure due to his role in Hades. Although Hecate is decently well-known by name, she is another figure in Greek mythology who does not get nearly enough attention, making it quite refreshing that Hades 2 will be putting her in the spotlight.

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Hecate Is a Goddess Responsible For Magic

Melinoe (right), wielding her weapons, and her mentor (left).

In Greek mythology, Hecate is a goddess who is typically portrayed as having dominion over magic and witchcraft. In various portrayals, she has also been associated with crossroads, decision-making, herbs and herbal lore, necromancy, graves and gravestones, and the Moon, especially as a source of magical power. She is generally considered to be the child of Perses and Asteria and thus the grandchild of the Titans Coeus, Phoebe, Crius, and Eurybia, but some sources alternately portray Zeus, the King of the Gods, as her father instead.

Although her primary domain was magic, Hecate was also connected to the underworld due to her role protecting crossroads, borders, boundaries, and other liminal spaces. She is sometimes given Hermes' role as the Olympian responsible for making sure spirits reach the Underworld safely, and is often portrayed as the one responsible for overseeing Persephone's twice-yearly journeys between Hades and the surface world. This connection with Hermes and Persephone could likely serve as explanation for why she becomes involved in the affairs of the underworld in Hades 2.

She May Serve As a Mentor to Melinoe

You Can Pet The Frog

The first trailer for Hades 2 showcases protagonist Melinoe - the sister of Zagreus - using a combination of weapons and magic to battle against Hecate. Initially, the battle is portrayed as serious, and Hecate is framed as though she may be a boss or enemy. However, ultimately, Hecate is revealed to be a friendly character, and the battle between the two is part of Melinoe's training. Hecate is then shown encouraging Melinoe to begin her journey to defeat Chronos, agreeing with her that Chronos needs to die as soon as possible.

Later in the trailer, Melinoe is briefly shown returning to the location where she first sparred with Hecate and reuniting with the goddess of magic. This has led some fans to speculate that Hecate and her domain - probably some sort of boundary or crossroads between worlds - might serve as a place where players can rest between runs of the game. In Hades, Zagreus could explore various locations in the Underworld between his escape attempts, resting in his room or interacting with characters such as the servant Dusa and Skelly the skeleton. If Hecate's realm serves a similar role in Hades 2, it could be where Melinoe is able to practice with her weapons and skills and potentially converse with her mentor to receive advice before trying again.

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Hades 2 Makes Use of Hecate's Iconography

hades 2 roguelike gameplay

Although Hecate was shown only briefly in the trailer and key art for Hades 2, Greek mythology enthusiasts were already thrilled to see that her portrayal made use of icons and imagery traditionally associated with the goddess. In addition to using runes to cast powerful spells, Hecate is shown wielding two torches, which were symbols of her power that she famously used to help the goddess Demeter search for her missing daughter Persephone. Hecate is also shown alongside the moon, which was traditionally one of her domains. This focus on the moon also helps to contrast Hecate with Apollo, the God of the Sun, an Olympian who will be appearing for the first time in Hades 2 after his notable absence in the previous game.

One aspect of Hecate that is notably missing from her Hades 2 design is the concept of Hecate as the "triple goddess." She was generally portrayed with three faces or bodies, each looking a different direction to represent her dominion over crossroads. Her Roman name, Trivia, even means "the three ways." However, as Hecate's Hades 2 design features her with a large hat and her face in shadow, it is possible that the other two faces are present, but she prefers to have them remain hidden. The original Hades received praise for its unique character designs, which were visually distinct and incorporated color and contrast, so Supergiant Games could definitely make a three-faced Hecate design work should they choose to do so.

Currently, Hades 2 is planned to release in Early Access sometime in 2023, similar to the first game. An official release date has not been announced. it is likely that Supergiant Games will share more information regarding the upcoming title, including potentially introducing other Olympian characters, clarifying whether popular characters such as Megaera or Thanatos will return, and sharing more about protagonist Melinoe and her backstory and fighting style. Hopefully, future trailers and announcements regarding the upcoming game will include more information about Hecate, as this powerful, magical goddess seems poised to play a major role as an advisor on Melinoe's journey. Fans are especially excited to hear whether the exciting training battle between Melinoe and Hecate will appear in the game in any form, possibly as a tutorial fight or optional boss battle.

Hades 2 will release in Early Access in 2023.

MORE: Hades 2: Where is Zagreus?