
  • Hades 2 may have a more serious tone than its predecessor, given how Melinoe seems to differ from Zagreus as a protagonist.
  • Humor in Hades was vital in making Greek mythology accessible and entertaining, helping players relate to the ancient stories.
  • Hades 2 could benefit from a mix of humor and seriousness in its storytelling, creating a compelling contrast for players.

Retellings of Ancient Greek stories are vital in keeping them alive, and one of the ways to do that is through video games such as Hades. Though Hades isn't a retelling of a traditional Greek myth, it does borrow characters and plot points from various Greek myths, all told with a light and humorous tone. It's this tone that keeps the often depressing stories of the characters from becoming grim and tragic, and instead becomes a story of hope and family. Hades 2 will presumably have a similar design: an original story, but with characters and plot points derived from ancient Greek mythology.

As the sequel to Hades, it's expected that it'll have a similar tone to its predecessor, but Supergiant Games might decide to go in a different direction with the tone and atmosphere, ditching Hades' humor for a more subdued atmosphere. This wouldn't be unprecedented, as sequels often have different tones to stand alone from their predecessors, but it could also be detrimental to Hades 2 in particular because of the subject matter that will likely be handled.

Hades 2: One Key Element of Hecate's Mythology Appears to Be Missing

Hecate looks to play an important role in Hades 2, but one important aspect of her mythology has yet to be represented in promotional material.

A Change of Story in Hades 2

Hades 2 follows Melinoe, sister of Zagreus. In Greek mythology, Melinoe is described as a goddess who brings madness and nightmares. The trailer for Hades 2 shows Melinoe as a pupil of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, which is consistent with Melinoe's own association with witchcraft in Greek mythology. The tone of the trailer matches the content and, while it isn't outright dark or suited to the horror genre, it doesn't carry the same humorous tone as Hades' first trailer, with a couple of quips to lighten a more serious story and protagonist.

Zagreus as a Protagonist

Despite being siblings, Zagreus was laid-back and sardonic, rather than despairing over his situation. From her depiction in the trailer, Melinoe appears to be a more serious protagonist than Zagreus. This doesn't mean that Hades 2 is guaranteed to be a game without humor, as serious characters are often placed among eccentric casts to provide an interesting contrast, and create a humorous tone.

The Value of Humor in Hades

Humor and Accessibility

But, further than keeping consistency, humor breaks barriers and makes Hades more accessible and approachable than it would be without it. Because Greek mythology is so ancient and removed from its original context, it's important to make the texts relatable. Humor is a great way to do this, and it was a tool used in Hades to tell stories and myths. These were picked up by players familiar with the myths and characters, but were still entertaining for players unfamiliar with the original texts.

Zagreus and Dionysus' Prank on Orpheus

A great example of this is the prank Zagreus and Dionysus play on Orpheus, where they tell Orpheus that the two are the same god. This references the origins of Dionysus who, in Orphism, was also known as Zagreus. Orphism was a cult in Ancient Greece which was named after Orpheus. In Hades, Hades mocks Zagreus for telling Orpheus lies and that he'll spread the ridiculous story to the mortals, presumably a reference to the real-world source of the myth.

Humor in Storytelling

This incident in Hades is already funny without understanding any of the references or the historical framing. Humor is a wonderful tool for storytelling, and Hades 2 will benefit from it just as much as Hades, especially if it's cleverly applied to match a more serious story.