Hades 2 is set to launch in Early Access sometime later this year. Details are slim at the moment about how similar many of the mechanics will be to the first game, save for the reveal trailer, which makes it apparent that the combat will be largely in the same vein. With the popularity and uniqueness of the first game in mind, it may be an "ain't broke, don't fix" scenario for much of Hades 2, and Supergiant would definitely do well to keep a key boss element from the original in mind.

The original Hades does a fantastic job balancing its drama, humor, and fantasy within its large cast of Greek mythological figures. The gameplay within itself is catchy and intense enough that the game really didn't even need a solid story to be a hit, but Supergiant loves to deliver on impactful stories and Hades is no exception. Hopefully, much of that impressive writing and attention to detail when it comes to character relationships can make it into the 2020 indie hit's much-awaited sequel.

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Bosses with Personality

Hades - A 4-Piece Collage Of Zagreus Facing Down All The Game's Main 4 Bosses

Zagreus has an interesting relationship that develops over time with essentially every character within the story of Hades. This has a significant impact on the player's investment to everyone they interact with, and to the story as a whole, but where it really shines is with the bosses.

The dynamic between Zagreus and Hades himself is obviously the highlight of the game, as their differences in perspective and motivations for escaping/remaining in the Underworld clash constantly from beginning to end, but the interactions between Zagreus and other Hades bosses like Alecta and Theseus also serve to build the lore of the Underworld and make these fights that much more impactful.

Video games don't always need a canon reason for antagonists to stick in the mind of the player. A boss with enough challenge will stick in the minds of everyone who runs into them regardless of any amount of exposition being dealt out beforehand, any Soulsborne game is a decent example of this. Where Hades sticks out from the narrative crowd is in its ability to generate feelings between nearly every character in the game, though. These aren't dull NPCs with nary personality or motivation to draw one in, there's detail in everything from the stylized portraits to the little differences in the boss fights that mark a progressing story through a repeating labyrinth.

Head Deeper Into Greek Myth


Few characters are yet confirmed for Hades 2 aside from Melinoe, Chronos, and, of course, Hades himself. Chronos is already being set up by Supergiant as the ultimate boss of the anticipated sequel, and it's certainly an intimidating step-up considering this is the father of Hades, who actually swallowed him, alongside his siblings Demeter, Hestia, Hera, and Poseidon, and was only ever stopped by Zeus himself. This seems like a big challenge for the sister of Zagreus to overcome, who has a far less impressive resume in the annals of Greek mythology than any of the siblings of Hades.

Melinoe's relationship with Chronos as his granddaughter is unknown at the present moment, but hopefully, it's something that will be established and that will continuously develop throughout the game, much like the tense and emotional connection between Zagreus and his father in the original Hades. It would also be great to see the children of Chronos that didn't make it into the original make appearances, Hestia and Hera, and obviously an appearance from Zagreus himself in Hades 2 would certainly be welcome within the fan base.

Hades 2 is set to launch its Early Access sometime in 2023 on PC.

MORE:What Hades 2 Can Learn From Its Predecessor's Postgame