Supergiant Games revealed Hades 2 at the Game awards on December 8th. The game follows the new protagonist Melinoe in her quest to rescue her father, Hades, and defeat the Titan Chronos. Developers have yet to announce Hades 2’s release date, though Supergiant promised it would have news on its early-access phase in 2023.

The trailer did an excellent job of introducing Melinoe and setting up the central conflict. However, she’s not the only named character in the trailer, which likely represents only a fraction of the game’s cast. And while fans don’t have a complete list of everyone appearing in the game, here’s everything revealed so far about the characters in Supergiant Games’ upcoming roguelike.

RELATED: Hades 2 Announced at The Game Awards

Melinoe – Princess of the Underworld

hades 2 melinoe

Voiced by Judy Alice Lee, Melinoe is the Protagonist of Hades 2 and the daughter of the Greek God Hades and Goddess Persephone. This also makes Melinoe the Granddaughter of Chronos, and the little sister of Hades’ protagonist Zagreus, sharing his mismatched red and green eyes. However, her most striking physical feature is her left arm, which is green and transparent, revealing the bone underneath. The cause of her spectral limb is unknown but will likely be explained in the game.

The mythological Melinoe’s name may refer to her having yellow-green skin, which Ancient Greeks associated with corpses. Her skeletal arm, pale skin, and blue-green lipstick in Hades 2 may be a reference to this description, as they result in a somewhat corpse-like appearance. Melinoe’s character design also acknowledges her status as a Moon goddess, with metal crescents incorporated into her outfit. Her signature weapons are a dagger and a crescent-shaped scythe.

Hecate – The Headmistress


Voiced by Amelia Tyler, Hecate is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, and Crossroads and serves as Melinoe’s mentor in Hades 2. Fans first see her fighting Melinoe in the Hades 2 trailer before their battle is revealed as a training exercise. Her towering frame and witch-like apparel give Hecate a sinister look. However, she appears to be on Melinoe’s side and is the one to send her on her quest.

Interestingly, Hecate and Melinoe may have been the same character in some versions of the Greek myths. While they’re separate people in Hades 2, putting them together makes sense, given the association.

Moros – Doom Incarnate

Hades 2 Moros

Voiced by Sterling Sulieman, Moros is the God of Doom and one of Melinoe’s allies in the battle against Chronos. He appears only briefly in the Hades 2 Trailer, telling Melinoe that she has an excellent opportunity to make things better “for all of us.” It’s unclear if he’ll offer any new boons in Hades 2.

The son of the night goddess Nyx, he is the personification of impending doom in Greek mythology. His mythological role included leading mortals to their death and sometimes giving them visions of it. This makes his words of encouragement in the Hades 2 trailer at least a little suspicious, assuming this version has any connection to his mythological counterpart.

Apollo – God of Light


Voiced by Colin Ryan, Apollo is one of Melinoe’s allies and offers her Boons in Hades 2. The God of Light and the Sun can boost Melinoe’s attack damage in a limited radius and enables an explosive Cast that some fans have compared to Dionysus’ Trippy Shot from the first game.

Ancient Greeks associated Apollo with archery and music, and his related symbols included a golden bow and a harp-like instrument called the lyre. Supergiant Games incorporated both into its depiction of Apollo, giving him a golden bow with multiple lyre-like strings. Apollo’s other associations included healing, prophecy, and more, through its unclear if Supergiant incorporates any of those elements into Apollo’s depiction in Hades 2.

Nemesis – Retribution Incarnate

Hades 2 Nemesis

Voiced by Becca Q. Co, Nemesis is Moros’ sister and another of Melinoe allies in Hades 2. As the Goddess of Retribution, she’s traditionally associated with justice and divine punishment, especially in cautionary tales about pride. However, the Romans also associated Nemesis with soldiers and gladiators and revered her as a personification of Imperial justice. This may have influenced her appearance in Hades 2, which depicts Nemesis as a muscular warrior goddess clad in vaguely Roman-looking armor.

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Dora – The Listless Shade

Hades 2 Dora

Voiced by Erin Yvette, Dora is a Shade that Melinoe interacts with during her quest. Unfortunately, there’s not much available information about Dora or her role in the story. However, her brief appearance in the trailer indicates that she’s on at least somewhat friendly terms with Melinoe. She also seems to be a humorous character, introducing herself as a terrifying ghost before meekly asking if Melinoe was okay with being called a “witch.”

Hades – God of the Dead

Hades 2 Hades

Voiced by Logan Cunningham, Hades is the King of the Underworld, god of the earth’s mineral riches, and Melinoe and Zagreus’ father. Hades was an antagonist in the first game, serving as its final boss. However, he and Zagreus eventually develop a degree of mutual respect. While little is known about Melinoe's relationship with her father, it does not appear to be as openly antagonistic.

Hades’ responsibilities also include punishing the Primordial Gods and Titans. Hades 2 sees its titular god imprisoned by the Titan Chronos, who escaped Tartarus to wage war on the Olympian gods.

Zeus – King of the Olympians

Hades Zeus

Voiced by Peter Canavese, Zeus rules the Gods of Olympus and is Hades’ younger brother. He became King of the Gods after overthrowing Chronos and imprisoning the Titans in Tartarus. Despite having saved Hades from Chronos’ wrath, the two gods have an icy relationship in the games, with Hades refusing to speak with his brother because of Zeus’ selfish behavior. The first game also reveals that it was Zeus who sent Persephone to Hades as a “consolation prize,” an act that Hades resented and feared would lead to a war between the gods.

Chronos – Titan of Time

Chronos is Hades,’ Zeus,’ and Poseidon’s father, and the leader of the Titans. Having escaped the Underworld, the Titan of Time seeks to defeat the Olympian gods and reclaim his throne. Chronos doesn’t appear anywhere in Hades or the Hades 2 trailer. However, the Titans are referenced throughout the first Hades, with the titular god commenting on their cruelty.

In Greek mythology, Chronos is the son of the personifications of the earth and sky. He overthrew his father and later devoured his children to prevent them from betraying him. Only Zeus escaped and went on to defeat Chronos and save his siblings. He and possibly other Titans serve as Hades 2’s antagonist, with Melinoe swearing to kill him in the game’s trailer.

Hades 2 is in development, with Early Access planned for 2023.

MORE: Why Hades 2 is Supergiant Games’ First-Ever Sequel