Gunfire Reborn is easily one of the most creative and entertaining roguelikes seen in recent years, with some imaginative weapons, great characters, and interesting level designs. It's difficult, rewarding, and filled with a lot to unlock and collect, giving players countless hours of fun solo or with friends.

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One of the most engaging parts of the Indie first-person shooter is the addition of Occult scrolls. These items work much like collectibles in any other roguelike, giving players access to powerful passive abilities that can help transform them into walking Gods. But what are the best Occult Scrolls in Gunfire Reborn? Here's a look at some of the most universally useful that players should keep an eye out for during their runs.

On The House

  • "Your first purchase at Peddler does not cost any copper."
  • Rarity: Normal

At first glance, this scroll doesn't seem particularly useful and one would be remiss for skipping over it but it's actually incredibly useful, specifically early on in a run. On the House makes the first purchase from a Peddler absolutely free, and that includes any weaponry or Occult scrolls they may be selling.

The best part about this scroll is that it resets at every Peddler. It's not a "use once as a coupon" kind of thing. Each and every Peddler that the player comes in contact with after snagging this item will offer them a free purchase. This will free up money for players to spend on other, more useful things, like upgrading weapons. With a guaranteed Peddler in the area before each boss, this scroll is an often overlooked boon that can really pay off.

Advanced Joggers

  • "-50% Dash cooldown."
  • Rarity: Normal

Dashing and dodging are an incredibly important part of Gunfire Reborn. Although the enemies found in the early parts of each run are essentially pushovers, as players progress they'll begin to face tougher and tougher opponents. The first time players are forced to contend with a boss, they'll realize just how important dashing and dodging are. The bosses in Gunfire Reborn hit incredibly hard and have massive attacks that players will need to dodge to survive.

The Advanced Joggers Occult Scroll makes it much easier for players to spam their dash ability by cutting its cooldown in half.

Propulsion Device

  • "Dash skill has 3 Charges."
  • Rarity: Normal

Many of the Occult scrolls in Gunfire Reborn have effects that players can combine to create impressive builds. Some are much better for specific characters but there are a handful that are universally great across all heroes. Take, for example, Propulsion Device, an Occult scroll that increases a player's Dash ability from two to three, giving them more time to dash an opponent's powerful moves and gunfire.

Paired with Advanced Joggers, players will have access to their dash constantly, giving them an edge when dealing with bosses and other hard-hitting enemies.

Decay Driver

  • "+20% movement speed for 3s after inflicting decay effect or hurting enemies under decay effect."
  • Rarity: Normal

This one is particularly useful for players who enjoy using the Crown Prince hero, as they start out with Decay-laced grenades but it's still possible for this Occult scroll to work for any character so long as they have a weapon capable of creating the decay effect.

Players that can efficiently stack this effect will have a consistent movement speed boost that can really come in handy when facing some of the harder bosses in the game or large rooms that are filled with fast-firing enemies.

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Triple Comeback

  • "-50% Max HP and Max Shield/Armor, but gain 2 extra revives. This occult scroll will be destroyed after the effect ends."
  • Rarity: Rare

Triple Comeback is an Occult scroll that is great for beginners but also useful for those that are playing at a much higher difficulty. The scroll will cut a players max HP and maximum shields and armor in half, in exchange for providing them with two additional lives. These lives are "free" (won't cost soul essence) and proc automatically should a player lose all of their health.

While it may seem to be a bit detrimental to lose that much health and shields, it's important to note that some enemies in Gunfire Reborn are capable of almost one-shotting a character, especially at higher difficulties. Because of this, Triple Comeback can really come in handy.

Final Judgement

  • "Weapon attacks instantly kill normal enemies with less than 15% HP remaining or bosses with less than 8% HP remaining."
  • Rarity: Rare

Some of the enemies and bosses in Gunfire Reborn can feel downright overwhelming. There are some rooms in which the enemy count is so high and the creatures themselves are so dangerous that it can feel like a death trap. The key to victory is to thin the numbers as quickly as possible so that players can move freely to avoid enemy gunfire.

Final Judgement is an Occult scroll that makes quick work of enemies and can help players by thinning the herd faster. Once an enemy (or boss) reaches a certain threshold, it's then executed when a player strikes it. It's an incredibly useful scroll that can end fights much faster than normal.

Hawkeye Sight

  • "+2.0x CritX; however, -50% weapon DMG when not triggering a Crit Hit. Weapons with a Scope gain 2x zoom."
  • Rarity: Legendary

Those that can consistently hit their shots (and especially those who use accurate weapons like sniper rifles or bows) will want to snag a Hawkeye Sight as soon as they can in their run. Although players receive a 50 percent penalty to "all damage that isn't a Crit," they more than make up for it with the massive increase in critical shots, which will scale effectively when a player upgrades their weapons and grabs other accuracy-based Occult scrolls.

The icing on the cake is the 2x zoom that is given to all scoped weapons, making it even easier to hit critical spots from far away.

Penetration Bullet

  • "Crits deal 50% DMG directly to enemy's HP rather than Shield or Armor."
  • Rarity: Legendary

Enemy shields and armor can be brutal to deal with in Gunfire Reborn. Those that come up against powerful foes with large blue bars will wish they had lightning damage to whittle to the shields away, while those sporting large yellow bars are more susceptible to a player's decay-based attacks. But during some runs, it can be difficult to find a set of weapons that cover all bases. It's for this reason that the Penetration Bullet Occult scroll is so powerful.

Players will be able to directly damage an enemy's main health pool without having to contend with their shields and armor (assuming they can hit their crit shots effectively).

Flowing Time

  • "All remaining cooldowns -1s on hit (triggered once every 2s)."
  • Rarity: Legendary

Each hero in Gunfire Reborn comes with a unique skill that can turn the tide of battle but some skills have lengthy cooldowns. Thankfully, there are Occult Scrolls that will help keep these cooldowns in check, giving players access to a skill-based arsenal that can clear rooms if used correctly.

Flowing Time is perhaps the best reduction scroll, giving players a cooldown reduction each time they hit an enemy.

Spirit Bible

  • "+120% Skill DMG."
  • Rarity: Legendary

Many of the Occult scrolls in Gunfire Reborn come with a balancing mechanic. The scrolls themselves will offer up large damage increases or additional benefits while simultaneously decreasing other stats or limiting certain thresholds. Because of this, scrolls that offer perks without penalty are always favored, and some of them are downright game-changing if players can manage to find them.

The Spirit Bible is a great example. This Occult scroll will increase a character's skill damage by 120 percent, making some of the heroes in Gunfire Reborn downright devastating.

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