The FPS genre has vastly evolved over the years. These days, they're no longer simple shooter games but instead blend in RPG elements, giving players more freedom in creating their perfect character. The Borderlands franchise and Mass Effect 3 are good examples of RPG shooters since they allow players to experience intense FPS combat while still letting them customize their character's skills and attributes.

Players that enjoy Gunfire Reborn can also experience the fun aspect of an FPS while creating unique builds for their characters. And one of the best characters in Gunfire Reborn is Crown Prince, a powerful elemental master. But players will need to build him the right way to take full advantage of his kit.

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Crown Prince's Main Role

Gunfire Reborn Crown Prince Build

Crown Prince is the "king" of AOE Crowd Control, meaning that his primary role is to take down large hordes of enemies with his elemental boosting skills. His primary skill, Energy Orb, freezes enemies within a large radius (although it doesn't affect Bosses or Elites). His secondary skill, Smoke Grenade, launches a grenade that bounces several times, leaving a pool of acid that inflicts Corrosion on enemies that step on it. Low Movement Speed is Crown Prince's biggest downside, meaning players will have more difficulty avoiding enemy attacks.

Combustion Build

Gunfire Reborn Crown Prince Combustion Build

The main focus of this build is to exploit Crown Prince's Pyrodominance (which increases Fire Damage and Burning Effect) since it's one of his strongest skills. This build solely focuses on Damage Output, turning the Crown Prince into a glass cannon. So, for survivability, players will want to use Occult Scrolls that boost Movement Speed or HP/Shield, since that's this build's biggest weakness.

Weapons to Use

Gunfire Reborn Crown Prince Weapons

Since this build is primarily focused on Fire Elemental Damage, players will want to use only weapons that use Fire Damage. But, of course, players will first need to find a Fire Elemental Weapon. In the meantime, any Elemental Weapon will do, since Crown Prince boosts all Elemental types. Additionally, players could use a secondary Elemental Type to create a powerful Elemental Fusion.

Players can use two powerful weapons with their Crown Prince: the Crimson Firescale (Assault Rifle) and the Demonlore (Sub-machine Gun).

  • The Crimson Firescale has a unique weapon skill that launches five explosive fireballs that deal 280% damage each.
  • With the Demonlore, every hit on an enemy's weak spot increases the weapon's base damage by 10% (swapping or reloading resets the buff).

If a player is confident with their skills, they can try to use the Fire Tower melee weapon, which causes 700 Fire Damage per hit. Using a melee weapon (especially with Crown Prince's limited Movement Speed) can be risky, but the damage output exceeds that of normal weapons.

Ascensions to Use

Gunfire Reborn Crown Prince Ascension

Ascension offers players with unique buffs that increase specific areas of their hero, from stronger Shields to faster Movement Speed. As mentioned before, players will want to use skills that boost Crown Prince's Fire Damage and any that boost Elemental Damage in general.

  • Pyrodominance: This is the bread and butter of the build. Pyrodominance increases Fire-based weapons by 120% and doubles the damage caused by Burning Effect and Combustion Effect.
  • Wildfire: Every enemy hit by Elemental Damage increases Crown Prince's Rate of Fire for 6 seconds. At maxed level, it will increase RoF by 60%, but the downside of this Ascension skill is that players will find themselves out of ammo more often.
  • Elemental Rage: Increases damage done to enemies that are under the effects of a Status Effect. Since the entire build revolves around Elemental Damage this Ascension skill is a must-have.
  • Elemental Shield: Refills Shield and prevents Status Effects after using Smoke Grenade. This is an excellent survival skill that will help players get out of trouble.
  • Energy Blade: After casting Energy Orb increase weapon damage on the next hit, dealing extra damage (+50%, 75%,100%) to enemies near the initial target. This Ascension skill will help players take down elites and bosses faster.
  • Energy Echo: Energy Orb uses the same Element as the current equipped weapon. This will help players deal more Fire Damage to enemies as the Energy Orb can damage several enemies at once.
  • Hex Smoke: Enemies affected by Smoke Grenade take increased damage for a short period of time. The only issue with this skill is that where the Smoke Grenade lands is completely random, so there might be times that no enemy is affected.

Crown Prince Gameplay Tips

Gunfire Reborn Crown Prince Tips

As players will quickly notice, Crown Prince is a powerhouse regarding Elemental Damage. That means players will always want to run with an Elemental Weapon, preferably with Fire Elemental Damage, to make the best use of this build. Additionally, players will want to constantly use their primary and secondary skills since both drastically increase damage output.

The biggest issue players may have with this build and with Crown Prince is avoiding enemy damage, especially long-ranged ones, like the Longbowman. Players must learn to take it slow while clearing areas and always find cover when possible. Players should try to team up with Xing Zhe (a powerful Monkey hero) or Ao Bai, since they can help players survive longer in a fight with their unique skills.

Gunfire Reborn is available now for PC, iOS, Android, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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