In the vast universe of Gundam, the Zabi family emerges as a significant force, driving pivotal events and shaping the course of history. This family forcefully shoots their way to the top of the food chain, and rules their people with an iron fist. They single-handedly ushered in one of the bloodiest wars in the history of humankind. That is why the Zabis are without a doubt the most influential and dangerous family in the history of the Gundam franchise.

This article delves into the sinister narrative surrounding the rise of the Zabi family, shedding light on their actions and influence across the universe. From their plot to overthrow Zeon Zum Deikun, to the founding of the Principality of Zeon, and to their relentless war against the Earth Federation, this is everything that you need to know about the disturbing yet fascinating rise of the Zabi family.

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Overthrowing Zeon Zum Deikun

Mobile Suit Gundam Zeon Zum Deikun

The rise of the Zabi family begins with their audacious act of overthrowing Zeon Zum Deikun, a charismatic leader who advocated for the independence and equality of space colonies. Despite his stern and unyielding approach, Deikun is a man who actually cares and works hard to create a better place for the people of the space colonies. That is why the people embraced him and elected him to be the leader of the Side 3 colony. In hope for a better future, Deikun declared the independence of Side 3 from the Earth Federation, and named this newly born colony as the Republic of Zeon.

Deikun is prepared to face the long and arduous diplomatic process with the Earth Federation, but unfortunately, Deikun doesn’t realize that there are enemies within his own camp. The Zabi family, led by Degwin Sodo Zabi, who was Deikun's trusted advisor at the time, perceived an opportunity to seize power and advance their own agenda. Not long after his ascend to power, Deikun is found dead due to mysterious circumstances. After that, Degwin Zabi said that in his last breath, Deikun appointed Degwin as the new leader of Zeon.

A lot of people think that Degwin is the one that assassinated Deikun, but nobody dares to go against the military might of the Zabi family. So by manipulating political circumstances and exploiting Deikun’s trust, the Zabi family successfully orchestrated a secret coup d'état, removing Zeon Zum Deikun from power. This momentous event marked the beginning of their ascent and set the stage for the dramatic transformation of this budding nation.

Founding the Principality of Zeon

Mobile Suit Gundam The Principality of Zeon

With the removal of Zeon Zum Deikun, the Zabi family established the Principality of Zeon, a sovereign nation representing the space colonies' aspirations for independence. Unlike Zeon Zum Deikun that tried to create a democratic nation that would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the people of the colonies, the Zabi’s rule was characterized by authoritarianism and a ruthless pursuit of power.

Under the Zabi family's leadership, the Principality of Zeon solidified its presence in the political landscape, garnering support from disillusioned colonists and forging alliances with influential factions. They constantly portray the Earth Federation as the ruthless enemy that threatens both the freedom, and the lives of the people of the colonies. Thanks to that propaganda, they manage to rally the people behind their war campaign against the Earth Federation.

It’s clear that the Zabi family's vision of independence became entwined with their desire for domination, as they implemented policies and enacted laws to consolidate their authority. It doesn’t take a long time until Degwin Zabi appointed himself as the absolute dictator of the Principality of Zeon, while his children and cronies sit in crucial positions within the government.

Waging War with the Earth Federation

Gundam One Year War Zaku

The Zabi family's rise to power precipitated a relentless war with the Earth Federation, setting the stage for epic conflicts and devastating consequences. As tensions escalated, the Principality of Zeon embarked on a militaristic path, leveraging their superior mobile suit technology and charismatic leadership.

Led by figures such as Gihren Zabi, the Zabi family orchestrated military campaigns, including the infamous Operation British and the subsequent assault on Earth. Their ruthless pursuit of victory and their unwavering belief in their cause made them formidable adversaries to the Earth Federation forces, resulting in catastrophic battles and far-reaching consequences.

The rise of the Zabi family in Mobile Suit Gundam represents a pivotal and captivating narrative within the series. From overthrowing Zeon Zum Deikun and founding the Principality of Zeon to waging war against the Earth Federation, their actions shaped the destiny of nations and propelled the Gundam universe into a state of turmoil.

Their legacy reverberates throughout the Gundam series, leaving an indelible mark on the conflict-ridden world it portrays. The thrilling and complex dynamic between the Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation inevitably becomes the template for every major Gundam series that comes after it.

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