Undoubtedly, the Gundam franchise has been one of the most successful Japanese mecha animes in the entire world. It has expanded to over 50 TV series, movies (OVAs), and even the plastic model industry (Gunpla Models). But, the Gundam franchise has also had significant success in the video game industry, releasing over 80 games across different platforms.

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The latest video game in the franchise is Gundam Evolution, a free-to-play online shooter game. But, unlike other Gundam games, players can express their thoughts through Emotes or Stamps. And with dozens of Stamps available, Gundam Evolution players do well in learning how to use them properly.

Equipping Stamps

Gundam Evolution Stamp Managment-1

Equipping a Stamp in Gundam Evolution is quite similar to changing a Pilot's Voice. At the main menu, players should navigate to the Units Tab (1) and select any Mobile Suit (2). After picking a Mobile Unit, players will need to scroll down to the Customization Section and select Stamps (3), which is next to Pilot Voices.

Now Gundam fans can choose any unlocked Stamp (static or animated) and then select Register to Palette (4). This will open the Stamp Wheel, letting players choose which side to save it (maximum of 4).

Using Stamps In-game

Gundam Evolution Stamps in-game

After selecting four Stamps, players can hop into a match with their favorite Mobile Suit or choose Unicron/Sazabi, two of the best Mobile Suits in Gundam Evolution.

Once in-game, players must face a surface (floor or wall) and press (and hold) the Stamp Hotkey (T for PC players). Players should hover over the Stamp they want to showcase and then release the Stamp Hotkey. But, of course, Gundam players should be careful using Stamps since it leaves them vulnerable to an enemy attack.

Ways to Get More Stamps

Gundam Evolution More Stamps

There are multiple methods of getting more Stamps in Gundam Evolution. The fastest way of getting Stamps is by purchasing them directly (or through bundles) with EVO Coins, the paid currency of the game. Players can also obtain limited-edition Stamps by purchasing the Battle Pass (which requires EVO Coins). The free-to-play method of unlocking Stamps is by saving Capital (free currency) from playing matches.

Players should keep in mind that only some Stamps can be bought with Capital currency, and most animated Stamps are locked behind EVO Coins.

Gundam Evolution is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Microsoft Windows.

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