FPS and Gundam fans alike were surprised when Gundam Evolution took its first test flight on Steam back in April. This title merged Gundam’s iconic roster of mecha with a free-to-play hero shooter model, and it aims to break into the esports realm in ways Gundam never has. Assembled from a diverse set of machines, Gundam Evolution’s roster is primed to storm the field with fast-paced boosting and versatile kits. Comparisons to other hero shooters are inevitable, but anyone will be able to check it out for themselves and see how it truly fares against its competition.

A lot of careful planning went into making Gundam Evolution the memorable game that it is. Game ZXC spoke to Gundam Evolution executive producer Kazuya Maruyama and gameplay director Ryota Hogaki about the game’s features and design philosophies. They will collectively be referred to as Bandai Namco for this article. The interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

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Q: Several other Gundam games have used a competitive team-based format. What separates Gundam Evolution from them?

A: The features of GUNDAM EVOLUTION are designed as listed below. This game offers a unique experience as an ace pilot from the GUNDAM anime series.

  • A speedy and immersive team battle experience
  • A new level of exhilaration as players can overcome the enemy by making full use of various Mobile Suits’ unique traits, abilities, and boosts
  • Being able to strategize to overcome situations and experience team play where you work together with your teammates depending on various combat situations
  • Unique Boost System that offers intuitive controls
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Q: What were the design considerations when implementing the Boost System?

A: We designed the Boost Dash for long-distance traveling and the Boost Step to be a distinctive feature to get close to the enemy quickly during combat. They are also tied to each unit’s unique traits. Making good use of the Boost System to pilot the Mobile Suit will be key and bring a sense of exhilaration in destroying the enemy. The system is also carefully tuned on a regular basis to ensure that all players have the ability to move quickly during combat, making it easier to attack and fun to execute.

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Q: It’s clear that a lot of work went into getting the visuals just right. How did your team go about balancing the realistic graphics, Gunpla-like customization, and anime-inspired designs?

A: Many Gundam games have been developed and released over the years, as well as numerous plastic models such as Gunpla. In the course of the more than 40 years since Gundam first appeared in the world, their appearances have been polished up by talented designers in the pursuit of a realistic and stylish look. I believe this is one of the strengths of Gundam creations when compared to other works. Our designers have also sought to create a design that is new, not old-fashioned, but also reflects the original design that fans love.

We are also dedicated to designing a game that doesn’t interfere with the competitive nature of the game genre, even in the smallest of details. One of our biggest goals is to bring an opportunity for people outside Japan to get to know Gundam, and for Japanese people to get used to competitive shooters and enjoy them through our game.

Gundam Evolution Team Battle Squad

Q: What was the process for choosing different playable units? Some surprising picks like the Methuss and Guntank are already present.

A: The units chosen for this game are selected from over 1,000 different units that have appeared in the Gundam anime series. As some of you can probably tell from the lineup, we do not choose units based only on popularity. We first established combat concepts, asking ourselves which weapons to use and how we wanted our players to engage in battle. Some of the iconic elements of the original anime series were adopted as G-Maneuvers (ults) in some cases. By making a list like this, we went through extensive trial and error processes with the designers and engineers to see what was feasible in practice.

Q: While some of the roster’s machines canonically have diverse armaments, they are geared toward certain playstyles in Gundam Evolution. For example, the Sazabi’s close-range nature calls back to Char Aznable’s aggressiveness while piloting it. How did the mechs’ original abilities and pilots influence their design?

A: As this is a team shooter, it is indeed important what role you play in the game, but instead of having set roles, we wanted players to use their favorite units whenever they wanted to. For this reason, we designed all units to be capable of dealing good damage to level the playing field.

With this in mind, we want our players to make the most out of each unit’s features. Sazabi, for example, has a shield, which makes it strong in one-on-one situations when shooting enemy units and protecting itself. In role-based gameplay, having a shield often automatically designates a unit as a “tank,” but in GUNDAM EVOLUTION, shields are part of larger, diverse kits that make every unit’s playstyle unique.

Additionally, Methuss CAN repair allies while also dealing damage, so it is not strictly a healer. This is because we do not make support-only units. If everyone is designed to be able to take damage, this will just create problems in continuous combat, which is why all units have self-repair capabilities that automatically restore themselves if no attacking action is taken, so that once they leave the line of fire, they can be repaired, allowing them to fight without having to be reminded of their roles.

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Q: What were the considerations made when selecting and designing maps?

A: We did not dare to recreate a specific battlefield from the original anime works, but prepared a general-purpose map as a place where mobile suits fight, to the extent that it would minimally affect players’ worldview of the anime series. We thought that a map that would give an advantage to those who knew the original story was unnecessary.

We adjusted the time it takes for units to return to the battle line after being destroyed in order to create a “speedy and immersive team battle.” We also aim to encourage players to consider switching to the most appropriate Mobile Suits according to the map, rules, and battle situation. In addition, we are creating the maps with the aim of ensuring every match takes place on a balanced, level playing field.

Gundam Evolution Preview

Q: How were Gundam Evolution’s three main modes (Point Capture, Domination, and Destruction) chosen? Could more be added in the future?

A: In each of the three modes, we aim to make the most of what each unit has to offer for each ruleset and each map. We have emphasized the strategic nature of each, which is the best part of team shooters, but we also made it so that FPS fans will be able to play the game intuitively. We avoided rules that are difficult to understand unless you know the story of the original anime, as we believe this is unnecessary. At this point, we are planning to launch with these three rulesets. We will, of course, consider adding new rules after the title is launched.

Q: What can players expect to see in terms of progression? IE, leveling, skins, units, and other unlockables.

A: We implemented various customization elements in the recent Network Test, but this is not all. More details will be announced at a later date. Also, of course, we are preparing to implement new units for each seasonal update, so please stay tuned.

Q: Forming parties is a key part of Gundam Evolution’s gameplay loop. What options are available to ensure that players find groups that are right for them?

A: We will continue to study and adjust the matchmaking specifications for launch based on the results of the recent Network Test. We are also considering what we can do to expand and engage the player community for this title on an ongoing basis outside of in-game parties.

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Q: A built-in team voice chat is great, though it feels rare nowadays. How will this be implemented across different platforms?

A: We are currently using Vivox, which has a proven track record in the space. We plan to serve different platforms and a wide range of regions with this title, and we are very satisfied with the quality of the service.

Q: The first Gundam Evolution Network Test has already run on Steam. When the Test arrives on consoles, is there any possibility of crossplay for itself or the full game?

A: There are currently no plans for cross play at this time; only PS4/PS5 and XB1/XSX|S cross generation will be supported.


Gundam Evolution will hold a closed network test across PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S from June 23 to 28. The game will also be released on PC.

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