Bandai Namco is back with another installment into the Gundam video-game universe. Mobile Suit Gundam is a massively popular mecha anime in Japan that spans multiple timelines but mainly involves a war between two nations, Earth and Zeon. Bandai Namco recently announced a new game in Sony’s State of Play unlike any that preceded it; previous Gundam video games have been team fighters or RPGs.

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Gundam Evolution shakes up the history of video games of the IP and takes a more team-based multiplayer first-person shooter, much like Overwatch or Valorant. Along with the announcement, the game features several fan-favorite Mobile Suits for players to pilot while taking on the game's three competitive modes. Here is every Mecha shown in the Gundam Evolution trailer.

13 MS-06 Zaku II

zaku II gundam

The Zaku II is a veteran in the Gundam universe and the main grunt unit used by Zeon forces appearing for the first time in the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime. In every iteration of Gundam media, the Zaku II makes an appearance either as fodder or used by an Ace pilot.

In most appearances, the Zaku II is equipped with a Gatling machine rifle, a heat axe, and a possible shoulder shield. Zaku’s are an overall solid mobile suit with basic ground and space fighting capabilities. While Zaku II’s may not have fancy abilities or weaponry, it is the pilots that truly make these machines shine.

12 ASW-G-08 Barbatos

barbatos gundam

The Barbatos Gundam was the star of Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans series, one of the most unique series in the Gundam universe. Piloted by Mikazuki Auggus, the Barbatos Gundam was a terror on the battlefield, a true force to be reckoned with on any terrain. The capabilities of this Gundam, paired with Mikazuki’s piloting skills, made it near undefeatable.

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The Barbatos Gundam uses a massive mace to wreck and destroy anything in its way, having excellent land speed and mobility in many types of gravity and especially space battle. The Barbatos utilizes a piloting system called the Alaya-Vijnana System, which is a type of hardware that connects the pilot to the machine via a spinal implant, significantly increasing the performance of both.

11 ZGMF-XX09T Dom Trooper

dom trooper gundam

The Dom Trooper is a specialty heavy mobile suit used by the Zeon forces. The Dom Trooper is a prototype that was developed in the Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Seed Destiny anime; after the Dom Trooper made two more appearances in Gundam Build Fighters and Gundam Build Divers.

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The Dom Trooper is equipped with an enhanced beam saber, two hidden shoulder-mounted small rifles, a Giga launcher, and the Screaming Nimbus, which is an immobilizing energy field that also serves as a barrier. But where the Dom Trooper truly shines is its mobility, utilizing land skating instead of having to take individual steps to advance.

10 MSN-04 Sazabi

sazabi gundam

The Sazabi is the crown jewel of the Principality of Zeon; it is the most advanced scientific achievement created by Anaheim Electronics and Char Aznable, the main antagonist of the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime and one of the top pilots of the Zeon forces.

The Sazabi is equipped with some of the most advanced weaponry and combat system not found on any Gundam; it has a long-distance funnel system a pair of hyper sabers, one of which is housed in the unit's shield. Multiple high-powered long-distance shooting laser rifles, including one that shoots a scattered group of beams like a shotgun and the dreaded psycho-frame system. The Sazabi made its first appearance in Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counter Attack.

9 RX-78 2 Gundam


The Gundam model RX-78 is the original model that appeared in the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime and is the base that all units after are modeled after. It is the iconic veteran Gundam dubbed “grandpa Gundam” by hardcore fans. The RX-78 Gundam is equipped with a high-powered beam rifle, twin head vulcan rifles, a high-powered beam saber, and an extreme density shield.

Along with these weapons, the RX-78 could also conjoin and rebuild from core fighters. The pilot of the Gundam RX-78 is Amuro Ray, the main protagonist of the original series and highly regarded as one of the best pilots in the world.

8 RGM-79SP GM Sniper II

gm sniper ii gundam

The GM Sniper II is a specialty Mobile Suit grunt unit first appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket alongside the Gundam Alex. The GM Sniper II was a mildly produced Mobile Suit specializing in long-ranged combat, usually equipped with a high-powered long-ranged beam weapon, most commonly the Franz 75mm sniper rifle.

The GM Sniper’s best asset is its specialized visor that has ultra penetrating radar sensors and hyper-zoom cameras able to scan obnoxious distances to pick up enemy attacks before they even get in range.

7 RX75 Guntank

guntank gundam

The Guntank is a unique early prototype crossed between a mobile suit and a tank. Guntank is another veteran from the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime but has appeared in many different series since its creation.

The design of the Guntank is one of the most unique among mobile suits, having the top have of a standard design with Gatling cannons for arms and the lower half being caterpillar treads like a ground tank. The Guntanks has been a valuable partner to many Gundam Pilots, perhaps the most memorable outside of the original series is in Gundam 08th MS Team.

6 Turn A

turn a gundam

Turn A made its first appearance in the series of the same name; the turn A Gundam is based on an ancient mobile suit found drifting in space called Turn X that was so advanced it terrified earth forces at the thought of many machines like it invading.

Turn A was reverse-engineered from Turn X and created using a hyper-advanced power source called DHGCP. This allows the Gundam to utilize the nanomachines it houses to create a devastating attack called the Moonlight Butterfly, capable of destroying entire worlds. Along with its devastating manipulation of nanomachines, the Turn A has two beam sabers, a Beam Rifle, a Gundam Hammer, and Minchi Drill.

5 RX80PR Pale Rider

pale rider gundam

The Pale Rider Mobile Suit was an attempt at a high-end mass production armor; however, the production cost for such an advanced unit was too high with little returns. The Pale Rider was designed from the ground up to be top of the line in all forms of combat, even against Gundams.

Unfortunately, the design was scrapped until later acquired by a special covert unit and modified to take a special programming system called the HADES system that gives the Mobile Suit more power and control. It was dubbed the Pale Rider as it takes control of the cockpit, making its own decisions instead of the pilot. The Pale Rider handles a variety of weapons, most notably a pair of Hyper beam sabers, a bullpup machine gun, and leg missile pods.

4 RGM-79 GM

gm gundam

The GM is the base mass-produced Mobile Suit used by the earth federation forces. The GM is based on the RX-78 model Gundam and made its first appearance alongside it in the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime.

The GM is a bare-bones Mobile Suit not striving in any shape or form but able to be used in a wide variety of combat situations such as forest, space, desert, and water terrain missions. The weapons a GM uses are a Beam Saber, a High-density beam rifle, twin head vulcans, and a missile launcher.

3 GN-001 Gundam Exia

gundam exia gundam

The Gundam Exia is the leading Mobile Suit in the Gundam 00 series; it has received a great amount of popularity from fans all over the world for its many versions and unique designs across the double zero series and its different installments. The Exia specializes in up-close melee combat, mostly seen wielding a large arm-mounted GN blade.

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The Exia has exceptional speed, mobility, and power and can take on numerous opponents at once before even getting a scratch. The pilot of the Exia is Setsuna Seiei, a former child soldier with unshakable battle prowess. The additional weapons that the Exia utilizes are Beam Sabers, GN Daggers, GN short blades, GN Long swords, and the GN Particle system, which gives access to a super mode called Trans-Am.

2 MSA-005 Methuss

methuss gundam

The Methuss first appeared in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam; it is the first transformable Mobile Suit used in the Universal Century timeline. The Methuss serves as the foundation on which the Zeta Gundam was built, exploring the capabilities of a Mobile Suit with alternate forms.

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The Methuss could not be mass-produced but was a strong support unit on the battlefield specializing in high-speed combat with outstanding maneuverability, especially in space. Because it was not seen as an official machine, it was not geared adequately and was only equipped with two arm-mounted beam weapons and several beam sabers as weaponry.

1 NRX-044 Asshimar

asshimar gundam

The Asshimar was another early prototype for a flying Mobile Suit by the earth federation forces. While it was capable of long-range unassisted flight, it lacked firepower and performance, which initially settled it in a very support-oriented role. The Asshimar is also able to transform into a smaller vehicle increasing its control and mobility in the air.

It made its first appearance in Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeta Gundam and had a prominent role in the series. The Asshimar was equipped with a Beam Saber and a large Beam Rifle that, when the Asshimar transformed, would become jointed on the machine and be its primary bow weapon during flight.

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