Many things matter when playing an arena shooter, like how the team talks and what the best strategy is. Like in Overwatch 2, everything plays a role in the team's success, which is why playing solo is a bad idea. The main thing about these games is the teamwork and how each character helps the overall objective. When they are playing a role, like a healer or a tank, everyone's doing something, which can make the match easy. The latest entry in the genre, Gundam Evolution does this very well, by forcing each player to pick a role, for something that'll help the team win.

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When every player is contributing to the main goal, that can feel even more rewarding. In turn, Gundam Evolution can become immersive. Since Gundam Evolution is now available on consoles, even more players can jump and experiment with the team compositions. This plays a huge role in Gundam Evolution, the team makeup, because not every Gundam will work best with others. This list will highlight the best team compositions, that way, players can get better, and use more than one Gundam.

5 Methuss, Gundam Barbatos, Gundam Unicorn, Nu Gundam, Zaku II (Melee), Gundam Exia

gundam evolution methuss barbatos unicorn nu gundam zaku melee exia

For players who want to push in, and take down enemies in a closed area, quickly, this is the best team composition to use. The main thing about this team is that players who use Barbatos and Exia can rush in first, and be a nuisance. Meaning, the Gundam will force the enemy players to focus on them, and it'll be hard to hit because Barbatos and Exia are faster-moving Gundams, and focuses on close-quartered combat. While that is happening, players who are Nu Gundam, Zaku II, and Unicorn who are all considered some of the best Grandams in Gundam Evolution, can offer that support fire.

Plus, Unicorn and Methuss are both offering healing, with Unicorn doing constant healing since it's a passive ability. This team is great because there will always be healing, and consistent attacking. On top of that, to help Barbatos, Zaku II can use its ability to push enemies away, disorienting them, then Barbatos can finish the job.

4 Sazabi, Gundam Unicorn, GM Sniper II, Pale Rider, Gundam, Guntank

gundam evolution sazabi unicorn gm sniper pale rider gundam guntank

While some of the Gundams in this lineup are great for both sides of the match, however, this team makeup is great for defense or holding a position. First, players who are the massive Sazabi Gundam, who has a similar feel to Reinhardt from Overwatch 2. Much like Reinhardt, who is one of the best tanks in Overwatch 2, Sazabi is much like that for Gundam Evolution. Sazabi can hold down a position, and stun enemies with its throwing ax. The Gundam mobile suit can help after the enemies have been pushed back, with its chain hammer.

Related: Gundam Evolution: The Best Gundams Across The Franchise That Needs To Be Added

Plus, Unicorn and Pale rider can add that much-needed extra firepower, as well as health. Guntank is a great addition, everything about this Gundam is about fending off enemies, and on the defense, with Pale Rider and Unicorn attacking, the Guntank can make suppressing fire easy to do. The real power comes from the GM Sniper II, who is a sniper, hence the name, but, much like the hardest heroes in Overwatch 2, has one of the biggest payoffs out of all Gundams. One headshot and a Gundam will be taken down. But players who use this Gundam should be behind a Sazabi, since it can offer better cover.

3 Pale Rider, Gm, Asshimar, Gundam Exia, Dom Trooper, Zaku II (Ranged)

gundam evolution pale rider gm asshimar exia dom trooper zaku

One of the biggest things players can do in Gundam Evolution is to understand that each mode calls for different Gundams. This lineup, however, is a dynamic one and can be used in many different ways, with some small tweaks if it's done elsewhere. So while not all Gundams work best in all situations, these do work very well in any situation. As mentioned before, this team composition can be used in many ways, this is primarily for the offensive side of a match. Pale Rider can come in and throw a hand grenade, doing great damage, then Dom Trooper and GM can be backup for when that happens because they both have great firepower and offensive attacks.

First, before all this, Gundam Exia, much like Barbatos can be annoying, as long as they're moving the enemy will be thrown off. Then the more ranged-based Gundams like Zaku II can come in, throw its cracker grenade and help keep enemies off Exia, all while damaging consistently. Asshimar is great for finishing up the effort because its napalm grenade can also damage enemies, and can even take them out easily. If players are worried about healing, Pale Rider can accommodate them very well.

2 Turn A-Gundam, Nu Gundam, Pale Rider, GM, Marasai UC, Sazabi

gundam evolution nu gundam turn a gundam pale rider gm marasi sazabi

Best used for control point matches, where the point moves around. This team composition, is fast-moving, high attack, and pretty good defense. Plus, roleplaying is recommended for Gundam Evolution, and this line provides just that. There's a healer, a tank, DPS Gundams, and a Gundam that offer high damage fire from a distance. To move to a point, and not be attacked, players can stick with Sazabi, and get to the point safely.

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On top of that, Pale Rider who is a balanced Gundam can throw its EMP grenade which stuns the enemies, then Marasi and Nu Gundam can use their attacks, like Nu Gundam's funnels can make enemies flee and take damage. If players want the Nu Gundam, they should try these quick ways to get the coins, because this Gundam will take players a long way. Turn-A Gundam can use its high-damage beam rifle, and keep the enemies off the point, as long as it stays with the team.

1 Gundam Unicorn, Guntank, Gundam, Gundam Barbatos, Methuss, Pale Rider

gundam evolution unicorn guntank gundam barbatos methuss pale rider

This team composition is basically used to attack due to most Gundams having high attack. Both Gundam and Gundam Barbatos can help push enemies further away, or off the point. Plus with Guntank's rush ability, which can push enemy's attacks away, rendering them useless for a moment. During this window, the high DPS Gundams like Barbatos and Unicorn can keep the enemy at bay with their consistent attacks. If the Pale Ride has its G-Maneuver, they can use it while Barbatos and Unicorn are attacking. What happens, is that the Pale Riders' attacks are more accurate, and have higher damage. So when that move is activated, cleaning up after those two push enemies away is easy this way.

With Methuss behind the pack can offer high healing and a great amount of additional firepower for the push, this makes Methuss one of the best support suits in Gundam Evolution. Much like the best support heroes in Overwatch 2, this Gundam has a dynamic way of playing, making players aggressive with this healer. However, if Methuss isn't offering enough healing Unicorn's passive will give consistent healing, as long as they're near the Gundam. If players are close by and providing help Barbatos, pushing an enemy team off the point, and disorientating them becomes easier.

Gundam Evolution is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.

More: Gundam Evolution: Gundam That Should Be Added To The Game