The Gundam franchise has always been met with positive reviews. In fact, most anime lovers consider Gundam one of the best space opera animes of all time. Aside from manga and anime series, Gundam also boasts a large arsenal of video games, like Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Urdr-Hunt and Gundam Extreme Versus Maxiboost ON.

Related: What Gundam Evolution Needs to Change to Compete with Overwatch 2

The latest Gundam-themed video game is Gundam Evolution, a free-to-play FPS game similar to Overwatch 2. And as in other FPS games, players that want to come out on top will want to use the best Settings and Sensitivity since they determine if a player wins or loses a fight.

Best Overall Settings

Gundam Evolution Best Overall Settings

System Settings

The first setting players will want to adjust is System Settings. These settings affect the overall settings of a match, so it's essential to have the best ones.

  • Member Information ON - This setting will give players vital information about their team and the enemy team, from whose alive to whose capturing an objective.
  • Individual Battle Log Optional - While having this setting enabled isn't necessary, it does provide useful information about the player, like the number of Kills and Deaths.
  • Individual Battle Log ON - Players must ensure they have this setting on since it'll allow them to get a general overview of the battle, from Deaths to Repairs. And since Repairs are often overlooked by rookie players, it gives players a good indication of whose new to the game.
  • Frame Rate Optional (PC Only) - Some players like to see how well Gundam Evolution is running on their PC by seeing their Frame Rate, but it's not needed.

Graphics Settings (PC Only)

Console players can't change much of the in-game Graphic Settings. In sharp contrast, PC players have numerous graphical settings they can alter.

  • Field of View110 - As in other FPS games, the FOV plays a vital role in being able to dominate the playing field. So, players will want to set it to 110, so they can have a complete view of the field.
  • Frame Rate120 - If players have a mid-range CPU they'll want to set their Frame Rate to the maximum setting.
  • VSyncOptional - Players should only enable VSync if they notice the Frame Rates surpass the set Frame Rate. On the contrary (lower than the established Frame Rate), they should keep it off.
  • Render ScaleOptional - The Render Scale determines the level of detail players see while playing. Players should adjust this setting based on their PC's GPU.
  • Post-Processing, Texture Filtering, Shadows, and Anti-Aliasing LOW - Players that want to win their matches and earn valuable Capital Currency will want to set these settings to low. By doing this, it allows the graphics to render faster, allowing players to play smoother.

Control Advanced Settings

Gundam Evolution Control Settings

Mouse Sensitivity Settings (PC Only)

Mouse sensitivity is a highly personal setting that players should figure out on their own. But, this best settings and sensitivity guide can help players (especially new Gundam Evolution players) find out where to start. Additionally, most gaming mouse allow players to adjust the DPI setting within the device, so players won't need to change too much of the in-game sensitivity settings.

  • Normal Horizontal Sensitivity - 150
  • Normal Vertical Sensitivity - 150
  • Scoped Horizontal Sensitivity - 150
  • Scoped Vertical Sensitivity - 150

Controller Sensitivity Settings

As console players already know, there are very limited options when it comes to sensitivity for controllers, but players should still adjust the available settings to their liking. Nonetheless, this Gundam Evolution guide will provide a good starting point.

  • Normal Horizontal Sensitivity - 30
  • Normal Vertical Sensitivity - 25
  • Scoped Horizontal Sensitivity - 20
  • Scoped Vertical Sensitivity - 15

Controller players should ensure that Aim Assist is enabled since it'll help aim better during intense firefights.

Gundam Evolution is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.

More: Gundam Evolution: How to Change Pilot Voice