Gundam fans have been spoiled this summer. Not only did the long-awaited Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway animated film launch in June, but now Bandai Namco is announcing a major new Gundam multiplayer game. Introducing Gundam Evolution, a first-person shooter and team-based multiplayer game that's already being compared to Overwatch by fans. For the time being, Gundam Evolution hasn't been announced for western localization, but tentative plans exist to bring it worldwide. Gundam fans are sure to encourage Bandai Namco to bring Gundam Evolution westward sooner, rather than later.

As for what is meant by calling Gundam Evolution an Overwatch with giant mechs, it starts with its structure. Gundam Evolution is a 6v6 team-based shooter with class-based characters. Instead of people like Tracer and Soldier 76, however, there are giant mechs taken from decades of popular Gundam anime, manga, and video games. Each Gundam offering up unique abilities and actions that complement each other in exciting and creative ways.

RELATED: Gundam Esports Game Being Developed by Bandai Namco

An early roster for Gundam Evolution has also been shared, which is exactly the kind of content that Gundam fans will be salivating over. The list of 12 mechs includes the Gundam, ∀ Gundam, and Gundam Barbatos. From Zeon, there's the Zaku II, Sazabi, Methuss, Asshimar, and DOM Trooper. Rounding out the roster are the Pale Rider, GM Sniper II, Guntank, and GM. Suffice to say, there's a diverse line-up of mechs for Gundam fans to choose from.

Another big confirmation for Gundam Evolution for the moment is that Bandai Namco will be releasing it free-to-play. That means it'll be joining the competitive scene dominated by battle royale games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty: Warzone. However, there's a lot of room to grow between a premium game like Overwatch and, say, more free-to-play tactical shooters like Valorant or Crossfire. Gundam Evolution could fill that explored niche.

For the time being, Gundam Evolution has only been announced for PC. That may come as a surprise to fans, since PC is rarely a platform that Gundam games prioritize. There are the Gundam Network Operation games, as well as some online/MMO titles that are largely defunct, but not much else. That's partly because PC gaming isn't as widespread in Japan as internationally. Gundam Evolution is likely to be targeted toward Korean and Chinese internet cafe culture, more so even than western esports culture.

No release date has been announced for Gundam Evolution, even in Japan. A closed beta test is confirmed to start in the next month, however. Sign-ups make clear that only as many as 5,000 players will be able to participate. Hopefully, Bandai Namco will have more information to share in the months to come.

Gundam Evolution is in development for PC.

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