One of the most famous Gundam series in the west is that of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing; the anime was made popular by the Cartoon Network block called Toonami, which aired the series along with several other anime. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is one of the most unique Gundam series as it focuses on several Gundam pilots instead of just a main protagonist and is surprisingly vacant of a Newtype.

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Among the different timelines in the Gundam franchise, the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing universe sits in the After Colony and Mars Century timelines, where massive space colonies have been erected and seek sovereignty apart from Earth’s government. The After Colony and Mars Timelines have been argued as one of the most significant of the Gundam franchise and have garnered a cult following among Gundam fans all over the world.

7 Worldwide Government

mobile suit gundam wing

In the After Colony Timeline, many space colonies have begun to seek their own jurisdiction and govern themselves; this is a back and forward issue throughout the entire timeline between the Earth's United Alliance and small bands of rebel colonists. Extreme measures of terror are used on both sides during the conflict, which erupts in multiple wars around the world.

Behind the scenes, the events that occur in the After Colony Timeline are orchestrated by secret organizations that hold great power and influence among members of the royal Peacecraft and Khushrenada families.

6 Aristocracy And Dictatorship

mobile suit gundam wing

Much of the primary leadership in the After Colony Timeline is made up of royal lineage, and many of its territories are ruled by a single monarch or oligarchy. As the world changes, entire countries come together in a single government to establish order over the territories outside Earth's atmosphere. However, the rule emplaced on the colonies was very strict and fearmongering.

This tyrannous influence of the Earth Alliance sparked rebellion in all the colonies and even on Earth's surface, which escalated into a full-fledged war. Unbeknownst to many, the events that forced the conflict between Earth and the Colonies were perpetrated by a secret organization known as Oz exploiting the chaos for wealth and power.

5 The Oz Organization

mobile suit gundam wing

The Oz organization or "Organization of the Zodiac" is a secret society of influential individuals hiding behind several fronts such as the Earth Sphere Alliance and Special Mobile Suit Unit. In the After Colony Timeline, the Oz organization is directly responsible for several catastrophic battles and events that force the conflict between Earth and the Colonies.

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This organization was also responsible for the death of the original Heero Yuy, who campaigned for peace and was well on his way to uniting the colonies before Odin Lowe shot him. The Oz Organization is a cold and ruthless group that will resort to any tactics to accomplish its goal, even going as far as to use biological weapons against colony rebels and civilians alike.

4 Operation Meteor

mobile suit gundam wing

In direct response to the assassination of Heero Yuy and the constant influence and dictatorial practices implemented by the Earth Alliance, dedicated followers of Heero Yuy’s legacy devise a plan to get revenge. The operation involved dropping a colony onto Earth, creating a catastrophic event followed by the deployment of several highly powerful Gundams to wipe out the Earth Alliance members and organizations one by one.

This operation was spearheaded by Quinze Quarante, a close friend of Heero Yuy who swore utter revenge on the Earth races. This operation would become infamous as it would be attempted numerous times throughout the After Colony and Mars Timelines; while the first instance was sabotaged by internal conflict, where several supporters could not cope with the amount of human life lost during the operation and foiled the attempt, the second would be a success during the Endless Waltz storyline.

3 Royal Blood

mobile suit gundam wing

The most influential characters within the After Colony and Mars Timelines are lost heirs, sitting princes, and orphaned royalty. Treize Khushrenada stands at the top of the list as one of the best male characters in the timeline; he was appointed as leader of the Earth Sphere Alliance and the secret organization called Oz.

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Zechs Marquise, who originally served as a second in command to Treize, was a lost member of the Peacecraft family, the son of King Peacecraft, and brother to Relena Peacecraft, making him a direct heir to the Sanc Kingdom. Even Quatra Winner is the son of a wealthy corporation owner who is undeniably influential among the space colonies.

2 The Gundams

mobile suit gundam wing

The Gundams play a most integral part of the After Colony Timeline, maybe more than any other Timeline other than the original Universal Century Timeline. Consisting of 5 mobile suits of incredible power. The Gundams were initially designed to thwart the powerful influence the Earth Alliance had over the Colonies but instead were used for the pilots personal reasons.

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The Wing Zero, Heavy Arms, Sandrock, Shenlong, and Deathscythe Gundams were all built by genius scientists and engineers; most notably: Doctor J, Professor G, Doctor S, Instructor H, and Master O; who all had strong ties in the colony rebel operations and were involved in the implementation of the operation meteor mission. The Gundams were arguably the most dangerous weapons created during the After Colony Timeline, which resulted in each being destroyed upon the Earth and Colony conflict ending.

1 Frozen Teardrop

mobile suit gundam wing

Frozen Teardrop is the Manga continuation of the After Colony timeline that takes place after the conflict between Earth and the Colonies and long after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz. The Migration of Mars has long been underway, which marks the beginning of the Mars Century.

The events of the Mars Timeline trigger a second conflict when the Mars federation begins military operations against the will of many who have adopted the pacifism ideals of Relena Peacecraft. The story follows truly tragic outcomes for the returning Gundam pilots and the lives and families they've created for themselves.

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