During a recent digital tour of End of Dragons, Guild Wars 2 developer Connor Fallon accidentally killed an in-game cat critter on stream, prompting players to flood him with jokes and jests. One player added to the stream of memes by dressing his Guild Wars 2 character up as the infamous developer.

Guild Wars 2 is preparing for the release of its End of Dragons at the end of the month. It recently revealed New Kaineng City, a sprawling urban zone unlike any other in Guild Wars 2.

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During Guild Wars 2’s most recent Guild Chat, Arenanet developers Connor, Indigo, and Ruby gave players a digital tour of the New Kaineng map. But, while showing off one of the jumping puzzles, tragedy struck. While trying to repeat a kneeling emote command to kneel down and pet a kitten at the puzzle’s end, he accidentally repeated a kill command he had used to defeat a boss earlier in the stream, killing the otherwise-unkillable kitten. The tour ground to a halt in shock and laughter, and Indigo and Ruby proceeded to tease Connor for the rest of the hour-long stream.

They weren’t the only ones. The internet exploded into memes within moments, all at the infamous Connor the Kitten Killer’s expense. Guild Wars 2 fan and Redditor Alderez immortalized Connor’s mistake by dressing up a character–aptly-named “The Kitten Killer”–in the same clothes as Connor had worn during the stream, even including the Relentless title and equipped with a ghostly cat companion. Connor actually saw and commented on the post, saying, “If this must be a thing, at least I look pretty fit!”

Hilariously, this is not the first time cats have been the focus of Guild Wars 2 memes. For April Fools’ Day in 2020, players received a message from the “King of All Cats” that included a potion which spawned tiny cats around those who drink them, and giant cats who lounged around various places of the map. The stream also took plays days after the Year of the Tiger began, with Guild Wars 2's in-game Lunar New Year celebrations still ongoing.

Players have gotten good mileage out of this particular meme. Connor himself has been a good sport about his embarrassing gaffe, and just as many players have reminded their fellow players not to take their teasing too far as have joined in the teasing. Unfortunately for those fans, it is unlikely the End of Dragons expansion will be renamed End of Cats in memoriam of the poor little critter.

Guild Wars 2 is available now on PC. End of Dragons releases in February 28th.

MORE: Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons - A Digital Tour of New Kaineng City, the Jadepunk Heart of Cantha