Guild Wars 2 just released End of Dragons, its third full expansion pack, featuring the continent of Cantha and several new zones to explore. Though best experienced linearly, players can select any story chapter, meaning new players can dive straight in to the fresh content if they wish. Doing this, however, means they may miss out on unlocks available earlier in the game, including the game-changing mounts from the Path of Fire expansion.

Luckily, ArenaNet planned ahead for these players, and have helped alleviate that struggle by adding a new way to unlock the raptor — the very first mount available to players in Guild Wars 2. Originally unlocked at the beginning of Path of Fire, there is now a second option for those who skip forward to End of Dragons. Doing either of these objectives unlocks the raptor mount for all characters on their account, regardless of level.

Unlocking the Raptor Mount in Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire

gw2 pof eod raptor mount unlock

Players must own Path of Fire for the original method. The raptor is unlocked through the expansion story’s first scenario instance, “Sparking the Flame.” Though unlocking it involves some story spoilers and fighting level 80 foes, characters of any level can get their raptor saddles if they accompany a max-level character into the instance. This means that even brand-new players can get a mount for use in leveling content, Heart of Thorns, and Living World Seasons 2 and 3 shortly after making their characters.

RELATED: Guild Wars 2 Players Can Raise Their Own Siege Turtle In End Of Dragons

To unlock the raptor mount, begin the Path of Fire chapter from the Story Journal and enter the instance in Lion’s Arch — or join the party of a level 80 friend who does the same. After a brief conversation, board the airship and travel to Elona. After landing, disembark from the airship and follow the mission waypoint into a nearby cave. Battle the Herald of Balthazar and her minions until she flees. The short chase will lead to Seeker’s Village, a small town ablaze after an attack by the Forged.

gw2 raptor mount renown heart pof

Complete the Renown Heart objectives by rescuing townsfolk or extinguishing fires with water buckets or the tool held by the Lionguard NPC and return to Aksim, the Renown Heart vendor. His inventory now has the raptor mount saddle. Buying it unlocks the raptor mount; players can safely leave the scenario without completing it unless they seek to progress further into the Path of Fire story.

Unlocking the Raptor Mount in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons

gw2 eod strigidae renown heart vendor

The second method requires the new End of Dragons expansion. The raptor mount can be unlocked via a Renown Heart mission located in the Cobble Ward of New Kaineng City. The tengu, Strigidae, leads the ward, and needs help solving problems within her district by delivering steam canisters and fixing haywire machines. After completing the Renown Heart objective, players can return to Strigidae to purchase their raptor saddle, even without the Path of Fire expansion.

gw2 eod cobble ward strigidae renown heart raptor mount map

Keep in mind, however, that without Path of Fire, the raptor mount cannot benefit from masteries which improve its Tail Spin attack or increase the distance of its leap. Additionally, the End of Dragons story starts players in Seitung Province, and can't get to New Kaineng until Chapter 5 of End of Dragons. Though this method is simple enough, it takes a bit longer than the first one, meaning it should only be used by players who don't own Path of Fire.

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons is available now on PC.

MORE: Guild Halls, Gangs, and Gunblades: A Sneak Preview of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons