February is a busy month for gamers, and Guild Wars 2 is getting in on the hustle and bustle with a brand-new expansion. End of Dragons is Guild Wars 2’s third full expansion pack, which will lead players back to the eastern-themed continent of Cantha. Formerly the setting of the original Guild Wars’ Factions expansion, Cantha has changed much in the past 250 in-game years, transitioning from an insular, traditional dynasty to a cutting-edge, cyberpunk empire fueled by magical dragon jade.

Game ZXC had the opportunity to attend a digital tour of New Kaineng City, the capital of the Canthan empire. The new urban zone is a fusion of old and new, and it promises an experience unlike any other Guild Wars 2. Additionally, Guild Wars 2 showed off the Jade Bot — a companion players can collect in End of Dragons. This customizable jade-powered drone is as useful as it is adorable, and is the final Mastery track line End of Dragons.

RELATED: Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Gets a Release Date and Gameplay Trailer

Out With the Old Kaineng, In With the New Kaineng

For those who played Guild Wars: Factions, Kaineng City might sound familiar, but the metropolis visited in End of Dragons is anything but the place they remember. One hundred years ago, when the Elder Dragon Zhaitan rose from the sea, a tidal wave carrying hordes of its Risen minions wiped out most of the old Kaineng City in an event called the Zhaitan Disaster. In the century that followed, the survivors fled south of the zombie-infested ruins and built a new home — New Kaineng City.

Today, New Kaineng is a technological marvel of a city thanks to the Xunlai Jade Corporation, and the heart of its civilization. Jade-powered mechs wander the city, providing direction and protection, holographic projections of Ministry of Purity leaders dispense news and updates to the populace, and holo-images of fish, whales, and other sea life swim through the skyline. Though in a transitory phase, the city is now home to both Canthan humans, including decedents from the defunct Luxon and Kurzick peoples from Guild Wars: Factions, and tengu despite their previous distrust, creating a melting pot of cultures and peoples which will grow even more with its exposure to the outside world.

gw2 eod new kaineng ministry ward night

Unlike previous maps, the New Kaineng map is almost entirely urban. The zone is the city itself, from the slums found in the lower sections to the central, affluent Ministry Ward, where the Ministry and Empress rule, and where the Xunlai Jade Corporation keeps their headquarters in a massive skyscraper of jade tech. Every alley of the city is rife with Jade Brotherhood criminals, haywire jade mechs, and other threats players will be able to confront to earn the trust of the Canthan Empire and bring stability to the city of light and jade.

New Kaineng is a far cry from the cramped, plague-ridden city from the original Guild Wars, but it pays homage to the history and legacy of its past all the same. The northeastern corner of New Kaineng lies beyond the safety of the city walls. This area is overrun with the deathless Risen minions of the fallen Elder Dragon — a threat familiar to both old and new Guild Wars 2 players. Though it gives only a taste of the history of the Zhaitan Disaster, Guild Wars 2 has hinted that players may be able to visit the heart of the Old Kaineng ruins, perhaps in a future Living World patch zone.

Jade Bots: Adventuring Companions of the Future

The influence of jade technology in Cantha is evident after the first step into End of Dragons. Players will be able to access this powerful new tech in the palm of their hands with the new Jade Bot companion. This little drone is a marvel of Xunlai Jade Corporation, and is powered by the same technology as the jade security mechs and the holographic technology that runs through all of Cantha. They also act as the final new Mastery Track in End of Dragons.

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After players unlock the Jade Bot, they will be able to use it to help enhance their exploration and experience in End of Dragons. Jade Bots have numerous utility functions players can use. Certain areas within End of Dragons give players the chance to remotely control their Jade Bot. While flying around as their Jade Bot, players can enjoy a drone’s-eye view of the gorgeous new Guild Wars 2 areas. Beyond the fantastic screenshot opportunities, certain challenges, secrets, and discoveries can only be tackled with the minute companions, as they are too high or too small for players to reach. No nook or cranny will go unexplored by the intrepid adventurer with their trusty Jade Bot at their side.

gw2 zipline jade tech jade bot

Jade Bots can equip two new pieces of equipment: power cores and modules. Power cores give the Jade Bot the ability to interact with the world in unique ways. With a power core, Jade Bots can absorb charges from Jade Batteries found throughout Cantha, which can be in turn be used to energize deactivated tech or run across ziplines found in End of Dragons. Modules, on the other hand, give the jade bot special abilities, such as a speed boost for the fishing skiff vehicle, mount re-energizer, or automated looting and salvaging. Guild Wars 2 has more modules planned throughout the course of the expansion, which will provide more options for customizable convenience.

The new Jade Bot Mastery Track will allow players to improve their companion’s functionality even further. As a part of Guild Wars 2's horizontal progression system, experience points earned after reaching the consistent level cap of 80 goes towards the Mastery Track players are currently working on. Some unlockable abilities on the Jade Bot Mastery Track include the ability for the Jade Bot to give a vertical boost while gliding, improve the functionality of the Jade Bot’s other abilities, and even rezzing players from a downed state like. Mastering the Jade Bot will prove instrumental in defeating the Aetherblade and unlocking the secrets of the Elder Dragons in End of Dragons.

Guild Wars 2 is available now on PC. End of Dragons releases in February 28th.

MORE: Guild Halls, Gangs, and Gunblades: A Sneak Preview of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons