Guild Wars 2 has a lot of variety when it comes to classes and playstyles. Players can choose from 9 base-game Professions, each with 3 Elite Specializations. From element-wielding mages to brutal warriors and nimble rangers, everyone can find something they enjoy.

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For the most part, players can comfortably play and explore the massive open world on any class and specialization, experimenting with new builds fun for many people. But for the more difficult end-game content like raids and fractals, players tend to optimize and maximize their potential on the chosen class. While the meta might change and the balance flipped on its head, there is almost always an available build for a player’s favorite class.

10 Scourge


Scourge is a Necromancer Elite Specialization from the Path of Fire expansion in Guild Wars 2. It is a very interesting spin on the necromancer archetype, where the abilities are focused around a sand theme. It wields powerful spells and skills that inflict damage over time to enemies and can support allies with various boons and barriers.

Its best damage builds focus on dealing condition damage, building up DOTs until their enemies wither away. They feel very self-sustained, with many tools to manipulate the battlefield and keep a steady health pool. They are also a great teammate in group content, as they excel at reviving their mispositioned friends.

9 Deadeye


As the name suggests, Deadeye is somewhat of a sniper Elite Specialization of the Thief, available from the Path of Fire expansion. It has a great range to work with and is able to deal massive single-target damage at the cost of mobility.

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Positioning is very important for Deadeye, as being in the wrong spot at the wrong time can absolutely flatten a player if they are not careful. With that said, the great effective range allows for a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing one’s spot. It is a fun and stylish profession that feels great to play.

8 Catalyst


The Catalyst is an Elementalist Elite Specialization, unlocked with the End of Dragons. While the hammer might not be the most intuitive tool for a mage, it feels great to smash one’s opponents with a massive elemental weapon. The Catalyst is able to deal incredible DPS to enemies in an area, utilizing all 4 elements to disable enemies and buff their allies.

With a low hp pool, not the best mobility, and a tricky rotation, it can be a difficult profession to master. But for those willing to master the elements, it is a great class that fits in almost any composition.

7 Bladesworn


Bladesworn is a Warrior Elite Specialization unlocked with the End of Dragons expansion, combining the power of swords and guns to create gunsabers. By using dragonjade technology, Bladesworns can mow down enemies with explosive force.

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Ultimately this profession revolves around the most powerful attack: Dragon Slash. While it takes some time to fully activate, it is one of, if not the most powerful single attack in the game, dealing devastating damage to enemies in an area. While consistently landing that attack might take some time to get used to, with enough practice it unleashes incredible, samurai-like final strikes.

6 Mechanist

Mechanist with Jade Mech

Mechanist is an Engineer Elite Specialization unlocked with the End of Dragons expansion. One of its notable features is the massive Jade Mech that follows the player around, being capable of dealing damage, tanking and even healing allies.

There are many viable DPS builds for the mechanist, from rifles to pistols, and there are multiple ways of blowing up one’s enemies. The Jade Mech is a powerful ally that provides a solid backup when exploring the world and does good damage to enemies, both ranged and melee. It is a very reliable class that feels comfortable in almost any situation.

5 Renegade


The Renegade is a Revenant Elite Specialization unlocked with the Path of Fire expansion. This class is a force to be reckoned with, able to switch between different stances that grant powerful boons and effects to themselves and their allies.

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Whether it's unleashing a barrage of arrows at range, or getting up close and personal with the devastatingly effective Kalla's Fervor stance for melee combat, the Renegade can adapt to any situation. It is a great and useful playstyle that isn’t very difficult to get a hang of. Lacking in mobility, the Renegade does prefer to be in a group, but takes care of themselves just fine.

4 Soulbeast


Soulbeast is a Ranger Elite Specialization unlocked with the Path of Fire expansion. The class utilizes primal energy and the connection with beats, merging the human and the animalistic into an absolute powerhouse. Effective at almost any range, the Soulbeast is capable of wielding multiple weapons very effectively.

Boasting great dps and a beginner-friendly rotation, players can easily pick up this class and utilize it to great effect in late-game content. Depending on the chosen Ranger pet, the Soulbeast gets different boons to help themselves and their party of allies.

3 Weaver


The Weaver is an Elementalist Elite Specialization unlocked with the Path of Fire expansion. With the ability to quickly switch between and even combine two elemental attunements. They are capable of dealing incredible damage while being very mobile, but their low health pool doesn’t allow for many mistakes. They are also able to strip enemy boons and provide powerful buffs to allies.

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However, Weaver's potential requires skillful management of attunements and their accompanying stances, making it a challenging but rewarding profession. Despite being somewhat beginner-friendly, its high skill ceiling and reliance on group support make it an ideal choice for experienced players looking to tackle the game's most challenging content.

2 Firebrand


Firebrand is a Guardian Elite Specialization unlocked with the Path of Fire expansion. With a combination of damage-dealing abilities and supportive skills, the Firebrand can excel both as a solo player and in group settings. There are many powerful builds that utilize the unique Tomes that can damage enemies and buff allies, making it a valuable asset to almost any team composition.

Overall, the Firebrand is a well-rounded and satisfying class to play for those who enjoy a mix of magical and physical attacks,- while also providing support to their team.

1 Chronomancer


Chronomancer is a Mesmer Elite Specialization unlocked with Heart of Thorns. As the name implies, the Chronomancer is a powerful time manipulator, able to debuff and confuse enemies right before delivering a deadly flurry of blows. With a great kit that includes mobility, utility, and dps, this class has easily withstood the test of time, being relevant in late-game content during most of its existence.

The Chronomancer, much like the other Mesmer specializations, is a tricky class to master, with many techniques and powers that are designed to create chaos on the battlefield. But in the right hands, it is a dangerous enemy and a reliable ally.

Guild Wars 2 is available for PC.

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