Dota 2 is a massively popular MOBA that continues to dominate the Esports scene. Since Dota 2 is incredibly popular, it attracts new players every day. However, new players will learn there is an incredible learning curve to which they will need to get accustomed.

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Dota 2 has a ton of heroes and items that players need to get acquainted with to improve their rank. One such hero, Jakiro, is the perfect hero that beginners can try out to improve their rank quickly. Players that have never played Jakiro before will be pleased to know this guide will cover everything there is to know about the hero and the items they need to buy for guaranteed wins.

How To Play Jakiro

Jakiro in Dota 2

Jakiro is primarily a Dota 2 support hero that is normally played as hard support. The primary goal of the hard support is to pull lanes so that the safe lane carry can farm on enemy creeps. At the same time, the hard support must keep the opposing off-lane heroes at bay and prevent them from farming. The opposing heroes can be stopped from farming by blocking their camp using a sentry ward or last-hitting creeps to ensure they do not get gold or XP. To make this possible, players should buy the following starter items:

  • 2 Sentry Wards (To block neutral camps)
  • 1 Observer Ward (For vision)
  • Tango (Can be consumed or given to safe lane carry for health)
  • Mantle of Intelligence
  • Wind Lace (For movement speed)

As soon as the game begins, acquire the Dual Breath ability and spam it on the opposing off-lane heroes without taking out enemy creeps. The goal is to keep the enemy heroes away while the hard lane carry farms, which is essential for any Dota 2 or Dota 2: Autochess game. Meanwhile, pull lanes by attacking neutral creeps and directing them toward ally creeps. When the player has enough farm, the following items should be purchased:

  • 2 Null Talismans (For greater intelligence, quick mana regeneration, and spell mana cost reduction)
  • Arcane Boots (For mana that can be shared with other allies)
  • Aether Lens (Increases spell casting range by 225)
Jakiro Shard Stats

With these items, the player can easily support the hard lane carry and get easy kills using the following combination: Ice Path > Dual Breath > Liquid Fire. If the player has reached level 6, the following combination should be used instead to dispatch two or more opposing heroes: Ice Path > Macropyre > Dual Breath > Liquid Fire. The idea here is to trap opposing heroes using the Ice Path ability, thrashing them with immense magical damage with Jakiro’s remaining abilities.

It is worth noting, though, Jakiro can only be a good support with the right positioning. Jakiro cannot be on the front but must be close enough to cast spells, which is why Ather Lens is important. Jakiro has low cooldown spells, meaning players can spam its abilities as long as they have enough mana. However, mana should not be an issue if the player has acquired the items mentioned above.

Players can further reduce spell cooldowns if needed by upgrading Aether Lens to Octarine Core. Once acquired, the Octarine Core will reduce the cooldown of spells and items by 25%. Players should also consider buying items like Force Staff and Glimmer Cape to protect their cores or themselves when things get out of hand. The Force Staff can push any hero 600 units in the direction they are facing, while the Glimmer Cape grants invisibility to any hero for 5 seconds.

Remember, while playing hard support as Jakiro, players must place wards to provide vision on the map for the team to avoid being flanked by the opposing team. While this may seem difficult unless playing heroes like Queen of Pain, it is not impossible. To further support the team, players can also purchase the following items:

  • Boots of Travel (Increase movement speed and reduces teleportation cooldown. Players can teleport on units without consuming a Town Portal Scroll)
  • Kaya (Increases intelligence, spell damage amplification, mana regeneration amplification, and spell lifesteal amplification)
  • Aghanim’s Shard (Adds the Liquid Frost ability for slowing and stunning enemies while dealing damage)

Dota 2 is available on PC.

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