A gargantuan PlayStation 5 exclusive may have just been accidentally confirmed by a Sony-owned studio. Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the best titles that gamers need to play of the past generation, so it would make sense for the developer, in this case, Guerrilla Games, to be working on a follow-up, and it may have spilled the beans about a new game.

Guerrilla Games recently tweeted about a new job opening at the studio, and while, a job opening wouldn't be suspicious and wouldn't necessarily point to Horizon: Zero Dawn 2, as soon as the tweet went up, it was deleted. Raising questions as to why the tweet was deleted.

RELATED: Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 May Add Multiplayer Mode

The main reason is probably that the tweet had the hashtag PS5, and the company didn't want to give away any details that the developer is working on an unannounced PS5 game. Some would argue that this is a bit silly, given the fact that the PS5 is going to release in about a half a year or so. At this point, it is a given that Guerrilla Games would be working on a new PS5 title, but regardless, the tweet was taken down.

But the internet is fast, and someone took a snapshot before the tweet was deleted. And just like an animator job listing teased the possibility of Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 last week, yet again Guerrilla Games is pointing to a new game in the series.

guerrilla games job listing

Guerrilla Games has worked on quite a few games for Sony, including the Killzone series. There is a chance that the series could make a return. One of the former Killzone developers rejoined Guerrilla Games in late 2018, meaning the team may end up working on rebooting the franchise for the PS5.

There have also been rumors that Guerrilla Games has been tasked with bringing back the SOCOM series, a franchise that last appeared in 2011 on the PS3. If Guerrilla Games were able to nail a realistic military-based shooter, along with how masterfully they crafted the world that is Horizon: Zero Dawn, it would prove that it is one of the top-tier developers.

When it comes down to it, the most realistic option is that Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 is in development. The original title was so successful for Sony, the idea of not capitalizing on that triumph would be silly, which may be why Sony is releasing Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC as well. Multiple titles could also be in development, as Guerrilla Games has proven that it is more than capable of creating amazing content that players will enjoy on the PS5.

Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Horizon: Zero Dawn Launching New Comic in July

Source: Comicbook