Marvel's Phase 4 will be introducing many new characters from the Marvel comics into the MCU. Some of these characters will be getting their own projects, like Shang-Chi, the Eternals, Moon Knight, Ironheart, and Ms. Marvel. Others are being introduced through Marvel projects focused on existing Marvel heroes; this includes Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder, Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, and Mobius in Loki.

The upcoming third installment in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise could be another chance to introduce new characters from the Marvel comics into the MCU. There isn't a lot known about the movie yet, so that leaves lots of room for dreaming and speculation. On the top of the wish list of Marvel characters who could appear in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is the superhero, Nova. Nova is a well-developed and super powerful character, who could be an interesting addition to the Guardians of the Galaxy films.

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Who Is Nova?

nova guardians of the galaxy 3

Richard Rider was living life as a normal high school student in New York City. His life is changed when Rhomann Dey, the last surviving member of the planet Xandar's Nova Corps, while dying, chooses to transfer his power to a human on earth. Richard ends up suddenly infused with power, and Rhomann Dey telepathically explains to him what happened and what his mission was. He also sends Richard the Nova Corps Centurion uniform, and Richard takes on the name Nova. His ensuing journey in the comics includes learning how to use his powers, maturing, sacrificing, and struggling between his duties in space and his place on Earth.

Richard Rider/Nova derives his powers through an energy force called the Nova Force. Channeling the Nova Force grants him super strength, super speed, superior stamina, reflexes, and agility, and flight. The Nova Force allows him to absorb energy directed at him and shoot beams of energy out of his hands or whole body. Richard Rider is also host to the Xandarian Worldmind. This is a sentient collective created to govern and maintain all forms of Xandarian culture and knowledge. Among other things, the worldmind helps him sense energy, protects him from psionic manipulation, gives insight and criticisms, and maintains his self control and mental stability.

What is Known About GOTG 3?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, the Guardians fly into space accompanied by Thor, with some indications that Peter Quill wants to find Gamora's 2014 self after current Gamora perished. The Guardians are confirmed to be making an appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder, with Star-Lord, Kraglin, and Nebula spotted on set and Drax, Mantis, Groot, and Rocket all also confirmed. Judging from the length of their shoot time on Thor, it will not be a major appearance, and so seems likely for now that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will follow their appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder.

There have been a few hints as to what to expect from the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Director and screenwriter James Gunn has dropped a few hints on Twitter. He said that this film "will probably be the last with the current cast" which suggests the film could be wrapping up major storylines and perhaps introducing new characters. He also hinted at a major arc for Rocket Raccoon, saying that stuff like the scars on Rocket's back help set up what Gunn has planned for him. Additionally, the mid-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 hinted at Marvel character Adam Warlock becoming a possible antagonist in future installments. Created as the "perfect" being by the High Priestess of the Sovereign, Adam Warlock could pose a major threat. No casting or confirmation of this character has been confirmed for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 at this time.

So How Could Nova Fit in Guardians of the Galaxy 3

With so little known about the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, the door is wide open for speculations about where a character like Nova could fit in. It was mentioned in Avengers: Infinity Warthat Thanos decimated Xandar in his hunt for the Power Stone, which was being protected by Nova Corps. It would be easy, with this existing information, to explain Nova's backstory by saying the Nova Force power was transferred to him when that happened.

One of the most well-known storylines for Nova in the comics is the Annihilation storyline, where he teams up with the Guardians to oppose Annihilus and the Annihilation Wave that destroyed much of Xandar in the comics. Many Marvel fans have been wanting an Annihilation-focused movie for years, ideally featuring both Nova and Adam Warlock. While Xandar has already been destroyed, it's possible the Annihilation Wave can be included in an altered way. There are other storylines in the comics where Nova interacts with the Guardians, including one where he helps Drax and Peter Quill escape the Cancerverse--a reality where life defeated death and the universe was corrupted. Additionally, Richard Rider has a relationship with Gamora in the comics, and he could be pulled into the plot if this is included in the movie.

This is all just ideas, but with how many new characters are being introduced to the MCU in Phase 4, it is certainly possible that Nova could be one of them. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 could provide a perfect jumping-off point for Nova and for bigger possibilities for the character in the MCU.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is set to begin filming in 2021.

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