
  • GTFO is known for its punishing gameplay and challenging levels, with some levels taking hours to complete.
  • The most challenging levels in the game include Rundown 005: R5A1, Rundown 7.0: R7C1, and Rundown 7.0: R7D1.
  • Players must navigate through abundant enemies, terrifying creatures, constant alarms, and infectious fog in order to survive these difficult levels.

GTFO is known for its punishing gameplay and insanely challenging levels, but which of them is the hardest to complete? With a GameFaqs difficulty score of 4.82, GTFO is certainly not for the faint of heart, and some levels take even seasoned players hours to complete. In this co-op game, players take on the role of Prisoners, who must complete objectives (called Rundowns) set by the Warden.

8 Beginner Tips For GTFO You Need To Know

GTFO is a highly strategic game where one wrong move could kill the whole party, thankfully there are tips that can help every new player succeed.

Each Rundown has five tiers, which grow progressively harder as the player progresses through the game. Each tier is given a letter from A to E. These vary in difficulty, with the E-tier arguably being the most difficult. The following Rundowns are those considered the most challenging by the player community.

8 Rundown 005: R5A1

An Abundance Of Enemies


This level starts off relatively tame for GTFO standards, but the difficulty factor soon escalates. R5A1 is abundant with enemies (including an absurd number of Charger scouts), which threaten players at every turn. There are also alarms to deal with, which alert even more enemies.

While going solo is possible in this level, it is strongly recommended that players tackle it in teams if they want to save their sanity.

7 Rundown 7.0: R7C1

Watch Out For Snatchers

Screenshot from GTFO Level R7C1

R7C1 introduces what is arguably the most terrifying enemy in the game: the Snatcher. This horrifying creature will grab players, rendering them utterly helpless until it is killed by other players, or it finally lets go of the player. The Snatcher is difficult to kill, as many areas of its body are highly resistant to attacks – its armored areas will only take one-fifth of the damage. The Snatcher is unavoidable, spawning right behind a door as players enter Zone 28.

It is crucial that players prepare for this enemy’s appearance, or they will get wiped out. The Snatcher is not the only danger players must watch out for, however, as once the Extraction alarm sounds, many more enemies will appear on the map, including more Snatchers. This is all after players have made their way through R7C1’s earlier dangers – including numerous Error Alarms which spawn hordes of Giants, Hybrids, and Strikers.

6 Rundown 7.0: R7D1

Fast-Paced And Dramatic

Screenshot from GTFO level R7D1

This is the first D-tier level in Rundown 7.0, and the difficulty ramps up from here on out. This expedition is virtually impossible to complete without at least two human players, as it involves inputting terminal commands in a short space of time.

GTFO: How to Invite and Play With Friends

Here's how to squad up, invite friends, and build a team in the relentlessly unforgiving hardcore co-operative first-person shooter game GTFO.

Not only that, but there are also many Class X alarms going off, surge errors, and hordes of enemies that can wipe out players if they’re not careful. Finally, the last section of R7D1 is stress-inducing, to say the least, as it forces the team of players to split.

5 Rundown 7.0: R7D2

Constant Alarms

Screenshot from GTFO level R7D2

This level’s placement in the D-tier firmly establishes it as one of the hardest in the game. First, the players must navigate around multiple Charger scouts. Using a Bio Tracker should make this slightly easier. There’s also the constant alarm ringing to deal with, which spawns Hybrids, Big Shooters, and Giants. All these enemies relentlessly chase players through rooms with even more enemies.

That said, there are many resources available in this Rundown, yet this doesn’t compensate for its extreme difficulty.

4 Rundown 002: R2D1

Watch Out For Infectious Fog

Screenshot from GTFO level R2D1

This level can be a nightmare. Infection fog consumes the entire map, severely impacting players’ views and disorienting them. What’s worse, thermal-scope weapons such as the Accrat STB PDW are useless here. Players must use tools like Fog Repellers to even stand a chance of making it through each section of R2D1.

GTFO: The Best Weapons, Ranked

Picking the best weapons available will help alleviate GTFO's high level of difficulty. Here's what players need to know when picking a gun.

All sections of the map are packed with enemies, including a ridiculously high level of Sleepers, which are virtually impossible to spot due to the level’s extreme lack of visibility.

3 Rundown 002: R2E1

Move Quickly To Survive

Screenshot from GTFO level R2E1

From the outset, this level seems rather slow, but once the player unlocks the first security door, they must move quickly to survive. Traveling from door to door, the player must make their way through thick fog, Shadow Giants, and Hybrids to retrieve items.

What’s more, they must also carry three power cells to exit the level, as these must be used to unlock the last security doors. This will then set off many alarms, causing a huge number of Sleepers (the most common enemies in the game) to spawn, putting players at an even greater risk. These elements make for a highly challenging, yet exhilarating, experience.

2 Rundown 7.0: R7E1

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Screenshot from GTFO level R7E1

During this level, players are pursued relentlessly by a Tank - a large, three-headed, heavily mutated creature. If the team of players is uncoordinated, they will struggle to complete it, as careful coordination is mandatory throughout the entire stage.

It also takes a great deal of stealth to make it through in one piece. So, if players don’t work out a strategy, they will find their resources diminishing very quickly.

1 Rundown 004: R4E1

Enemies And Infection At Every Turn

Screenshot from GTFO level R4E1

The secondary objective in R4E1 makes it arguably the hardest level in the game, even with the help of the HEL Revolver. At the start of the level, an error alarm will sound, lowering fog levels and spawning a Tank every four minutes, unless the player deactivates it. However, after doing so, the fog will stop moving and become infectious, adding an extra layer of risk and difficulty. The secondary objective involves a six-code reactor sequence, heaping stress on players’ endurance and resources. Furthermore, the rooms are littered with enemies, including invisible Scouts, which can quickly kill off an unprepared party.

However, this objective is optional, so, unless a gamer is a completionist, they need not worry about it. But all in all, R4E1’s position in the E tier makes it a solid addition to this list.


December 10, 2021
10 Chambers
Survival , Adventure