In GTFO, weapons are important for defeating enemies, but tools are important for staying alive. In the current rundown, there are six tools to choose from; with a seventh currently not available. The tools in this game are similar to weapons in both form and function. They give players alternative strategies and allow players to exploit enemy behavioral patterns to their advantage.

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As with the weapons in GTFO, the tools are not equal in their usefulness. The usefulness of a tool is also somewhat dependent on what Rundown is being played. Some Rundowns have dense fog at parts and almost require the Bio Tracker. In other words, the rankings of the tools on this list are for their general usefulness.

7 Stalwart G2 C-Foam Launcher

Using the C-Foam Launcher to seal a door in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: 60

The C-Foam Launcher takes the last spot on this list, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth bringing along. If used smartly the C-Foam Launcher can make a fight much easier. This tool is also extremely useful for when doors need to be sealed long enough for an objective to be completed. The problem is C-Foam Grenades can be found while playing, and they serve the same function as the launcher. Players can bring another tool and just pick up C-Foam Grenades when needed.

Spraying the C-Foam on the ground can immobilize enemies if they step in that area; when paired with sentry guns this tactic can be used to great effect. Keeping a mined door sealed as enemies accumulate on the other side allows players to get the most kills out of their mines.

6 Mechatronic B5 LFR Shotgun Sentry

Setting up a Shotgun Sentry at a choke point in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: 42
  • Damage: High
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Range: Short

Sentries are great tools for helping a group secure a position. After a sentry is placed it will actively scan the area it's facing and fire upon any enemy that gets within range. Players need to be sure they deploy a sentry in the right spot - and the right spot changes depending on which sentry is being used.

The Shotgun Sentry is a powerful tool if placed in a spot facing a choke point, like a narrow hallway or door opening. It is capable of killing some enemies with a single shot, but its slow rate of fire can allow enemies to slip past this sentry. This tool is currently not available in the current rundown - which is why it is ranked last among the sentries.

5 AutoTek 51 RSG Sniper Sentry

GTFO A Sniper Sentry waiting for a enemy
  • Maximum Ammo: 48.1
  • Damage: High
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Range: Long

There are a few instances where this is probably the best of the sentries; specifically at the end of a long hallway or overlooking a room. This will allow the Sniper Sentry to make use of its long-range, while not being hindered too much by its slow rate of fire. The high damage output of this sentry's shots will be welcomed by the group when Big Strikers start appearing.

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This sentry has its problem though. Sentries do not automatically hit their targets; they can, and will, miss. This matters when a Scout appears at the edge of the Sniper Sentry's range and is missed, or hit and not killed.

4 Rad Labs Meduza Auto Sentry

An Auto Sentry guarding a narrow passage in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: 877
  • Damage: Low
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Range: Medium

The Auto Sentry is fitted with a machine gun that has more than enough ammunition to outlast most enemy assaults on the players' position. Once this sentry is placed - ideally at a choke point or in front of a door - the player(s) can typically sit back and take care of the few enemies that manage to get past the hail bullets constantly spraying from the Auto Sentry.

The Auto Sentry is also great at making enemies stagger, and making enemies stagger is something players should exploit as much as possible. A staggered enemy is much easier to hit - especially if a player is going for headshots.

3 Mechatronic SGB3 Burst Sentry

A Burst Sentry firing at the advancing enemy in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: 269
  • Damage: Medium
  • Rate of Fire: Medium
  • Range: Medium

The Burst Sentry is the best of the currently available sentries. It doesn't have the best range, do the most damage, or have the highest rate of fire, but its medium ranking in all categories makes it the Jack-of-all-trades among the sentries. In some specific circumstances the Sniper Sentry or Shotgun Sentry perform more efficiently; however, there really isn't a situation in which the Burst Sentry is the worst choice.

Like the Auto Sentry, the Burst Sentry has an increased chance to stagger enemies. When compared to the Auto Sentry this sentry's max ammo seems low, but its burst firing mode is surprisingly efficient in terms of ammo conservation.

2 D-Tek Optron IV Bio Tracker

Using the Bio Tracker to detect enemies in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: N/A
  • Range: Medium

In battle, information is just as deadly a weapon as any firearm. That's what the Bio Tracker does for the group - it provides crucial information. Using this tool a player can detect enemies in a wide arc extending from the device. This device also shows if an enemy is inactive or roaming; this makes it easy to spot Scouts before they spot the players. Inactive enemies are displayed as white dots. Moving enemies are shown as a red dot.

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The Bio Tracker can also mark moving (red) targets. A marked target has a red triangle displayed above their heads. This is a tremendous help in pitch dark rooms where enemies are nearly impossible to see. Having a plan in GTFO is the key to surviving - the Bio Tracker helps a group formulate a plan with a much higher chance of success.

1 Krieger 04 Mine Deployer

Using the Mine Deployer to place mines on the wall in GTFO
  • Maximum Ammo: 8
  • Damage: Very High
  • Range: Medium

The Mine Deployer is currently the best tool in GTFO. This may change in future Rundowns, but for now, it’s almost mandatory for at least one member of the group to bring this tool. This tool places a mine on floors and walls; the mine then emits a laser tripwire. If an enemy passes through the laser, the mine detonates. These mines are powerful enough to wipe out entire groups of enemies in seconds. Players can pass through the tripwire without effect.

For maximum effect, these mines should be placed in doorways. The mines can also be placed higher on the wall to allow smaller enemies to pass under the laser tripwire, but forcing the taller, more powerful, enemies to detonate the mines.

GTFO is available on PC.

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