Grand Theft Auto 5 is a game that lets the player do pretty much whatever they want. They can steal whatever car they like the look of, rob a store, or go on a rampage with one of the games many available weapons. However, such behavior is probably going to catch the attention of the police.

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The police force in GTA 5 is more brutal than ever, and the player can only run for so long. That means that the players next step for escaping the police in the game is fighting back. Any player who chooses to fight the police in this way will want to have some of the best weapons at their disposal.

8 Combat Pistol

Michael cocking a pistol in Grand Theft Auto 5 promo art
  • Found at Ammu-Nation
  • $600

The standard combat pistol may not seem like much on the surface, but players will be glad to have one at hand during a police chase. The pistol is one of the first weapons that players will find in GTA 5, and it is possibly one of the easiest to use.

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The best mounted weapons for vehicles in Grand Theft Auto 5 are the ones that ensure destruction and chaos to Los Santos.

A combat pistol in a police chase can be fired from a vehicle, and also used to pick off a few lone officers with headshots. At the very least, the weapon is great one to use during a last stand, as many police officers in the game will drop free ammo for the gun.

7 Combat MG

  • Found at the Weapons Workshop
  • $14,800

The combat MG looks powerful, because it is! It is an expensive purchase, but this MG will allow the player to fire off several rounds at once with the ability to damage cars and police officers alike in GTA 5.

Ammo is not easy to come by for this weapon, and it is heavy enough to slow the player down when running. However, keeping one of these guns on hand is vital for dealing with whatever the Los Santos police can throw at the player.

6 Sniper Rifle

GTA 5 Sniper
  • Found at the Galileo Observatory for Free
  • Rounds are $200 at Ammu-Nation

A Sniper Rifle may not have been the most useful weapon to use in a police chase in previous Grand Theft Auto games. They are more suited to specific missions or online shenanigans. However, the hiding mechanic during a police chase in GTA 5 makes the Sniper Rifle a handy tool to have.

A sniper can be used to take out any approaching officers approaching the player's location in one quiet shot. This weapon is also great for taking down any pesky police helicopters in the area. Hiding from the police may not be the most exciting way to remove a five star wanted level in GTA, but at least players can be creative with it when using a Sniper Rifle.

5 Minigun

GTA 5 Minigun
  • Available at Ammu-Nation after the mission 'The Palleto Score'
  • $15,000

Players really get to see what the Minigun can do during the campaign mission 'The Palleto Score.' This weapon is given to players during this heist as part of the crew's escape plan. The player is kitted out in a bullet-proof suit, and gets to walk the street tearing through vehicles and NPCs alike in a hail of bullets.

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There is little in anyone's arsenal that can stand up to the sheer tyranny of a player with a minigun, which is why it's a fun choice in any game. Players can purchase this one after completing the heist in 'The Palleto Score.' Sadly, the bullet-proof clothing isn't available, so players will have to be more careful going on a rampage with a minigun in the free roam parts of the game.

4 Grenade Launcher

GTA 5 Grenade Launcher
  • Ammu-Nation
  • $32,400

The grenade launcher has been a staple of the Grand Theft Auto series since the franchise first debuted on the PS2. This projectile does not merely fire individual bullets, but instead launches active grenades towards the enemy.

While this weapon may not be great for taking out individual targets, it can deal with large groups of enemies, cars, and even helicopters if the player is skilled enough. Be careful though, the area effect of this gun is quite large, so players who aren't careful could end up killing themselves with a wayward grenade.


  • Ammu-Nation
  • $26,250

Weapons in video games don't always have to be elegant. Nowhere is that more evident than with the RPG in GTA 5. The RPG is a rocket launcher that can fire a single rocket at a time to create an uncontrolled explosion.

Anything that stands in the path of one of these rockets is unlikely to make it out of the experience unscathed. That is why GTA players have been using this weapon since the inception of the franchise to take out cars, boats, helicopters, and tanks — basically, any vehicles the police have access to.

2 C4

GTA 5 C4
  • Available at Ammu-Nation after the mission 'Friends Reunited'
  • $400

The C4 is a throwable explosive that players can gain access to early on in the game. However, these weapons will not explode on contact with a target. Instead, these bombs need to be detonated by the player later on. As such, these devices can be planted about the area and set off once the player is a reasonable distance away.

Although many players have struggled to work out how to detonate these explosives, they are great things to have on hand. Using C4 allows the player to set up a series of traps and take out any pursuers before they know what has happened. The fact that these explosives can also blow up cars means that players can easily clear a road block during a police chase.

1 Micro SMG

GTA 5 Micro SMG
  • Ammu-Nation
  • $3,750

Any player that is looking to have fun with a lengthy combat session with the police in GTA 5 will need a reliable weapon on hand. Fortunately, the Micro SMG is relatively cheap for what it can do. This lightweight gun is light enough to not slow down the player, and it's also incredibly accurate.

The best thing about the Micro SMG, though, is how quickly it can fire. Players can use this weapon to clear out an entire room full of NPCs in a few short seconds while taking minimal damage. This SMG is also powerful enough to do damage to police vehicles, which makes the fact it can be fired while driving even better. The Micro SMG can do almost anything the player needs during a police chase. They just have to remember to keep the ammo topped up.