As far as evil characters go, the Grand Theft Auto franchise has more than its fair share of devious scum. Not just your everyday gun-toting criminals, these scoundrels are back-stabbers, connivers, and bullies who will stop at nothing to appease their psychopathic tendencies. They are the worst of the worst, and that’s really saying something in the world of GTA.

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The original trilogy is known for its colorful characters, and that seeps over into the category of villains too. The protagonists might not be the nicest kids in the sandbox either, but at least they (typically) have a set of personal morals and ethics they adhere to. These baddies will screw over anyone and everyone, as long as it means they get ahead - a trait that usually ends up leading to their downfall. Spoilers ahead!

10 Officer Tenpenny

grand theft auto san andreas tenpenny and cj

Samuel L. Jackson is as convincing as ever in this role of the corrupt police officer who gives protagonist C.J. a world of trouble. As a corrupt narcotics agent, Tenpenny uses his power to brutalize gangs while taking their profits in a vicious cycle that leaves the wrong people in control of the Los Santos neighborhoods.

Tenpenny shows no mercy for killing honest cops who threaten to turn him into internal affairs. He forces C.J. to do his dirty work in a display of disregard for the law beyond normal GTA cops.

9 Catalina

Catalina is a double-crosser who uses her good looks and wicked malice to get ahead in life. As the primary antagonist of the third game, Catalina instigates the game’s central events by viciously shooting the protagonist, Claude, and leaving him for dead.

Catalina has no real allegiance beyond herself, even abandoning C.J. after a crazy crime spree. As dangerous as she is, her unwillingness to form lasting partnerships is ultimately what leads to her demise.

8 Big Smoke


There are few characters in the universe of Grand Theft Auto as scoundrel-like as Big Smoke. Never happy being a part of the gang, Big Smoke has to have everything for himself, going so far as to abandon his friends for the sake of power and drugs.

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It’s hard to see someone players identified as a friend change into a narcissistic enemy, but that’s life in Los Santos.

7 Claude

grand theft auto 3

The protagonist of the third game himself is a pretty rotten egg. While he might be somewhat justified on his quest for revenge against his ex-girlfriend Catalina, Claude still kills a lot of the people who helped him along the way.

The silent protagonist is something of a psychopath in this regard, even if it is the players who control him. And if players feel like it, Claude can be an absolute menace and threat to everybody casually walking around in Liberty City.

6 Lance Vance

grand theft auto vice city lance vance

Another character who is incapable of playing on a team and must have the world for themselves, Lance is the second in command in the Vance Crime Family, with his brother serving as the mob boss. Lance is a tough one to lose to greed, but it makes sense given Tommy’s rise to power in Vice City.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, Lance starts to go crazy from the sleaze and forms a sinister bond with Tommy’s enemies. Nobody likes a backstabber.

5 Salvatore

grand theft auto 3 salvatore

The mob kingpin himself is quite the crook. Never one to play clean, Salvatore makes full use of the mafia shooters at his disposal to assassinate anyone who he thinks stands in his way.

Unfortunately, Claude falls under his crosshairs after Salvatore’s wife takes a liking to the silent hunk. Consequently, Claude must act quickly to save his life from the devious schemes of the mafia.

4 Sonny

grand theft auto vice city sonny

Jealousy seems to be a common trait amongst the antagonists of Grand Theft Auto. Whether from the money or fame – something festers inside these characters that causes them to lash out so violently.

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Sonny could never stand the success Tommy had and he isn’t afraid to screw over anyone he can’t stand, hence why he got Tommy incarcerated in the first place. But, after Tommy gets out of jail, Sonny is suddenly a great pal to his old friend. A true snake in the grass.

3 Eddie Pulaski

grand theft auto san andreas eddie

Eddie might not be the most villainous antagonist in the series, but he has a loud and dirty enough mouth to be considered as such. Eddie is a lackey for Tenpenny, a henchman by any other name who muscles his way into the gangland cash flow.

Eddie might have an allegiance to Tenpenny, but it’s really only because he is his source for money. If Tenpenny demands it, Eddie is willing to cross any sort of line to make sure they stay in the clear.

2 Jizzy B

grand theft auto san andreas jizzy b

Jizzy B isn’t the most intimidating antagonist in the series, but he’s still a conniving rat who gets others to do his dirty work for him. He is also a notorious pimp who uses his position of power to verbally abuse and demean the women who work for him.

C.J. might not be the nicest guy in the world, but at least he respects those who he works with.

1 Ricardo Diaz

grand theft auto vice city ricardo

Ricardo is a straight-up psychopath fueled by his love of drugs and money. Ricardo might be a kingpin, but he is too absorbed in his little world of guns and luxury items to see how his actions have consequences. He is a vicious man who will take out his anger on just about anyone when things are not going as he envisioned.

Ricardo is a great example of how evil and power eventually crumbles when left to their own devices.

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is available on Ps5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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