Making money has become increasingly important with each new Grand Theft Auto game, and this is once again the case in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Unlike in earlier GTA games, there are plenty of things for players to spend their money on, including clothing, properties, and cars. As a result, finding a good money-making method early on can make things considerably easier for players, particularly those hoping to achieve 100% completion.

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The good news is that as well as offering a lot of ways to spend money, the world of San Andreas is also full of opportunities for those willing to get their hands a little dirty. Whoever said that crime doesn't pay had clearly never played a GTA game before, as CJ can become a multi-millionaire in no time at all once players know how to make money in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Of course, players could always just cheat instead, though this will prevent them from earning trophies/achievements.



Thanks to the rampant spread of loot boxes over the past decade or so, gambling in video games is par for the course these days. When San Andreas was first released back in 2004, however, it was practically unheard of and became yet another stick for the army of anti-GTA activists to beat the series with. It was pretty good for players though, as it offered them a quick and easy way to make money once they'd reached the Las Venturas section of the game.

To Rockstar's credit — whether betting on horses or throwing down chips at the casino — gambling in San Andreas is pretty realistic, which is to say that players will probably end up losing all of their money if they're not careful. Thanks to save-scumming, however, it's possible to place large bets and then reload an earlier save file if they don't come off to effectively guarantee success. The Four Dragons Casino is a particularly good spot for this, as there's a save point right outside and players can wager $25,000 a hand on video poker without even needing to raise their gambling level.

Kill Drug Dealers


Killing pedestrians has always been a good way to make some extra money in Grand Theft Auto games, but San Andreas takes this to a whole new level. The game features a near-endless supply of drug dealers, who can often be found on street corners or walking casually around the city, particularly in the Ganton area in which much of the game's first act is set. They're usually quite docile, but if CJ provokes one of them they'll quickly pull out their pistols, so players should be prepared for a fight if they plan on getting in close.

The good news is that these crack-peddling criminals will drop large bundles of cash after being killed, not to mention their weapons. Players can typically expect to receive at least $1,000 from each dealer that they take out — often much more — making this a great way to earn some easy cash early on while also restocking on ammo. Additionally, players can take some pride in the knowledge that they're making the streets of Los Santos a little safer for the rest of the game's NPCs.

Become a Vigilante


Much like the previous 3D Grand Theft Auto games, San Andreas allows players to complete special missions while inside certain vehicles. Although there are a few new ones available this time around like Courier and Burglar missions, it's ultimately one of the classics — the vigilante mission, which can be triggered by pressing up on the D-pad while inside police or army vehicles — that provides the best way to make bank in San Andreas.

Rather than tackling the mode in the traditional way, however, players should instead complete all of the challenges at the flying school in Verdant Meadows, being sure to achieve a gold medal in every single one. This will cause an FH-1 Hunter to spawn at the airstrip, which, as a military helicopter, can be used for vigilante missions. In one of the game's more remote areas and with just a little bit of practice, players should be able to make tens of thousands of dollars in only a matter of minutes, making this one of the best ways to make money in San Andreas by some margin.

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