
  • Purchasing a bunker is the first step to earning money in GTA Online , as it grants access to the Gunrunning Business for illegal arms trafficking operations.
  • The best bunker location in GTA Online depends on factors like price, proximity to other locations, and safety from griefers.
  • Players looking to improve their arsenal and grind for money in the Gunrunning Business will find a bunker worthwhile, but they should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each location before making a purchase.

Purchasing a Bunker is the starting step to earning money in GTA Online. Bunkers are underground headquarters that the player can purchase, which will then give them access to the Gunrunning Business to try their luck at illegal arms trafficking operations in GTA Online.

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Considering that players will be exploring the majority of Los Santos and Blaine County, they’ll want to pick the most viable option and look for the best Bunker in GTA Online. Players should be aware of their high prices as well as the multiple locations available to them in the game.

Updated on May 6, 2024, by Jake Fillery: Every bunker in GTA Online can provide players with a unique opportunity to earn cash, but players will want to know the best bunkers, which are based on price and location. Many factors are involved when it comes to GTA Online's best bunkers, and it's essential that players not only know every bunker location and price, but to actually understand what it is that bunkers do, and what upgrades players can purchase for them if they are to become a GTA Online mastermind.

What Do Bunkers Do?

When players purchase their bunker, they can gain access to the Gunrunning Business. From here, players will be able to manufacture weapons and upgrades, including V2s of guns that will see them modify their arsenal with recommended advantages. Players can sell manufactured weapons for profit, and unlock research tasks to earn new weapon and vehicle mods. A Bunker in GTA Online is only worth it to players who are looking to improve their arsenal, and to those who are interested in grinding out money to make in the Gunrunning Business. The best use of Bunkers is definitely the research tasks, as the ability to upgrade vehicles and weapons and add further modifications will always aid players in different sets of missions and in fighting other players.

All Bunker Upgrades

Additional Purchase



Bunker Style

  • Option 1: $175,000
  • Option 2: $215,000
  • Option 3: $290,000

Change the interiors of the bunker with 3 distinct styles that help add more personality to the cave-like dwellings.

Personal Quarters

  • $265,000

A sleeping area where players can spawn directly inside their bunker.

Shooting Range

  • Black: $740,000 ($50,000 renovation)
  • White: $845,000 ($105,000 renovation)

Practice shooting at a personal shooting range, found right within the bunker. Otherwise, players will need to head to an Ammu-Nation.

Gun Locker

  • $175,000

Create weapon loadouts within the bunker for added protection and personal firepower.


  • Caddy 1: $85,000
  • Caddy 2: $120,000

Drive around the interior of the bunker thanks to the purchase of caddies, which can each carry 2 players at once.

What Happens If You Change Bunkers?

Whilst bunkers cannot be sold, players can trade them in for a different bunker location. In doing so, players will receive a few benefits and disadvantages for switching out bunkers, and here's a competent list of everything players will gain in terms of transfer:

Transfers to new location

Doesn't transfer to new location

50% of the price paid for the original Bunker

Additional purchase costs

All unlocked Researched items

Delivered supplies

Bunker Shooting Range progress

Incomplete Research tasks

Data on the Disruption Logistics page

Additional purchase options

Mobile Operations Center and Anti-Aircraft Trailer

Staff, Equipment, and Security upgrades

Unsold stock

11 Paleto Forest Bunker

$1,165,000 (Free With Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack)

paleto forest bunker location
  • Location: West of Procopio Promenade, Near Paleto Cove
  • Advantage: Cheapest Bunker
  • Disadvantage: Too Far From Los Santos

The Paleto Forest Bunker is the cheapest, costing approximately $1,165,000. The reason that this bunker is the cheapest is due to its location, as it is certainly far away from every other location. It’s around Paleto Bay, which is the utmost part of the map.

Despite the untouched woodlands surrounding the Paleto Forest Bunker, it is not worth the price based solely on the location. Players will have to travel too far to make it worth it, and the further they exist in the open outside of the Bunker, the more risk they take against griefers.

10 Raton Canyon Bunker


raton canyon bunker location
  • Location: Between Calafia Road Bridge and Calafia Train Bridge
  • Advantage: One Of The Less Expensive Bunkers
  • Disadvantage: High in The Mountains, Hard To Reach And Leave

For the price of $1,450,000, players can purchase the Raton Canyon Bunker. Once again, this Bunker is fairly far away from the main city of GTA Online and exists in the protected woodlands. It’s not a great location, as the surfaces are rocky, and it's hard to traverse the terrain on vehicles and land air vehicles here.

Distance is an important aspect of a Bunker, and the Raton Canyon Bunker is simply too far away, which is not much to offer the player outside a relatively cheap price for a Bunker and cements the Raton Canyon Bunker as a weird thing to buy in GTA Online.

9 Grapeseed Bunker


grapeseed bunker location
  • Location: West Side of the McKenzie Field Airstrip by Grapeseed Main Street
  • Advantage: Cheaper Option
  • Disadvantage: Separated By A Lake

Blaine County is dry and quiet, which could be perfect for players that want some solitude. With a price of $1,750,000, the Grapeseed Bunker could be in the hands of the player, even if it’s got quite a distance from other Bunker locations in GTA Online, which could make players a target for ruthless characters.

This Bunker is surrounded by a lake and positioned nearer to Mount Chilliad than the skyscrapers of Los Santos. It’s reasonably out of the way of everything, which could keep the peace, or make the player running from the city to the desert a long target.

8 Route 68 Bunker


Route 68 Bunker location
  • Location: North of Route 68 Approach, West of Joshua Road
  • Advantage: Safe Space From Other Bunkers And Facilities
  • Disadvantage: Furthest of the Sandy Shores Bunkers

The Route 68 Bunker is just shy of $2 million and costs $1,950,000. It’s pretty close to other locations that the player can purchase in GTA Online, and reasonably near to the Sandy Shores Airfield. However, there are other Bunkers even closer to this important destination.

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Each Bunker may be a nuclear fortress, but the Route 68 Bunker is quite difficult to get to. It’s got a massive dirt road and a bunch of trees that could hinder the progress of the player trying to get here.

7 Lago Zancudo Bunker


lago zancudo bunker location
  • Location: West Side of Fort Zancudo
  • Advantage: Near Fort Zancudo
  • Disadvantage: Far From Everything Unless Stealing a Jet From Fort Zancudo

Zancudo is a popular destination for players thanks to Fort Zancudo, a military airbase that will make owners of this Bunker neighbors. The Lago Zancudo Bunker costs $1,550,000 which is a decent price for a decent Bunker. It’s directly near the main highways that will lead back to Los Santos, and opposite a military base.

The importance of the military base comes from the fact that it is not too difficult to get into Fort Zancudo and steal a military jet, a motive of a true rockstar. This jet could come in handy as deterrence for griefers, or for getting to a destination far quicker than the best cars in GTA Online.

6 Chumash Bunker


chumash bunker location
  • Location: North-West of Barbareno Road
  • Advantage: Not Near Any Hot Spots, Close To Los Santos
  • Disadvantage: Potential Grief Target

In West Los Santos, players can purchase the Chumash Bunker for $1,650,000. This bunker is one of the closest bunkers to Los Santos, with a stunning view of the ocean. That is when the player is not 50 feet underground in a nuclear Bunker that was added to this important GTA Online update.

The advantage of having a bunker so close to the main city of GTA Online comes from the fact that they will have an easier time doing their gunrunning shipments, and other missions that require them to visit the city. It’s also a fairly priced Bunker.

5 Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker


Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker location
  • Location: West of Sandy Shores Airfield by Joshua Road
  • Advantage: Near Sandy Shores Airfield
  • Disadvantage: Pricey Location

The desert might be a safe place to unload cargo, especially of the illegal variety. The Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker costs $2,035,000 and has plenty of open space to drive around in off-road vehicles, or plenty of free areas to enjoy a flight in a jet or helicopter.

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The Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker is not too far from the Sandy Shores Airfield, which is a great advantage to players who need to skip the hassle of traffic and stick to the skies. However, the roads nearby aren’t the best to use.

4 Thomson Scrapyard Bunker


Thomson Scrapyard
  • Location: Grand Senora Desert, North-East of Tomson Scrapyard
  • Advantage: Close To Sandy Shores Airfield
  • Disadvantage: Quite Messy, Expensive

This prospect in Blaine County will cost the player $2,290,000 and is something that they must consider whether it is worth it or not. It’s close to the main highways and train tracks and is even a moderate distance from the Sandy Shores Airfield, but for a high price tag, is it worth the mile difference to make missions less frustrating?

By no means is the Thomas Scrapyard Bunker a bad destination to invest in, but it has quite a hefty price tag for something that is not too far out of range of other Bunker options in GTA Online.

3 Farmhouse Bunker


Farmhouse Bunker
  • Location: South of Bolingbroke Penitentiary in Grand Senora Desert
  • Advantage: Quiet Area
  • Disadvantage: Near Other Bunkers, Desolate Area

There’s a vastness to the Grand Senora Desert area of GTA Online, and one that is somewhat utilized with the mass amount of Bunkers in that area. The pricier Bunker of the bunch is the Farmhouse Bunker, which has a whopping price of $2,375,000.

It’s a Bunker closest to the main highways and is right next to the explorative prison. The reason for its ranking is the fact that it’s such a high price but doesn’t offer much for the difference, considering it’s in a vast cluster of Bunker locations for different prices.

2 Grand Senora Desert Bunker


Grand Senora Desert Bunker location
  • Location: West of Sandy Shores Airfield in the Grand Senora Desert
  • Advantage: Close to Sandy Shores Airfield
  • Disadvantage: Expensive, Far In the Desert

Another Bunker that exists close to the Sandy Shores Airfield is the Grand Senora Desert Bunker. Although this may be a mile or two closer than the others, it could very well warrant the increased price of $2,120,000 simply because it has an easier time getting back to the main roads.

The Grand Senora Desert Bunker is not a bad property to own in GTA Online, and certainly has its advantages based on the area that it is in. It’s one of the more accessible areas of the game.

1 Smoke Tree Road Bunker


Smoke Tree Road Bunker location
  • Location: Between Smoke Tree Road and Nowhere Road
  • Advantage: Close to Sandy Shores
  • Disadvantage: Quite far from Los Santos, Expensive

With a price tag of $2,205,000, the Smoke Tree Road Bunker makes an interesting case on why it’s priced so high, and admittedly, it’s a pretty good case. Not only is it nearby to other locations and properties that can be purchased in GTA Online, but it also has a neighbor, the Sandy Shore Airfield.

Although players won’t find military jets on this Airfield, they can certainly call them to arrive here. Alternatively, they have other spawn options that come at random. It’s an easy dirt ride onto the highways from the Smoke Tree Road Bunker.

grand theft auto online
Grand Theft Auto Online

October 1, 2013
Rockstar North
Open-World , Action