In Grand Theft Auto IV, random encounters were introduced to the game. These characters added fun side missions and were also included in the game's DLC. They also added to the insanity of Liberty City, meeting with a serial killer or a jealous husband. Some of these random characters are only available depending on the choices the player makes during missions.

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As the story progresses, characters from the protagonist's past can be met on the streets. As well as some familiar faces, new faces will make an appearance and ask the player for help.

14 Brian Meech

Brian Meech is most likely the first random encounter Niko Bellic will meet. Meech can be found three times -- the first time next to Roman's cab service, the second time near the sex shop in Hove Beach, and the last time near the gun store in Broker. The first two encounters have Meech on drugs, with the last time having him mention he is cleaning up.

The first encounter is a simple cutscene, with Meech giving the player $100. The second encounter has Meech meeting with his drug dealer, and the third encounter has him meeting with the dealer again. This third time, however, has the player kill Meech's dealers.

13 Cherise Glover

Cherise Glover will only become a random encounter if she is spared in the mission Ruff Riders. She can be found near the Cluckin' Bell in Northwood. The player will be tasked with confronting her abusive boyfriend.

The player can either beat the boyfriend or kill him, with killing him angering Cherise. Interestingly, she is the ex-girlfriend of Dwayne Forge. Dwayne will call the player, jealously questioning Niko if he is now dating Cherise.

12 Clarence Little

Clarence Little will become a random encounter if he is not killed during the mission Holland Nights. Clarence will be found outside of the East Holland Projects. After seeing Niko, he will get angry and pull a gun on him.

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Clarence will try to kill Niko, causing Niko to defend himself. The player will take cover and shoot at Clarence, killing him.

11 Eddie Low

Eddie Low is a serial killer found in Liberty City. Eddie is encountered twice, first outside the Auto Eroticar dealership and second in an alleyway in Berchem. The first time, the player must bring Eddie to Port Tudor to dispose of a bag. The second encounter has Eddie get mad at Niko, meaning Eddie must be killed.

Eddie also seems to be an inspiration for the serial killer in Red Dead Redemption II, who is named Edmund Lowry. Who knows, maybe Eddie Low is a descendant of Edmund Lowry's somehow.

10 Gracie Ancelotti

Gracie Ancelotti is the daughter of a powerful mob boss in Alderney. During the story of Grand Theft Auto IV, Gracie is kidnapped by Niko and held captive for days. After Gracie is released, she can be encountered again.

Gracie can be encountered outside of her home in Acter, where she will recognize Niko. Gracie will scream for help, saying Niko is the man who kidnapped her. A couple of bodyguards will run out of the house and must be killed by the player to pass the mission.

9 Hossan Ramzy

Hossan Ramzy was on the boat with Niko, with the two becoming close friends. Niko and Hossan probably thought they would never see each other again. Hossan can be found on the west end of the Garnet Street in Suffolk. It is revealed during this mission that Hossan is an illegal immigrant.

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A man is refusing to pay Hossan for his work, and Niko is tasked with helping get the money. The player must chase the man and kill him to get Hossan's money back.

8 Ilyena Faustin

Ilyena Faustin is the wife of mission giver Mikhail Faustin. During the game's story, the protagonist must kill Mikhail. Ilyena does not know Niko did it, but she lost her fortune. Ilyena will ask Niko to meet and talk with her daughter's boyfriend.

There are three outcomes for this mission. If the boyfriend is killed, Ilyena will angrily call the player. Beating up the boyfriend will result in a nicer call, but letting the boyfriend run away is the worst option. Ilyena's daughter will run away with the boy, and Ilyena will say she has no one left.

7 Ivan Bytchkov

If Ivan Bytchkov is spared during the mission Ivan the Not So Terrible, he will be encountered later on a street corner in Acter. He will reveal he is engaged and Niko sparing him caused him to turn his life around. Ivan will ask Niko to help collect some money.

They will head to The Lost MC Clubhouse to collect the money. The gangsters will decide they aren't going to pay back their money, ambushing Niko and Ivan. All of the gangsters get killed, and Ivan will say he is grateful.

6 Jeff

Jeff is a jealous husband who suspects his wife is cheating. He can first be encountered in East Holland, where he tasks the player with taking photos of his wife and her friend. Afterward, the player will meet him in a parking garage in Lancaster, where Jeff reveals he stabbed his wife to death.

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The player will have to drive the car and ditch it in water. The last encounter is in Little Italy, where Jeff reveals he has a new wife. He is still suspicious, saying he is going to confront her. As he crosses the street, he is hit by a car.

5 Marnie Allen

Marnie Allen is a 21-year-old who came to Liberty City to be an actress. Her first encounter starts at a park in the middle of City Hall. The player must drive her to her drug dealer. The second encounter has her wanting to leave the city. She can be found near Bernie Crane's apartment.

The player takes her to Grand Easton Terminal, where she leaves the city. She can still email the player to update them about her life. She also appears in Grand Theft Auto V, where she is a member of the Epsilon Program.

4 Mel

Mel is the bartender at Comrades Bar in Hove Beach. He can be found as a random character near the Russian Shop in Hove Beach. Mel will mention he is trying to clean up his life but needs to pay some people back.

Niko will bring Mel to the meeting, but it goes wrong. The people will claim Mel destroyed their home and got them kicked out, trying to kill him. Niko defends them, earning the player $500.

3 Pathos

Pathos is a rapper who can first be found near the Burger Shot in Star Junction. As Pathos talks to Niko, two people will insult his music and cause Pathos to chase after them. Niko then goes to help Pathos as he gets beaten by these people.

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During the second encounter, Pathos can be found near the Sprunk sign in Star Junction. Pathos is shot by a man, causing Niko to kill the attackers. After defending Pathos, Niko will drive him to the hospital.

2 Real Badman

Real Badman is the friend of Little Jacob and can be encountered sitting on a bench in East Island City. Real Badman is having problems with Russian mobsters, as the mobsters are invading Real Badman's turf. Niko and Real Badmen will go confront the mobsters.

After finding them in an ally, a shootout will occur. The mobsters will be killed, and Real Badmen's problems will be solved.

1 Sara

Sara has two encounters, the first one is found in front of the Didier Sachs shop in Suffolk. Sara appears between 10 PM and 4 AM, where she'll ask Niko to beat up her ex-husband.

Her second encounter is in front of Pier 45, where she'll ask Niko to collect a package. It turns out Sara owes $500 for it, giving the player a choice. They can either pay for it, beat up the shop owner, or kill the shop owner. Paying for it is the easiest, and bringing it back to Sara earns the player $1000.

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