With nearly seven years now passed since the last Grand Theft Auto game released, fans are anxiously awaiting any announcements for a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. This has lead to plenty of speculation as to where the next game will be set, and now, players believe that a Grand Theft Auto Online update may hold a clue.

Grand Theft Auto Online's recent Open Wheel DLC brought along with it the "Height of Society" race track, which some fans have used as "evidence" that Vice City, along with parts of South America or Mexico, will be featured as the primary locations Grand Theft Auto 6. However, as many have already pointed out, the information is highly speculatory, and likely just fans drawing connections that aren't there.

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The theory claims that the race track roughly forms the shape of Florida, part of Mexico, and the Great Lakes, indicating that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be set in Vice City, which is based on Miami, Florida, and "Southern American" cities or countries. While Vice City makes sense as a possible Grand Theft Auto 6 location simply because of how long it's been since the franchise went there, this seems like more than a bit of a stretch.

With some believing that a Grand Theft Auto 6 reveal is coming this month, there's a chance that fans may find out what the actual setting of GTA 6 will be. While returning to Vice City would certainly be cool, a tease this cryptic doesn't seem like something Rockstar would do intentionally.

The steadily building hype for the next entry of the Grand Theft Auto franchise has led to some impressive fan creations, though, with one Rockstar enthusiast even creating their own Grand Theft Auto 6 loading screen. Grand theft Auto 5's continued relevance is likely a big reason that nothing has been announced thus far, with Rockstar almost certainly in no rush to produce a new game while the current one is still earning so much.

Fans will just have to wait and see what the future holds. There are a lot of things Grand Theft Auto 6 could improve upon, and it will be interesting to see how Rockstar decides proceed with the next entry.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: GTA Fan Makes Grand Theft Auto 6 Map Concept That Combines All the Classic Cities