
  • GTA 6's second trailer may reveal more characters and story details, building anticipation for the game's release in 2025.
  • The relationship between protagonists Lucia and Jason could be a focal point in the upcoming trailer, showcasing their dynamic and story.
  • Fans can expect a longer second trailer for GTA 6, though it isn't expected to drop until December.

The first trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 was one of the highlights of 2023, closing out the year with a bang. As one of the most anticipated games at the moment, GTA 6 is set to be the biggest release of next year, and although there is still a lot to be learned about the game, past trailers for other Rockstar titles give an insight into what to expect from the next piece of marketing that will be presented for GTA 6.

Rockstar has a long history of highly anticipated releases, and the studio tends to follow a formula when it comes to slowly revealing more information about its upcoming games. Despite the first trailer only being three months old, there is already speculation surrounding the second trailer for GTA 6. It may be a few months away at this point, but past releases can help prepare fans for when the trailer finally drops.

Rapper Teases GTA 6 Involvement

A rapper with ties to the previous GTA games suggests that he will lend his music to the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6's in-game radio stations.

GTA 6's Next Trailer May Reveal Character or Story Details

Introducing New Characters

The first trailers for both GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 were fantastic teasers, but the second trailers for both games finally gave a deeper look into what the game's characters would be like. These second trailers revealed more characters that would be in the game, and this can be expected for the next GTA 6 trailer as well.

The reveal of side characters and potential antagonists will likely make their faces known in order to give fans a better idea of the character dynamics. Trailers for past Rockstar games usually give deeper insight into the personality of characters and how they relate to the main protagonists.

More Lucia and Jason

Getting a new GTA story is exciting enough, but one of the most compelling aspects of the game is found in the dual protagonists, Lucia and Jason. As GTA's first female protagonist, Lucia is already shaping up to be an interesting character. Based on what little footage was shown in the first trailer, it seems as though Lucia is the ring leader of whatever operation she and Jason have going on. Although the GTA 6 reveal trailer put Lucia and Jason in the spotlight, there was barely any dialogue shared between the two, except for one moment towards the end of the trailer.

Once the second trailer drops, the relationship between Lucia and Jason will likely be showcased even more, giving a peek into how the duo work together. Based on the trailer, it looks like GTA 6 will be an intimate story that will spend a lot of time on Lucia and Jason's relationship, so the second trailer is the perfect time to reveal more information about this compelling pair.

Story Details

Although the next trailer likely won't reveal any spoilers or major plot points for GTA 6, more light will probably be shed on what the game's overall story might be. GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2's second trailers provided a little more insight into the game's overarching themes and storylines, for instance. Rockstar's history of revealing more information bit by bit is essential to building even more excitement for its upcoming games, and with GTA 6 already being so hyped up, the studio will only double down on this tradition.

GTA 6 Trailer Length And Release Window

The Second Trailer Will Likely Be Longer

The GTA 6 announcement trailer came in at a minute and a half in length, and previous trailers suggest that the second trailer can be expected to be slightly longer. When looking at GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption as a blueprint for the next GTA 6 trailer, it can be expected that the second trailer may be around 30 seconds longer compared to the first. As the first trailer for GTA 6 continues to break milestones, it only makes sense for Rockstar to release a longer trailer in order to showcase more details about the game's story and characters.

New Footage May Not Arrive For A While

When it comes to the time frame that fans can expect for a new trailer, Rockstar's recent history may be disappointing to some who are hoping for the trailer to arrive soon. The second trailers for GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 were dropped a full year after the first announcement trailer and, if Rockstar continues this trend, fans may not be getting any new footage of GTA 6 until December at the earliest.

GTA 6 Feature Reveal Wish List

More Classic GTA Action

Whatever new footage GTA 6's next trailer reveals will be exciting, but there are specific things that will hopefully be featured in the trailer. Although GTA is known for being action-packed, the announcement trailer for GTA 6 was pretty tame with its action.

There were plenty of exciting moments, yet the next trailer will hopefully show more of the protagonists getting into hot water. Trailer number two should put more focus on Lucia and Jason taking part in whatever heists or crimes they have gotten themselves into to show fans what can be expected when it comes to the game's missions.

Classic GTA Locations

It's been a long time since GTA revisited Vice City, and one of the best ways to get many long-time fans hyped up would be to feature iconic Vice City locations that were in previous games. There are plenty of great areas in Vice City to revisit and it would be incredibly exciting to see new protagonists Lucia and Jason in these locations. When GTA 6 finally releases, seeing classic locations from previous GTA games is inevitable, but getting a preview of these places would be really fun in the lead-up to it.

As the wait for GTA 6 continues, there is plenty of speculation surrounding Rockstar's long-awaited follow-up to GTA 5. Even though there may not be any new footage revealed until the end of the year as an estimate based on past traditions, Rockstar will hopefully deviate from its predecessors and drop a second trailer much sooner.