
  • Grand Theft Auto 6 has been highly anticipated since the monumental hack in September 2022, and the buzz has continued with constant rumors and leaks.
  • The first official trailer for GTA 6 received worldwide attention and broke records, making it one of the biggest events in gaming.
  • The next trailer for GTA 6 should focus on gameplay, showcasing improvements from past Rockstar titles. The ideal release date for this trailer would be December 4, 2024, one year after the initial reveal trailer.

Long before it was even officially announced, Grand Theft Auto 6 became one of the most anticipated games of all time. After suffering a monumental hack in September 2022, Grand Theft Auto 6 quickly became the talk of the gaming industry, and the buzz surrounding the long-awaited sequel hasn't really died down ever since, with a constant stream of rumors and leaks keeping GTA 6 in the public zeitgeist for the best part of a year.

Just as the buzz was starting to die down, Rockstar Games announced that Grand Theft Auto 6 would be receiving its first official trailer in December 2023, and while a leak forced Rockstar to release it early, GTA 6's debut trailer still managed to capture the attention of the entire world. Breaking multiple records, Grand Theft Auto 6's first trailer will probably go down in history as one of the biggest events in gaming, and though the bar is incredibly high, GTA 6's next trailer has the opportunity to do it all over again, with a perfect release date already clear.

Cameos From Past GTA Games in Grand Theft Auto 6 Could Be a Double-Edged Sword

Grand Theft Auto 6 could be home to countless cameos from the franchise's storied past, but doing so could be a bit of a double-edged sword.

Grand Theft Auto 6's Next Trailer Has A Perfect Release Date On The Table

The Next Grand Theft Auto 6 Trailer Should Go All-Out

Currently, Grand Theft Auto 6 has a general release date of 2025, and it's unconfirmed whether that'll land in the first or second half of the year. That being said, 2025 really isn't that far away, and that suggests that GTA 6 is probably quite far along in development. And if Grand Theft Auto 6 is as far in development as its release date implies, then the next official trailer has the potential to blow fan expectations out of the water.

Grand Theft Auto 6's debut trailer gave fans exactly what they wanted and even more, delivering some absurdly impressive visuals, giving a glimpse of the game's gigantic open world, and hinting at a surprisingly intimate story. The next GTA 6 trailer needs to keep that hype train rolling and the best way to do that is by over-delivering once again.

The next Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer should give fans another little story tease but mainly focus on showing gameplay, and more specifically, how GTA 6's gameplay improves upon past Rockstar titles. This second GTA 6 trailer should show just how big the game is, and prove to fans that their lofty expectations are right where they should be. While fan expectations and hype can be a sharp double-edged sword in the gaming industry, it seems as though Rockstar actually has the stuff to back it up here, and it shouldn't be afraid to show that at every possible opportunity.

Grand Theft Auto 6's Next Trailer Should Release on December 4, 2024

Though Grand Theft Auto 6 is presumably quite far along in development, it still likely needs a lot more time, and Rockstar probably won't be ready to show off the game fully for a little while yet. It seems unlikely that the next GTA 6 trailer will drop anytime within the first half of 2024, though a late 2024 trailer date seems like it could be on the table. And if that is the case, then GTA 6's next trailer already has an ideal release date of December 4, 2024, exactly one year from its first trailer.

Not only would this mark a nice milestone for Grand Theft Auto 6's development, but it would also fit well with Rockstar's history of trailer release dates. Red Dead Redemption 2's first trailer dropped in October 2016, and its second trailer landed in September 2017, just 11 months apart. And Grand Theft Auto 5's trailers were even more similar to the proposed GTA 6 trailer dates, with its first trailer dropping in November 2011, and its second in November 2012, technically just one year and 12 days later.