
  • Rockstar's refusal to release official information about GTA 6 has left fans in the dark about its features and storyline, though rumors have brought a few unofficial details.
  • In particular, it is believed that GTA 6 may introduce a female lead and have a Bonnie and Clyde theme, which could impact the gameplay style and missions.
  • The highly popular Assassination Missions in GTA 5, which allowed players to manipulate the stock market for huge rewards, may not make a return in GTA 6 due to the shift in gameplay and narrative. Bonnie and Clyde did not go out of their way to kill, choosing to rob instead, so these missions may feel out of place if the theme is stuck to very closely.

Rumors and leaks are part and parcel of the gaming industry, especially concerning prominent games like Genshin Impact and the entire Persona ecosystem. Gamers are a notoriously impatient bunch, and keeping information away from hungry fans is nearly impossible for developers even while observing the most careful protocol regarding a prospective release or update. In the case of the ever-popular Grand Theft Auto franchise, it's been over a decade since GTA 5 shattered the glass ceilings of gaming with its chaotic missions and gameplay, and yet Rockstar has maintained radio silence about the development of the next installment. With gossip from the grapevine reporting a Bonnie and Clyde story for GTA 6, a fan-favorite mission series could find its return in jeopardy for the highly anticipated sequel.

Fans have long been waiting for any tidbits of official GTA 6 information, and despite the prospective title being the victim of one of the most high-profile leaks in gaming history, Rockstar has refused to formally address fans with details of what to expect in the next iteration of the crime city. As a result, there's no concrete certainty of GTA 6's features, although statements from Bloomberg's Jason Schreier have helped give further insight into the elusive title. The franchise is rumored to be getting its first female lead introduced in GTA 6, and the general expectation for the main story is a Bonnie and Clyde theme, which could spell trouble for some of GTA 5's missions.

RELATED: Why Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Likely to Overhaul Police Mechanics

Franklin's Assassination Quests Could Become Old News

Franklin in GTA 5

There's a thrill that comes with surveillance and assassination of targets in games, as the Assassin's Creed and Hitman franchises have deftly depicted over the years, propelling the genre to stardom with their characteristic palpable tension. Rockstar employed this dynamic in GTA 5 in a unique way, sending players on a string of quiet murders through Franklin to manipulate the stock market. Each killing in Lester's Assassination Missions results in tantalizing return-on-investment rates, and they are one of the most popular ways to make money in GTA 5. With Franklin's homicidal expertise and a few gameplay tricks, players can yield massive rewards in the stock market.

Lester Crest's missions are largely concerned with damaging one stock to raise the shares of another, and each one tests players' skills in various ways - from marksmanship to getaway driving. These quests target the elite members of GTA 5's society, from CEOs to product development leads and ex-mafia members, and they have varying degrees of difficulty. Sniper rifles are the typical weapon of choice to carry out these murders, as they provide Franklin with some measure of safety, but players can also choose to arm a few cheats and adopt an all-guns-blazing approach.

There's a potential grand prize of about two billion dollars to gain from the Assassination Missions, which is one of the reasons behind its widespread popularity in GTA 5's player base. These quests also fit the narrative for GTA 5's protagonists, all ambitious characters with lofty aspirations. However, if rumors are to be believed, GTA 6's storyline could leave these thrilling tasks in the past, as the franchise shifts away from its traditional gameplay in the upcoming iteration.

Bonnie and Clyde were partners in crime in America in the early 1930s, notorious for robbing banks, convenience stores, and even funeral homes. The couple is a perfect model for Grand Theft Auto's nefarious activities, but following their theme in GTA 6 would essentially displace the assassination missions that players loved so much. While the duo were by no means Robin Hood-styled criminals, as they are believed to bear responsibility for at least 13 murders, they were majorly concerned with heists and not deliberate killing for profit. Assassination doesn't fit with the couple's aesthetic, and since Bonnie and Clyde's inspiration might shape GTA 6's ending, it wouldn't be a logical addition to the upcoming installment.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development.

MORE: How GTA 6 Could Benefit From One Long Lost San Andreas Feature