
  • Characters like Molly, Denise, Tracey, and Patricia add depth to the chaos of Grand Theft Auto 5 , showing that even in a game known for its outrageousness, there are innocent individuals caught up in the madness.
  • Molly, despite her smug attitude, is just doing her job and gets caught in a dangerous situation that highlights the danger of the world Michael and his family are involved in.
  • Characters like Wade, Floyd, and Patricia suffer due to their innocence, with Floyd especially meeting a sad and unnecessary demise as a result of Trevor's actions.

Grand Theft Auto 5 is not known for its innocence. Since its release, it has been notable for its outrageous dialogue, missions, and characters. However, among that chaos, there are characters that seem to get caught up in the madness of it all, which is what makes Grand Theft Auto 5 so great.

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Whether it is bystanders, family members, or someone who needs a job, many characters in the game may be irritating or funny but are ultimately innocent (to a certain degree...), thus adding more layers to one of the best GTA games ever.

6 Molly

molly on her phone

Working as Devin's personal assistant, Molly is straightforward and takes her role very seriously. She can appear to be abrupt, rude, and uncaring, especially when Devin refuses to pay Trevor and Franklin for numerous jobs. However, that aside, she can be humanized.

She may be smug due to her work title, but she is dragged into a lot of drama, which ultimately leads to her very intense death. As Michael chases her for the copy of his movie 'Meltdown', Molly seems to show her personality outside the robotic corporate tone she had previously. As she was in such a dangerous situation, players can see that she was working for a bad person, but was also just doing her job to a certain degree, and didn't deserve the death she got.

5 Denise

denise from gta 5

Denise is a character who is full of female stereotypes. She is the talking point for a few of the funniest cutscenes in the game, and players don't know much about her other than the fact that she doesn't have a great relationship with Franklin.

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The GTA games are great on their own. One thing that makes the games so great are the amazing mods you can find.

She can be harsh and rude to Franklin, often demanding him to leave the house because she has people over. But, Franklin left to live in an expensive home without even notifying her. She lived in a rough neighborhood too, and he essentially ghosts her completely. Now, she is not entirely innocent, but in the realms of GTA characters, there's a part of her that it is hard not to feel a bit of sympathy for.

4 Tracey

tracey from gta 5

Tracey is a character that many laugh at because she is a walking stereotype of a teen woman created in the early 2010s. Her voice is high-pitched and irritating, she uses internet slang in her everyday speech and is just utterly oblivious to any and all danger around her. Although she may be frustrating to encounter sometimes, she is just a young girl with a very dangerous father.

Michael tries to help Tracey many times throughout the game, particularly saving her from Lazlow taking advantage of her many times. But her innocence is portrayed perfectly during the mission Meltdown, when Devin sends men to kill Amanda and Tracey at Michaels's home. This really puts into perspective how dangerous the work is that Michael is doing, and how his family, who haven't done anything wrong, almost had to pay the price.

3 Wade

wade from gta 5

Wade is kind of the epitome of innocence. He is dragged into working with Trevor, and he doesn't even know it. Trevor insinuates that he murdered all of Wade's friends so that he can stay with Trevor, rely on him, and never leave him as a thanks for being so kind.

Wade is utterly oblivious to all the things going on around him, and will blindly follow Trevor and obey his orders. He speaks and acts like a small child, which is probably why Trevor keeps him around, as he is easy to manipulate and control. Trevor manages to murder his cousin and friends, and then leave him in a strip club to stop him from finding out, and Wade does this blindly. Although he makes for some funny moments, in the big scheme of things, it's hard not to feel sorry for him.

2 Patricia

patricia from gta 5

Patricia is a character that is not seen often and seems to really only feature as a character development arc for Trevor. She isn't featured all that much, but her life is quite sad. She is kidnapped by Trevor to anger her husband, Martin Madrazo. However, as time passes, Trevor actually begins to develop feelings for Patricia and doesn't want to return her to her husband as he is in love with her. But, Patricia feels the same way, and one can't help but wonder why, especially as she was kidnapped by Trevor.

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Once she is returned home, Patricia calls Trevor a few times and says that she misses him, but sighs in disappointment as there is nothing that can be done. It makes one wonder how bad her life is with her husband if she is so sad at the idea of being away from Trevor, her kidnapper.

1 Floyd

floyd from gta 5

It wouldn't be right not to talk about innocent characters without mentioning Floyd. Floyd is a nervous wreck throughout the game and has a girlfriend that doesn't treat him well. When he gets an unexpected visit from his cousin Wade and his friend Trevor, his world is turned upside down.

Not only does Trevor infiltrate his work and begin his criminal activities that could land Floyd in jail, but he also takes over his and his girlfriend's home, too. Their apartment soon becomes a complete mess and, following an altercation between Floyd's girlfriend Deborah and Trevor, he is brutally murdered by Trevor. His death was sad and unnecessary, especially considering his complete innocence and frightened nature throughout the whole game.

Grand Theft Auto 5

Grand Theft Auto
September 17, 2013
Rockstar North