As players storm through Los Santos, they might want to bring weapons far too big to carry. In the instance of Grand Theft Auto 5, players can have some pretty unique vehicles with the best-mounted weapons, that turn their vehicle into a killing machine against anyone that dares cross paths with this beast on the road.

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If Grand Theft Auto 5 players want to be a true menace on the road, then it’s best to look for these mounted weapons options that are available in Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online. These mounted weapons can give players the advantage against police, Merryweather, gangs, or even each other if used correctly.

8 Fire Truck

fire truck in gta 5

The Fire Truck can be found among the trusty firefighters that seek to stop the dangers that lurk in Los Santos. Well, when one says “found”, they mean “stolen”. Although the Fire Truck doesn’t have missiles, machine gun turrets, or even heat-seeking rockets, the Fire Truck does have something more interesting: a water cannon.

Players can use the water cannon on the Fire Truck to harass and disarm enemies, causing them to remain on the floor as they are relentlessly and endlessly sprayed. The Fire Truck can be great fun in Grand Theft Auto 5, and although it cannot be stored, it’s worth playing around with.

7 JB 700W

jb 700w james bond car in gta 5

If players ever wanted to experience what life would be like for 007’s James Bond, then the JB 700W is for them. This car is straight from the famous British spy franchise, in which the car is based upon the real-life Aston Martin DB5, with direct influences from James Bond’s car.

The JB 700W can be customized with all manners of mounted weapons, including mounted machine guns at the headlights, and spikes that can be shot out onto the road, allowing players to burst the tires of the competition. There are also proximity mines that can help explode vehicles on the road that are in pursuit.

6 Rhino Tank

rhino tank at fort zancoda

Players can purchase a tank of their very own for $3,00,000. Or, they can skip the money, and take the mayhem straight to Fort Zancudo to steal it directly from the United States military. The Rhino Tank has some great weapons mounted to its design. From the simple turret that can be fired from inside the safety of this armored machine, to the powerful and intense cannon that can shoot shells powerful enough to cause mass devastation to anyone hit with it.

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Players should check out the Rhino Tank, as they are safe in an armored vehicle, complete with some great mounted weapons that allow for players in Grand Theft Auto 5 to wage war on Los Santos, and everyone there they have a grievance with.

5 P-996 Lazer


The military always has all the goods, and the P-996 Lazer is one of the best. This weaponized jet can be a great advantage to players that want to claim the skies in Grand Theft Auto 5. It can be stolen from the heavily defended Fort Zancudo and is well worth the risk of violence and mayhem against the military for this sweet piece of gear.

The P-996 Lazer is equipped with mounted cannons, that devastate anything shot by a single bullet. Each bullet from the mounted cannon can explode vehicles and jets. The other advantage of the P-996 Lazer is the guided missile system, which allows players to lock on and shoot their rivals out of the sky or the ground.

4 Buzzard Attack Chopper

GTA 5 Buzzard

For $2,000,000, players will be able to purchase this devastating vehicle of the skies. Players can use the Buzzard Attack Chopper to their advantage, calling upon Pegasus to deliver it to any nearby helipad. Alternatively, the Buzzard Attack Chopper can be found in Grand Theft Auto 5at Fort Zancudo or the NOOSE Headquarters at Sustancia Road.

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Not only is the Buzzard Attack Chopper brilliant at dodging missiles that lock on, but the Buzzard Attack Chopper has mounted weapons that can make players a true menace in the skies thanks to its mounted machine turrets, and the vast amount of rockets that can be fired and used as a lock-on target.

3 Insurgent Pick-Up

The Insurgent is a devastating vehicle, capable of taking on an obscene amount of homing launcher rockets, RPGs, grenades, and explosive rounds. The Insurgent is one of the best vehicles for safely navigating through the dangers of Los Santos, but even better, is the Insurgent Pick-Up, a variant of the militarised vehicle that has a mounted turret.

Although the mounted turret on the Insurgent Pick-Up isn’t the greatest for damage control, it’s still worthy of acclaim thanks to the fact that it will take a literal army of soldiers with RPGs to finally explode the vehicle. The price of $1,795,500 shouldn’t deter players from picking up this true beast on the road.

2 Vigilante

GTA Online Vigilante

Who wouldn’t want to be Batman? Isn’t that enough said about the Vigilante? This vehicle is directly inspired by the Batmobile from Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman movie. With the Vigilante, not only will players be able to lurk through the streets in Los Santos as the Caped Crusader, but they will find themselves in a rapid vehicle complete with missiles that can lock onto targets, whether those are vehicles or humans.

The Vigilante also has a boost option, allowing for players to speed up on the road, or use hills to their advantage to speed through the air. The Vigilante is a great vehicle, but sadly lacks an entry in Grand Theft Auto 5, but instead, features in Grand Theft Auto Online. That is, if players can spare the almost $4,000,000 required.

1 Oppressor Mark 2

The oppressor mk 2 is great for missions in gta online and has amazing maneuverability

Perhaps the greatest vehicle known to Grand Theft Auto 5 is the Oppressor Mark 2. Not only is this vehicle equipped with a rocket boost that allows it to traverse through the roads and the skies equally, but the Oppressor Mark 2 can also be armed with some truly devastating weaponry that will make anyone that comes across its path a target for destruction.

The Oppressor Mark 2 may only be in Grand Theft Auto Online, but it’s well worth the ridiculous asking price that can range from up to $8,000,000, with upgrades still needed. The targeted missiles and mounted turrets make it a weapon complete for griefers and allies alike.

Grand Theft Auto 5 is available now on PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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