Grounded, Obsidian Entertainment’s most recent game, is still in early access and is set for full release in 2021. The A Bug’s Life and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids-inspired game revolves around players being shrunk to the size of ants and trying to survive in the backyard. Grounded can be played in first-person or third-person perspectives as players build bases to protect themselves from predators.

Even though it’s only in early access, Grounded has had monthly updates to add to the experience and gather feedback. The most recent September update features new buildings like zip-lines and spinning wheels, but also fun Halloween themed items like Candy Corn and spiderwebs. This update did not feature bees, but there have been talks of the flying insects being added to the game since August, just after the initial early access release.

RELATED: Grounded: How to Get Bird Feathers

The Possibili-Bees

max grounded landscape

It’s been reported that bees and mosquitoes will be added to Grounded as new flying creatures that pose a threat to players. The predators in the game now, like spiders, are all ground-based, so flying insects would give players something new to contend with and worry about. Those who have built up their bases will be in for an interesting surprise when these insects are finally in the game.

There’s a variety of new and exciting ways bees could be incorporated into Grounded. The Grounded roadmap confirms they’ll be added as a neutral creature, much like the ants are when the game first begins. Ants don’t begin to attack until players threaten their food or become noticeably stronger, and bees could function the same way. They could start off curious about players, but if a player gets too close to their beehive, they could attack.

Beehives would also be an interesting and exciting addition to the game. Players have to collect ample amounts of food, like berries, and water to survive, or risk suffering starvation and dehydration. Beehives could produce honey and honeycomb, both of which could be new consumables for players. Honeycomb could also be used to craft new items for the player’s base. Also, much like ladybugs lead players to food sources, bees could lead players to honey; they’d just have to be careful when taking it.

Similar to the ants in-game, players could potentially ride bees when they’re introduced in Grounded. This could lead to new perspectives on the world and help players reach destinations they couldn’t before. It would make for some fun gameplay for sure.

Currently, the game has a setting to set how scary spiders appear in-game, so those with arachnophobia can still enjoy Grounded without being scared to death. Many people also have a fear of bees, called melissophobia, so it’s possible the developer will include a similar setting when bees are put into the game. Maybe the buzzing can be toned down in addition to changing the appearance of the bee itself.

Perhaps the most important thing Obsidian could do with the future bee update is to include information about bees and how they need to be protected in real life. The bee population is declining at a startling rate, so Grounded’s update would do well to bring awareness to the issue. At the very least, it could make sure players know not to hurt bees in real life, even if they might have to in-game.

Grounded’s bee update is probably a long way away, but players shouldn’t be worried about that yet. The game is still fun to play without bees, and its monthly updates add new content regularly.

Grounded is in early access for PC and Xbox One.

MORE: Grounded: What Does the Crow Do?