
  • Shields in Grounded can save you from dangerous insects, but be strategic as they lower damage output by 20%.
  • The Weevil Shield is easiest to craft and repair, ideal for early to mid-game. The Black Ant Shield offers more protection at a cost.
  • The Ladybird Shield allows for a free attack when blocked, but is harder to acquire. The Fire Ant Shield offers strong defense.

The world of Grounded can be very dangerous for the unprepared. The backyard is full of hostile insects and other creatures eager to devour the shrunken children struggling to survive within. Shields are particularly useful for staying alive in this hostile environment. While these tools do lower the player's damage output by 20 percent, they come with some substantial benefits as well. Like in many other games with shields, Grounded's shields can completely negate damage from an incoming attack. Heavy reliance on this tool, however, will leave players staggered and vulnerable.

Grounded: 20 Beginner Tips You Need To Know

Newcomers to Grounded may want to check out these hints and tips before getting started.

There are four shields players can craft in Grounded. Each one requires pieces from increasingly powerful creatures. Shields all come with their own advantages and disadvantages, but they're all solid options for protecting players from the miniature threats of the backyard. Here is a run-down of each shield on offer in the game.

4 Weevil Shield

A Solid Starter

A Weevil from Grounded next to the Weevil Shield
  • Unlock: Analyze Raw Weevil Meat
  • Crafting Cost: 4 Raw Weevil Meat, 2 Crude Rope, 2 Grub Hide
  • Repair Cost: 1 Raw Weevil Meat

The Weevil Shield is the first shield most players will manage to cobble together in Grounded. It relies primarily on meat from Weevils, which are small, non-threatening creatures that can be found rather plentifully all around the yard. Thus, the Weevil Shield is not only the easiest shield to acquire, but the easiest to maintain over time.

Grounded: 16 Best Weapons & Tools, Ranked

Here are the weapons and tools that stand out the most in Grounded.

As the only Tier I shield in the game, the Weevil Shield is definitely weaker than the other options in the game. However, its low resource requirements make it not only an excellent option for the early game, but a solid mid-game choice too. Weevil Meat is a plentiful resource, which makes repairing this shield effortless, unlike some of the game's more demanding shields.

3 Black Ant Shield

Getting Serious

A Black Worker Ant in Grounded next to the Black Ant Shield
  • Unlock: Analyze Black Ant Part or reach Brainpower Level 10
  • Crafting Cost: 5 Black Ant Part, 10 Red Ant Part, 4 Berry Leather
  • Repair Cost: 4 Black Ant Part

The Black Ant Shield is the only Tier II shield in Grounded, and as such, it lets players block significantly more damage than the Weevil Shield before their guard breaks. The trade-off for this increased efficiency is the substantial number of ants, both red and black, that the player must cut down in order to build the shield.

Ants are decently common creatures, and individually they're not a huge threat. However, just like real ants, these creatures will respond to threats with high aggression, swarming players that injure their workers. If a player isn't already decently well-equipped when they try to assemble a Black Ant Shield, they could be in trouble, even though the payoff is worth it in the long run.

2 Ladybird Shield

Hitting Hard

A Ladybird in Grounded next to the Ladybird Shield
  • Unlock: Analyze Ladybird Shell
  • Crafting Cost: 5 Ladybird Shell, 4 Lint Rope, 2 Pupa Leather
  • Repair Cost: 2 Ladybird Shell

The Ladybird Shield is a hefty defensive option with a potent perk to back it up. Blocking an attack with this shield grants a small chance for a free attack that doesn't cost stamina. If played strategically, this is a good way to maximize damage with a heavy weapon. The Ladybird Shield is therefore a much more strategic option than the others on this list.

Grounded: How to Get the Mossy Key (& What It's Used For)

This guide contains full details on the Mossy Key in Grounded, an item that can be used to obtain the Sunken Outpost BURG.L Chip.

The trade-off for this powerful move is how difficult Ladybird parts are to acquire in the first place. These large, aggressive insects are very dangerous in a fight, and can kill players pretty easily with their lethal two-hit charge attack. Players whose builds don't rely on this shield's unique perk might prefer to steer clear.

1 Fire Ant Shield

The Might Of The Swarm

A Fire Soldier Ant in Grounded next to the Fire Ant Shield
  • Unlock: Analyze Fire Ant Head
  • Crafting Cost: 2 Fire Ant Head, 10 Fire Ant Part, 4 Pupa Leather
  • Repair Cost: 5 Fire Ant Part

As one of two Tier III shields in Grounded, the Fire Ant Shield is a strong defensive option for players. The Block Corrosion perk it comes with has a chance to increase damage taken by a creature who gets blocked. When paired with a quick, efficient weapon, players can use the Fire Ant Shield to deal a lot of damage quickly.

Of course, this shield also requires a lot of parts from fire ants, which are very aggressive and quite dangerous in large groups. Since these creatures are plentiful and hostile on sight, they're hard to avoid as the player starts exploring the more dangerous parts of the yard. Odds are that players will gather a lot of fire ant parts whether they want to or not, and to that end, a Fire Ant Shield is a solid defensive option for all.


PS5 , Xbox Series X|S , Nintendo Switch , PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 27, 2022
Xbox Game Studios
Survival Horror , RPG