Insect bites aren't usually deadly, but in Grounded, the players are the same size as the very insects that nibble at them. Thus, most encounters with these bugs end up in deadly dances; in such situations, having all the healing available on hand is more than necessary— it's recommended. One can't have too much healing.

Related: Grounded: How to Get a Mint Mace

But what exactly are the best ways to heal in Grounded? Players can just sleep off their injuries, but there's a sleep cooldown and limit, making that healing method too janky. Instead, players are recommended to pack the following healing materials so they can survive the Yard better. All of them are either crafted or found just lying about in their own backyard.

Fiber Bandage - Regeneration

fiber bandage in grounded (1)


  • Plant Fiber - 3
  • Sap - 2

By far the best and most cost-effective way to heal in Grounded is the Fiber Bandage. This is a craftable item that doesn't need a workshop and players don't really need an in-depth explanation for this since the game introduces it handily in the first few opening hours.

Granted, it's not as handy as other ways to heal since the Fiber Bandage doesn't offer instant healing. Instead, it gives players a regenerative effect for a short while. Do note that both duration and healing amount do not stack so there's no point in using more than one at a time until the duration runs out.

Aphid Honeydew - Small Instant Heal

Aphid Honeydew farm in grounded
  • Free food item

Thanks to Aphids, players get a free emergency source of healing not just for health but for hunger and thirst as well. This Aphid by-product will heal all three important player gauges and they can just find it lying around in most locations though likely not in batches.

The healing amount for the Aphid Honeydew is as follows:

  • Food +7.5 percent
  • Water +10 percent
  • Health +7.5 percent

Because of the encompassing nature of this food item, players are recommended to use it sparingly and only in cases where all three or at least two of the survival gauges will be healed. They might work well in combat in a clutch since they heal an instant amount but don't count too much on them since the said amounts are quite low.

Smoothies - Instant Heal

For something that works better than the Aphid Honeydew when it comes to healing and covering other stats, then the Smoothies are the better option, especially in combat emergencies. They do require a Smoothie Station to be crafted, so it's best to plan ahead with Smoothies.

Related: Grounded: How to Get the Melted Moat Key (& What It's Used For)

They heal a set percentage instantly; most of them also come with an additional bonus or buff that will last a while. These slushies are practically potions. Here are the different types of Smoothies in Grounded.

Questionable Slop

grounded minotaur maze key


  • Any three ingredients

Players can make a potion with just about any ingredient in the game that they can farm. If crafted this way, they won't have an additional game-changing buff but they will heal set percentages in these gauges:

Related: Grounded: How to Get Twinkling Shells

  • Water +10 percent
  • Health +25 percent

That +25 percent to health (depending on quality) is nothing to scoff at. It's more than handy when it comes to spiders or boss fights. Of course, the best part is that the Questionable Slop can be much cheaper than crafting a Fiber Bandage since players just need three random ingredients. Don't leave home without this.

Fuzz On The Rocks

Fuzz on the Rocks quartzite in grounded


  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Clay / Quartzite
  • Mite Fuzz
  • Pebblet

For the best instant healing in the game, Fuzz on the Rocks takes the crown. It heals around 33 percent of health depending on quality. On top of that, it also gives a bonus to max health. In summary, here's how much Fuzz on the Rocks will give the players:

  • Increased Max Health
  • Water +10 percent
  • Health +33 percent

Again, the quality of the base ingredient and the crafting will affect the amount of healing; but generally, Fuzz on the Rocks is one of the most reliable Smoothies in the game. The ingredients are also not that demanding.

Gastro Goo



  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Stinkbug Gas Sack
  • Fungal Growth
  • Aphid Honeydew

A better use for all those Aphid Honeydews lying around is to convert them into Gastro Goo Smoothies. On top of healing, it gives the following effects:

Related: Grounded: How To Get Ant Eggs And What They Do

  • Gas Protection (same as Gas Mask)
  • Water +10 percent
  • Health +25 percent

Thus, it's also a great option for players who suddenly ran out of Gas Mask durability and the corresponding item needed to repair them. It's best to reserve this kind of Smoothie for certain areas and encounters, of course.

Green Machine

Green Machine in grounded


  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Algae
  • Sprig
  • Clover Leaf

For those looking for an all-rounded smoothie like the Fuzz on the Rocks that is actually easier to craft, then the Green Machine might be more ideal. It gives these effects:

  • Increased Stamina recovery
  • Water +10 percent
  • Health +25 percent

Stamina, after all, is one of the most precious gauges in Grounded and helps a lot in survival, defense, and offense. So make sure to pack in a lot of these during assaults.

Boost Juice

grounded-smoothie-station (1)


  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Raw Aphid Meat
  • Mushroom
  • Acorn Bits

Boost Juice is another easy Smoothie to craft. Most of the ingredients are available around the oak tree. It's also not that different compared to the Green Machine with the following effects:

Related: Grounded: How To Get The Pinch Whacker

  • Increased Max Stamina
  • Food +25 percent
  • Health +25 percent

The nuance is that players can substitute it for food in case they need more in their hunger than in their thirst meter. It also pairs well with the Green Machine for massive amounts of Stamina.

Hedge Lord

Hedge Lord smoothie station in grounded (1)


  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Berry Chunk
  • Aphid Honeydew
  • Acorn Bits

It's a bit harder to craft due to the Berry Chunks and the Aphid Honeydew requirement, but the Hedge Lord is always a good addition for endurance exploration runs. It gives the following effects:

  • Decreased Hunger and Thirst decay rate
  • Food +25 percent
  • Health +25 percent

It's like a superfood of sorts. Players will want to opt for this instead if they find themselves constantly running low on all survival gauges.

Human Food

picnic-table in grounded (1)


  • Grub Sludge / Gum Nugget / Muscle Sprout
  • Fresh Apple Bits
  • Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits
  • Fresh Billy Hog Bite

Speaking of superfoods, the Human Food Smoothie is by far one of the most premium slushie options in Grounded. It requires a lot of fresh ingredients— those that are usually found near picnic sites. It's worth it alone for these effects:

  • Increased Damage Resist
  • Food +25 percent
  • Health +25 percent

The Human Food helps a lot in making the need for healing less frequent as it essentially turns the players into tanks. It is tricky to craft due to the rarity of the ingredients, but overall worth it for boss fights.

Grounded is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.

More: Grounded: How to Get Tier 2 Shovel