Nintendo has some of the most iconic games in the business, but even a juggernaut company needs outside assistance at times. Similar to how Sony has acquired numerous teams to work under one umbrella, Nintendo has also made partnerships with other studios to work on games for its platforms. Grezzo has had a great deal of success working with Nintendo, with the studio's most well-known effort potentially being the 2019 remake The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, which received positive reception and sold very well.

Earlier this year, a job listing for Grezzo hinted that the company was already hard at work on its next project. Based on the details within this job listing, it seems to suggest that Grezzo will be tackling a game that features RPG mechanics of some kind. While a vague description based on the company's quality track record, it's enough to get excited, especially considering the wealth of Nintendo properties that Grezzo readily has access to. Based on this, there are a few educated guesses that can be made as to what this mystery RPG title will be.

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Another Legend of Zelda Remake

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The most obvious assumption would be that Grezzo is working on another remake for a past game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. Although Link's many adventures aren't technically full-on RPGs, they do exhibit many qualities of the genre. Inventory management, traveling to new towns and meeting NPC's, and upgrading gear and magic are all elements commonly seen in RPG franchises like Final Fantasy. So while not an RPG in the traditional sense, The Legend of Zelda does do enough to fit Grezzo's bill.

Furthermore, there are still a handful of older titles that are screaming for a similar remake treatment to Link's Awakening. The toy box visual style that Grezzo came up with looks stunning, and could very well fit other games in the series. Classic Game Boy games like Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons would look great in this style or even The Minish Cap would be a solid choice. Whatever Grezzo would pick, Switch players likely wouldn't say no to more content from The Legend of Zelda series.


earthbound with 3d ness image

This one may seem like a pipe dream, but stranger things have happened in the gaming industry. Old franchises revived, titles long thought canceled being brought back, it seems like the sky is the limit each passing year. Metroid Dread being announced and released the same year is a good indication that nothing is impossible, and the time may finally be coming for Earthbound to make its long-awaited return. The cult classic RPG has grown to have a sizeable fanbase, all of which clamoring for something new in the series.

The localization of Mother 3 never becoming a reality has been a point of contention for a long time among fans of the franchise. However, with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles finally being localized for the West after so many years, there may be hope for Earthbound as well. In order to finally deliver upon this long-awaited release, Nintendo may be planning something a little bigger and more special for fans to look forward to. Shiny new graphics, overhauls on mechanics, and just a general coat of polish could make this the Earthbound game that fans have been waiting for.

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Ever Oasis Sequel

ever oasis 3ds switch sequel nintendo grezzo

After Grezzo remastered The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for 3DS in 2015, it got to work on an original idea of its own called Ever Oasis. Launching in mid-2017 at the tail end of the 3DS life cycle to favorable reviews, Ever Oasis was a fun, lighthearted, and colorful new take on action-adventure games, and most importantly, it heavily featured RPG mechanics.

It's possible that after working on a few different Nintendo properties in a row, the company may want to revisit a concept of its own for a new game. The original game already looks gorgeous on the 3DS, so a new title on the Switch would likely look twice as impressive. A sequel to Ever Oasis would be a huge surprise and welcome addition to an already packed 2022 Switch lineup.

New IP

Question marks on a blue background

As exciting as any of these would be, it is of course always nice to get something completely fresh and new. As mentioned with Ever Oasis above, Grezzo is just as capable of coming up with its own ideas as it is working on pre-established franchises. The Nintendo Switch is already littered with a bevy of installments from Mario, Link, and the rest of the gang, so something completely original would be highly enticing.

To return to the aforementioned job listing on Grezzo's website, there are a few more clues as to what the work would entail. The employee would be working on a game with "medieval" and "stylish" designs. While this could once again be associated with The Legend of Zelda, the job listing also goes on to specifically mention that the project is a new, original idea. It of course remains to be seen what this all ends up being, but Grezzo has proven itself in the past to be an extremely talented studio under Nintendo's belt.

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