Surviving in the forests of Green Hell is exactly that, when players are constantly under threat of being eaten by the animals that live amongst the trees, such as jaguars and black panthers. Staying well-armed at all times is of great importance.

Related: Green Hell: How To Start A Fire

Players should be constantly attempting to upgrade their weapons and tools to make facing off against an angry tribe or angrier animals much easier. The longer they survive, the better gear they can obtain, and that is why it is important to know what weapons are best for each point of this hardcore survival, be it starting or late game.

10 Stick Blade – Early Game

Crafting a Stick Blade in Green Hell

Starting off, one of the first weapons a player will want to craft in order to not only collect resources but also to survive is the Stick Blade. This compact weapon can be easily crafted by combining two small sticks, s small stone and rope.

Players shouldn't rely on blades like this for combat against hostile enemies, as the safest bet is staying as far away from those that can cause harm. The blade should be for a last ditched effort, as dealing damage from a distance is safest.

9 Axe – Early Game

Pressing on crafting on the menu wheel in Green Hell

Although this axe looks like it could fall apart in seconds, the Axe although a starter weapon does a decent bit of damage compared to its more realistically designed lesser-half, the Stone Axe. Players will need to combine a stick, two small stones and rope in order to craft this dangerous tool.

Similar to the Stick Blade, survivors should not rely on this weapon when in combat and is better suited for attacking from a distance, this should only be if there is nowhere left to run.

8 Modern Axe – Early To Mid-Game

The Airport location in Green Hell, it is a clear opening from the trees

Green Hell isn't just some uninhabited island, as players will stumble across both makeshift man-made buildings and their modern tools. One such item is the Modern Axe that can be found randomly, such as in the airport while exploring.

Related: The Forest: Best Base Locations

The Modern Axe is commonly used for chopping down trees, it will always be found with max durability, meaning players that don't have a very good crafting skill will always have a decent axe on hand. It also does a considerable amount of damage to both animals and natives, making it a ripe choice when in danger.

7 Obsidian Blade – Mid-Game

Crafting an Obsidian Blade in Green Hell

After players have got their bearings, it is time for them to consider improving upon their past tools. Once locating obsidian, players should upgrade their blade to the Obsidian Blade for better resource collecting and protection.

With enough crafting skill, this can be constructed by combining an obsidian stone, a small stone, and rope. It may look like a simple rock, but this sharp stone can slice and may be the weapon that fends off a hungry jaguar that has been stalking a foraging player.

6 Four Pronged Spear – Early Game

A player crafting a Four Pronged Spear in Green Hell

Although easily crafted early game, spears are by far one of the best melee combat weapons a player can equip and use while surviving in Green Hell. Foes can be easily kept a spears' length away, and the versatility of this weapon due to how it can be thrown also makes it a great ranged option when facing natives.

As a Four Pronged Spear can be made cheaply by combining two small sticks, a large stick, and rope, a player can create them in bulk to make easy throwing weapons to fight enemies with.

5 Stone Spear – Early To Mid-Game

A Stingray Caught on the end of a spear in Green Hell

Swapping out the weaker spears for a Stone Spear as quickly as possible will guarantee a player a better chance at both hunting and defending themselves. This spear is also quite cheap to craft as it only requires a stone blade, a long stick and rope.

Related: Raft: How To Get A Bow

Unlike the other starter spears such as the Bone Spear or the Four Pronged Spear, this spear can be thrown further. This can make defeating certain animals in the forest easier to deal with, such as the South American Rattlesnake or even attacking a Jaguar from a distance.

4 Metal Blade – Late Game

A player walking in Green Hell holding a crafted blade

By far the greatest blade that can be crafted by a player, the Metal Blade may still be a dangerous weapon to wield due to how close they must be, but its damage makes up for this. Unlike the other weapons on the list, more work will need to go into crafting this, as a metal blade mold must first be constructed.

After crating the metal blade cast, this can be combined with rope to make the most durable blade in-game, meaning it can be used for much longer and therefore compensating for the time it takes to construct.

3 Metal Axe – Late Game

Chopping a tree with an axe in Green Hell

Only just beating the Metal Blade in ranking, it possesses enough damage to easily defend a player against the ambushes of Natives, while also containing the durability to not break mid-battle or chop.

Related: The Forest: The Best Armor, Ranked

This weapon also takes a lot longer to craft, requiring players to first make themselves a Metal Axe cast by using a Metal Axe mold. This can be seen as a challenge. However, late game players should already quire a lot of the resources needed to craft the separate items needed to put it together.

2 Bamboo Bow – Whole Game

Bamboo Bow on the crafting stone in Green Hell

A weapon that can be crafted early into playing Green Hell and will stick with the player throughout their survival is the bow. With three varieties to choose from that all fire arrows at the same distance, it doesn't matter which bow a player has equipped if they have one.

The Bamboo variant can be crafted by combining a long bamboo stick and rope, making a light and easy-to-use weapon. Players starting off will want to use normal arrows, however late game these will need to be changed out for metal ones.

1 Metal Spear – Late Game

A player holding a spear looking at a waterfall in Green Hell

Metal Spears are incredibly powerful weapons that would be wasted on a player's normal use of spear fishing. With the capability to kill an attacking native in only two hits, this spear should be the end goal for any player hoping to survive in this nightmare.

It can also be thrown for a decent distance, though players may want to think twice before they risk losing their spear as it does require a Metal Blade cast, a long stick and rope. Making it quite the time-consuming weapon to craft.

Green Hell is available now for PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

More: Green Hell: Best Base Locations