
  • GreedFall and Steelrising share a similarity in being set in the 18th century, drawing inspiration from historical events and artistic styles.
  • Despite their alike period setting, GreedFall leans towards fantasy with Baroque architecture while Steelrising is more science fiction with mechanical enemies.
  • Spiders aims to establish signature design with both games set in the same period, showcasing distinct styles and themes leveraging on historical events.

GreedFall and Steelrising are two of indie developer Spiders' biggest hits, and with GreedFall 2: The Dying World's early access release coming this year, GreedFall's legacy will continue to live on. GreedFall and Steelrising are undoubtedly different games, with GreedFall being more akin to a typical old-school BioWare RPG and Steelrising likening itself to Soulslikes like Lies of P and Bloodborne, even though both games are technically classified as action RPGs.

Despite being two different games, GreedFall and Steelrising share a similarity not common between multiple titles from the same developer — being set in the same period and drawing inspiration from the artistic style and historical events of the time. At the same time, they approach this similarity in two entirely different ways, making both of them unique in spite of their affinity.

How One of GreedFall's Companions Is Already Set Up to Return in GreedFall 2

It has been confirmed that players will be visiting Olima in GreedFall 2, which means one companion from the first game is already set up to return.

GreedFall and Steelrising Have Different Takes on the Same Period

GreedFall and Steelrising Are Both Set in the 18th Century

GreedFall and Steelrising may be very different games, but they are both alike in the period their stories are set in. Specifically, both games are set in the 18th century, and although Steelrising actually takes place in Europe, GreedFall is only European-inspired. However, although both games are set in the same period, GreedFall's primary location of Teer Fradee is an original location designed for the game, whereas Steelrising's setting is an alternate take on real history.

GreedFall is most recognizable by its appearance, in which its architecture and fashion are inspired by Baroque art from 17th-century Europe, despite the game's story being set in the 18th century. Decorated buildings all populate the fictional island of Teer Fradee's major cities, exhibiting the dignity and luxury of baroque architecture. GreedFall's fashion, on the other hand, mimics European colonialism to a tee, which plays into one of the game's main overarching themes.

GreedFall and Steelrising may be very different games, but they are both alike in the period their stories are set in.

Unlike GreedFall, Steelrising takes place in a real location during a real event, albeit in an alternate reality. In Steelrising's alternate version of revolutionary Paris, during the French Revolution in 1789, King Louis XVI and his mechanical army are terrorizing the city in an attempt to rewrite the course of the revolution and reshape the fate of France. Players must then put an end to his tyranny while under the control of Aegis, an automaton masterpiece specially crafted by the engineer Vaucanson to be the queen's bodyguard.

GreedFall’s Fantasy Setting Contrasts Steelrising’s Science Fiction Scene

Where GreedFall and Steelrising differ the most is in their take on the period they are set in. Spiders has made it clear that GreedFall was built with the glory days of BioWare in mind, so its mechanics and approach to gameplay take on fantasy as a genre. On the contrary, Steelrising is clearly more science fiction in its themes, with intelligent machines serving as the game's main enemies, as well as its protagonist.

It's interesting that Spiders has chosen a very similar period for two of its most popular games, and it's clear the developer wants to establish some sort of signature design it can be recognized for. GreedFall 2: The Dying World is a prequel set only three years before the first game, so it will also take place during the same period. Furthermore, Spiders has already confirmed GreedFall 2 will feature the same "Rembrandt-inspired design" and maintain that "Golden Century feel" the first game had. As a result, Spiders' style of choice is becoming clearer with every game and will likely continue to set its games apart from the rest.