In a game where one assumes an existing role as a character in the setting, one's relationship with other characters can heavily determine how immersive a player's experience will be, particularly in RPGs that are very story-driven. Greedfall, by French indie developer Spiders, provides gamers with a way to not only build a party but also form meaningful bonds with one's allies.

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For those who care about their relationships with others on Teer Fradee, romance can be a fun and interesting mechanic for getting to know one's favorite ally better than simply fighting alongside them against bandits and beasts. However, close relationships with the 5 possible companions in the game will yield unique dialogue as well as stats bonuses, making them objectively useful beyond the story and immersion-related reasons.

The first companion that the player, De Sardet, will meet is Kurt, who turns out to have some history with De Sardet and their family. As a stalwart ally and mighty warrior of the Coin Guard (who gives a bonus to the Craftsmanship Talent when befriended), Kurt can be a decent choice for a companion to romance, though, before setting one's heart on this melee-fighting master, players should know that Kurt is only romanceable by female De Sardet. If one is of Kurt's preferred in-game gender, the player can get closer to him by completing his personal quests and speaking to him afterward for some special conversations with unique dialogue.

Personal Quest #1 - Missing In Action

close up of the coin guard companion's face.

This personal quest, and the following ones for Kurt, all become available by speaking with the Coin Guard himself when one has completed enough main quests. If the player does not get the option to start this quest when speaking with Kurt, do more main quests and try talking to him afterward.

In "Missing in Action", De Sardet will need to aid Kurt as he investigates death and corruption within the ranks of his faction, the Coin Guard.

Missing In Action Quest Checklist

  • Find the young recruit in the New Sérène Barracks
  • Investigate the morgue for clues
  • Find evidence of some suspicious lies
  • Confront the doctor about these lies
  • Ask the intendant for his advice on how to proceed with the investigation
  • Question the lieutenants of various regiments (optional, yields nothing except lore)
  • Investigate the tavern for more clues
  • Offer the recruit a drink to loosen his tongue (the bottle of brandy needed can be bought in Sérène or New Sérène)
  • Confront the lieutenant of the 11th regiment about the gathered information
  • Wait until night and then speak with the lieutenant once more
  • Learn about the sinister 'ghost regiment'

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Which Dialogue Option To Choose When Talking With Kurt After Missing In Action

Completing this personal quest will give a +3 to the player's relationship status with Kurt, which will make him like De Sardet more than before, however, the conversation one can have after Missing in Action can further deepen this relationship, as can future conversations that follow completing Kurt's personal quests.

When having this conversation, there will come a point where De Sardet will be given the option to tell Kurt that they want to understand him better, which is the best choice for furthering one's romance with the Coin Guard.

Personal Quest #2 - Amongst The Ghosts

kurt in the companion selection menu.

It will take Kurt some time to dig up information about the ghost regiment, though, this will be about 5 complete day and night cycles if one wants to speed the process up by repeatedly sleeping. If this does not yield the dialogue option to start "Amongst the Ghosts", doing some main quests can often alleviate the issue.

In this personal quest, Kurt tells De Sardet of the mysterious ghost regiment in the Coin Guard and asks for their help in investigating things further.

Amongst The Ghosts Quest Checklist

  • Go to the ghost regiment's camp with Kurt
  • Interrogate the instructors
  • Interrogate the recruits
  • Find a way to distract the instructors to stop them from interfering with the investigation
  • Question the recruit named Wilhem once more
  • Pretend to exit the ghost regiment's camp
  • Sneak into and search Captain Rolf's office for clues
  • Learn about the secret of the camp's basement
  • Save the recruit named Wilhem from his punishment (optional, but gives +1 reputation with Kurt)
  • Arrest Captain Rolf for the crimes uncovered
  • Protect the recruits

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Which Dialogue Option To Choose When Talking With Kurt After Amongst The Ghosts

Completion of this quest will grant another +3 to one's relationship with Kurt, though, players can gain another point if they rescue the recruit named Wilhem from his fate, making the total possible relationship gain +4, which will significantly increase Kurt's admiration of De Sardet.

To deepened the connection even more, when speaking with Kurt after Amongst The Ghosts has been completed, the player will have the opportunity to tell Kurt a story about something involving De Sardet and their cousin Constantin's childhood. This will interest the Coin Guard and set things up for the final leg of this romancing pursuit.

Personal Quest #3 - Settling The Debt

kurt and many soldier standing on a battlefield.

Give Kurt a few more days to process the events that transpired in Amongst the Ghosts and then speak to him again to pick up his last personal quest, "Settling the Debt". Once more, if the chance to start it does not appear in Kurt's dialogue options after about 5 days, do some main quests to progress things.

Kurt will need De Sardet's help to deal with the scumbag behind the crimes witnessed and heard about in regards to the ghost regiment. Now is the time to seek our Major Herman and make him pay for all the wrongs he has done!

Settling The Debt Quest Checklist

  • Talk to Sieglinde in the New Sérène Barracks to acquire a special letter
  • Talk to Inquisitor Aloysius in San-Matheus and give them the letter
  • Gain entry to the prison and speak to the corporal within
  • Find, purchase, or craft 3 Sleeping Potions for the corporal
  • Give them to the corporal so that they let the player pass into the room beyond
  • Go within this new room and there will be some lieutenants as well as soldiers
  • Talk to the common soldiers and convince them to leave (optional and involves a Charisma Talent check, but results in fewer people to fight)
  • Talk to the lieutenants to begin a battle with them
  • After defeating the lieutenants, head to Major Herman's home
  • Confiscate Herman's pictures and then deal with the man as one sees fit

Which Dialogue Option To Choose When Talking With Kurt After Settling The Debt

Following the completion of this quest, De Sardet can once more have a chat with Kurt about what has happened and in regards to a few other things.

During this exchange, the player will have a chance to tell Kurt how they feel by expressing that they want to be part of his future, which is the winning dialogue option for romancing the Coin Guard. After this, one can spend some time alone with Kurt to truly consummate their love and reach the highest point of their relationship.

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